If the government made it illegal to eat meat?!


If the government made it illegal to eat meat?

If the government made it illegal to eat meat, would you finally accept that animals are free and that you can no longer mistreat them?

This is what it took to free the slaves in America. The Civil War had to happen before the moraless ones finally accepted that all people are free.

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1 week ago
Eating them qualifies as mistreating them, I don't care how humanely you say they are treated.

1 week ago
Old Fart!, how dare you refer to slavery as a luxury. That is one of the most racist statements I have ever read. Will everyone please please please report this guy and get him banned from Yahoo! Answers immediately!!!

1 week ago
hvn_fun2, how dare you say, "Are you still waiting for your 40 acres and a mule?". How can you be so racist. Am I the only one here who is noticing the connection between racist people and meat eaters. They are one in the same.

1 week ago
XxsarahxX, thanks so much for your reply. You are a true vegan.

1 week ago
Eating them qualifies as mistreating them, I don't care how humanely you say they are treated.

1 week ago
Old Fart!, how dare you refer to slavery as a luxury. That is one of the most racist statements I have ever read. Will everyone please please please report this guy and get him banned from Yahoo! Answers immediately!!!

1 week ago
hvn_fun2, how dare you say, "Are you still waiting for your 40 acres and a mule?". How can you be so racist. Am I the only one here who is noticing the connection between racist people and meat eaters. They are one in the same.

1 week ago
XxsarahxX, thanks so much for your reply. You are a true vegan.

You are quite clearly a poor sick thing that I believe needs some specialist care.

To this end I have reported you for this tirade and will continue to do so for any further outbursts from yourself.

Eat your vegetables and learn to live with the fact that others don't want to enjoy a limited diet.

i already dont eat it

I would eat the government, and then eat the animals again

no point asking me im a vegetarian

Animals are not human. Totally different story

Not gonna happen.

nope i wud break the law and go and start up an underground abattoir

Yeah, but it would take a totalitarian government to do something that drastic and intrusive. Even if the animals were free, we *wouldn't* be.

And the animals wouldn't be free, anyway. Dogs would still wear leashes, cows would still be killed for leather, sheep would still be kept for their wool, etc.

EDIT: I suppose that lions killing antelopes qualifies as mistreatment as well, then.

No we would overthrow the government

How do you think we climbed the evolutionary ladder from tree ape to human in 3 million years?

By eating nuts and berries?

Meat protein has allowed the development of the human brain to what it is today.

You might not like what we've become, but I've seen the alternatives in zoos and quite frankly I'll stay with the meat thanks very much.

Enjoy your nut roast, I've had a lovely salad this evening with ham and beef too and a nice glass of wine as well, which I could never have had had my ancestors all followed your philosophy.

PS how did you slip past the natural selection process?

What animals would those be? Farmers won't just keep them because they make the countryside look pretty.

it was never legal as far as i know to eat slaves

they would be over thrown

you seen what the cattle ranchers did to oprah

god created animals for us to kill and eat. the whole point of cow's lives are to be killed and eaten .....

You can't compare slavery to eating meat. One was a luxury and the other is an essential need for man. Although it's your choice to be a veggie, you can't ram it down the throats of others. People would still eat meat anyway, in things like carnivore speak easys (which I'd set up). Paedophilia, Drugs, Murder, Rape and a million other things are illegal, doesn't stop people doing them

I'm all ready a vegetarian, and I don't think the government is ever going to do that because I'm pretty sure that Arnold likes his juicy steaks.

If the government banned the eating of meat [what planet are you on!] I would eat fecking bleeding heart, liberal vegetarians!

God put animals on the earth to consume each other. Are you going to change a tigers diet? What about a shark? Some animals eat veggies and some eat meat. We learned this in grade school. I can understand the concern for animals but they are not all pets. People on the other hand are different. It is wrong to be a cannibal. That is why we eat cow.

There would be a big out cry about it by the people and especially by companies like Wendy's.

Well I have been vegetarian for about a month, but I dont believe its wrong to eat animals, although I believe our diet should consist of a much greater proportion of vegetables, but I wont eat meat because of the way they are treated.

Food is of such fundamental value that altering it as substantially as you are suggesting would be futile.

uh many people cant live without meat and theres probably about a 0% chaNACE THE GOVERENMENT WOULD MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO EAT MEAT. humans are animals as well and some of us are omnivores.

i dont really get ur question :s

Making it illegal to process/sell meat is surely more along the lines of what you're trying to say?

Making it illegal to eat it, but it still being on sale seems a bit redundant personally.

If it was made illegal to sell meat, then I'd be more inclined to hunt and kill my own food.

Illegal to eat? I'd probably do it anyway, as such a law seems like it would be too difficult to enforce to worry about.

God put animals here for us to have dominion over and too eat. If a law was passed like this, I and many others would probably be fugitives.

then some of these animals would become extinct, because i cant see cows, pigs and sheep living in the wild, and no one would want them as pets.

Animals are meant to be eatten. That is why they exist. Humans have domain over all the birds in the air and fish in the sea along with every animal and plant that grows on the earth. Eatting meat is required in our diet. Without meat we would not be receiving proper nutrition. Ask any nutritionist that is properly qualified. The proteins and iron vitamins that are found in meat cannot be replaced by a substitute.

To answer your question, the government would never ban the production of meat. It is absurd to think they would. The fact that your comparing freeing hte slaves to the killing of animals is also absurd, slaves were people..meat is from an animal. If i were killing a slave to get my meat, then yes it is wrong and inhumane, but slaves do not exist anymore and I am not killing a human for my meat. Stop acting silly.

I don't understand why you only eat grass and nuts for? Meat is lovely and at the end of the day you'll never stop these animals being killed for food so you may as well tuck in like everyone else.

i have this kind of discussion with my vegetarian sister.

there is a thing called a food chain.

its like trying to stop spiders from eating flies. do you want birds to stop eating mice. all due respect to vegetarians but eating meat is a natural part of life.

This is a beleif called speceism, it was introduced by Peter Singer in the 70s. The reality of it is that your really on the wrong side you wish you would be on. I was a vegetarian for 7 years, and a vegan for two of those years, this was until i started studying nutrition in college, and realized that i was really hurting my body al those years.. When you say veggie do you mean vegan?? if you eat milk, or eggs your mistreating animals (milk especially). The leading cause of death for migrating birds is cell phone towers, and the increased grain consumption of vegetarians is a major contributor to the millions of animals that get killed in combines every year. The argument is null, and if you walked up to an animal, and it felt threatened by you it would try to kill you.

Are you 15?

the gelatin molds for the keyoards you are using is made partially of gelatin, and some of the white sugar you eat is bleached via bone charring.

if i had to give up meat such as pork or beef they might as well put me 6 foot under

i doubt that would ever happen, but by the slim chance that it would, most people would totally move out of the country.

I see the analogy you're trying to draw. I don't know that it's EXACTLY the same thing. Even if it is, I don't think you'll ever convince most people that the life and well-being of a fish, a chicken, a cow, whatever, should be given equal status with that of a human being or even their family pet.

I think a more persuasive approach will likely be to continue educating/informing people of the potential health risks of eating animals and the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. Preaching from on high about the immorality of it all is unlikely to get results you want!

dont u like to be eating

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