Where does chewing gum come from?!
Where does chewing gum come from?
It may sound like a dumb question and it probably is. Its an argument between my sister-in-law and I. She says it is just thrown together with ingredients. I say that it comes from a certain plant and then ingredients combined with that.
Its from a tree. I saw it in tv where its kind of like sap and thats what they use. I dont know if they still do that today, but Iknow thats where it originally came from.
I think it comes from the chewing gum tree!!! Tee! Hee!
yea ur rite.thats what i heard. you'll win, trust me
in comes from the inside of a berrey called well i forget but the berrey is from canada
It's from a tree.
lots of stuff look it up and you will get the ingrede to make