Is it wrong if I didnt kiss my boyfriend because...?!


Is it wrong if I didnt kiss my boyfriend because...?

He drank too many sodas?!

I HATE soda...thats like all he drinks and it's disgusting...He really needs to cut down and Ive been trying ot get him to...what do I do?!

Is this a punishment or do you just hate the taste of soda from kissing him? If it's punishment then that's just wrong and a little too controlling on your part. He might have second thoughts about you and point out your insignificant flaws as well. If it really bothers you because of the taste, then tell him and make him understand that you really don't like it when he kisses you after drinking soda. But really, this is kind of trivial. It's only soda, not alcohol or cigarettes, or some kind of drug. Is it worth losing him for?

In all honesty, there are a LOT worse things than sodas. If that's his only fault, you should consider yourself fortunate.

yeah, and it's wrong that you posted this question.

yeah thats totally retarded

~Tell him that soda isn't good for him. He needs to drink WATER.
I love pop, but I've been on water for months now, I feel so much better.
I understand how you feel, I can't stand the smell of alcohol.~

Buy him gum. Don't be too controlling and take soda away from his life. It's an addiction. There are people seeking therapy for caffeine addiction. Not saying that he's like that, but you can't just take it all away I'm just saying. Just tell him that he should cut down on soda, don't give him options like "do it or I won't kiss you".

Is he dribbling all over and not wiping his mouth? If not, why do you feel its disgusting? Is it because his breath smells like Pepsi or is it just the thought of all that liquid sugar passing his lips?

i'll be's not the best reason....but i totally understand. have you told him that you think he should cut down??? if you have then he should either cut down or not push you to kiss him when you don't want to....but if you haven't than you really need to tell him....if he loves you he'll understand

I guess it's just one of your things. Try getting him to drink juice instead, and chew gum. Also, do try to get over it.

I think it depends. If you're refusing to kiss him in an attempt to change his behavior, I think that's sad and manipulative. If he refused to go near you because he didn't like your hairstyle or your shirt or your love of, I don't know, soy milk, how would you feel? Manipulation isn't going to solve your problem -- it's just going to make him resent you.

If you are concerned about his health, by all means discuss your concerns with him. Some people say that if someone loves you, they'll change for you. That's mistaken thinking. Part of being in a healthy relationship is accepting your partner for who they are. If you expect someone to change every little thing (and drinking soda is a pretty little thing), you're asking for trouble.

oh, kiss him anyways

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