Brits: if you've lived abroad, what food did you miss?!


Brits: if you've lived abroad, what food did you miss?

I found I missed British-style sausages and marmalade. Oh, and chip-shop fish suppers of course!

Flavoured crisps, fish 'n' chips, Haggis (yes I'm a Scot!). Although I missed them I could live without them - if you choose to live in another country I think you should try to embrace their food too - it's all part of the experience. Besides - the things I missed tasted way better when visited the UK!

I missed pork sausages, bacon, cheddar cheese, HP sauce and ribena. And lots of other things - but they're just the major things!

I missed real real british tea and Good english breakfasts but even when i ad them abroad they weren't the same

My daughter lives in the Middle East and craves fish and chips (from a shop) whenever she is home; I also have a standing order to take a bottle of HP sauce to friend living in Madeira.

I missed good cheddar cheese and a decent cup of tea. Of course i missed the chippy but it's funny, now i'm back i hardly ever buy fish and chips.

potatoes, rice, vegetables, fruit.

Maybe I should not have gone to Africa.

1. Decent fish n chips (of course)
2. Vimto (sometimes Ribena)
3. Cadbury's chocolate when in Asia, although that's appearing now
4. Marmite

Elephant leg aka, the kebab... after a few beers!

i lived in USA for 2 years
i missed loads of things,but most of all were;

Chip suppers
Digestive Biscuits

The great british breakfast with black pudding and bubble. Oh and Daddies sauce

In Singapore all types of food were available so there were none which was unobtainable.

Tea bags, Bovril, bacon. Do not get me wrong - with the latter two I could live, but once spoke to my Mum on the phone while living in Germany and wept and wept and she could not understand what was wrong with me. I finally got out that I had no teabags left!

She spoke to her mother who lived in another part of Germany and to whom we had often taken teabags to and she promptly sent them off to me and they arrived the next lunch time. They lasted long enough for my Mum to send me a much larger amount! Ah, bliss. I confess, I am a teaaholic!

One of my friends said HP sauce

pork pies cereals. fish and chips.

A great British cup of tea and beans on toast!!!!!Yummy

living abroad doesnt make any1 go without!!!i am away from home,&everytime a family member or friend comes to see me,i always give them a list with things i do not find here!so instead of coming with an empty luggage,they come over with a good supply of stuff for me...&then they can do their own shopping for clothes or stuff which they need & go back with their luggage full of their desired things!!!tea,HP sauce,ketchup & other groceries like that are found worldwide nowadays as everywhere has its own supermarkets!!!
i look forward to see my friends & family every now & then...BUT i like it best when they are emptying their FULL luggage with my goodies!!!

Live in Spain and can get everything in the food line that we could get in England so there is no food that we miss.

i live in germany and i miss fish and chips .

a decent takeaway!
we live in Cyprus and they have Chinese and Indian takeaways but they are just not the same, tasteless and so over priced.

the things i miss most are convenience shopping....anything other than a pub or coffee shop is closed from 8 pm and 3pm and a Wednesday

i miss being able to get everything we need from one place, IE asda/tesco

and i miss ikea and matalan!

hence why we will be moving back shortly, there is a lot of political BS that we are not looking forwad to going back to but, once you have lived in another country you begin to realise just how easy everything is in the UK.

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