You are a Vegan/Vegetarian, do you really know how to eat well?!


You are a Vegan/Vegetarian, do you really know how to eat well?

Have you talked to an RD? Have you noticed the enormous market developing for vegan goods? maybe someone is profiting from you.

Do you know what a complete protein is? how often do you need it? how many grams of these proteins, and what time of day? do you get calcium? how do you absorb it, is it with a proper balance of magnesium, and phosphorous (bizarrely the perfect balance is found in milk), or is it in orange juice with a no phytochemicals? How much calcium do you need boy/girl? until what age do you calcium deposits keep growing?

Do any of you have any trainign in nutrition? Imajor in it and have since given up vegetarianism, one was at the request of a doctor (b12 anemia hidden by the Folate i was eating in bread), and secondly out of fear of long term health consequences, apparent in the vast majority of vegans.

how do you deal with the hypocrisy, the keyboard you are using has a gelatin base!!! the cell phone towers kill birds, and fish poop cultivates rice.

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1 week ago
" Vitamin B12 is a member of the vitamin B complex. It contains cobalt, and so is also known as cobalamin. It is exclusively synthesised by bacteria and is found primarily in meat, eggs and dairy products. There has been considerable research into proposed plant sources of vitamin B12. Fermented soya products, seaweeds, and algae such as spirulina have all been suggested as containing significant B12. However, the present consensus is that any B12 present in plant foods is likely to be unavailable to humans and so these foods should not be relied upon as safe sources. Many vegan foods are supplemented with B12. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of the nervous system, and growth and development in children. Deficiency can cause anaemia. Vitamin B12 neuropathy, involving the degeneration of nerve fibres and irreversible neurological damage, can also occur."

1 week ago
Leading cause of death among migrating birds ios cell phone towers. I dont imagine that is the case for squirrels and electric boxes. Spinach doens't have more calcium that is a myth, and it is low quality calcium that cannot be absorded as easily as milk and yogurt and cheese.

Meat eaters usually eat just as badly as vegetarians, but vegetarians think they are eating well, and love to preach about how healthy they think they are.

also the: "if you do the research...i have" comments, or the "I studied nutrition in college" comments return please specify the research, and ther university you claim to have gone to. Remember that nutritionist are not reputable sources for nutrition info, you have to speak to Registered Dieticians.

1 week ago
Boiling milk does not destroy any B12, the vitamin is water soluble, and boiling lowers the quantity. Boiling any food containing any B complex, C vitamin, or Water soluble A vitamin (carotene) will surely take away the vitamins. Otherwise cooking isn't so bad, it actually mkaes protein easier to digest, and witha lean cut of meat you body has the required emuslifcatoy properties to digest it quickly and dispose of it.

1 week ago
" Vitamin B12 is a member of the vitamin B complex. It contains cobalt, and so is also known as cobalamin. It is exclusively synthesised by bacteria and is found primarily in meat, eggs and dairy products. There has been considerable research into proposed plant sources of vitamin B12. Fermented soya products, seaweeds, and algae such as spirulina have all been suggested as containing significant B12. However, the present consensus is that any B12 present in plant foods is likely to be unavailable to humans and so these foods should not be relied upon as safe sources. Many vegan foods are supplemented with B12. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells, the maintenance of the nervous system, and growth and development in children. Deficiency can cause anaemia. Vitamin B12 neuropathy, involving the degeneration of nerve fibres and irreversible neurological damage, can also occur."

1 week ago
Leading cause of death among migrating birds ios cell phone towers. I dont imagine that is the case for squirrels and electric boxes. Spinach doens't have more calcium that is a myth, and it is low quality calcium that cannot be absorded as easily as milk and yogurt and cheese.

Meat eaters usually eat just as badly as vegetarians, but vegetarians think they are eating well, and love to preach about how healthy they think they are.

also the: "if you do the research...i have" comments, or the "I studied nutrition in college" comments return please specify the research, and ther university you claim to have gone to. Remember that nutritionist are not reputable sources for nutrition info, you have to speak to Registered Dieticians.

1 week ago
Boiling milk does not destroy any B12, the vitamin is water soluble, and boiling lowers the quantity. Boiling any food containing any B complex, C vitamin, or Water soluble A vitamin (carotene) will surely take away the vitamins. Otherwise cooking isn't so bad, it actually mkaes protein easier to digest, and witha lean cut of meat you body has the required emuslifcatoy properties to digest it quickly and dispose of it.

Alas, there is a lot of hypocrisy here and they will devolve the entire human race, since they believe that all their prenatal nutrition can be carried out with a veg diet. Also the fact that they think that they can get vitamin A and D from plant sources even though they are only fat soluble and vitamin A can only be processed from carotenes to retinol throught healthy thyroid function, which most Americans do not have because they are overweight also symptoms of a deficiency would not manifest for a long time, possibly a few years. Also, cholesterol is a necesity in the diet for proper brain and neurotransmitter growth (stance of Board of Pediatricians aka baby doctors). And doctors have since said that the RDA of vitamin A and D should be about ten times higher than it is right now.

Also, beebs eats fish and drinks milk (raw milk)

He is not on his high horse, the entire world is on the floor sound asleep to the many health problems. He at least cares about your health enough to make an effort to change your diet. Food companies do not care, it is all about the profit.

Woo woo! Alert!!! Somebody's on their high horse! Ha ha! Here's a question. How long did you spend typing out that long boring question? Oh, and another, how does it feel to be a smug know it all?

Thank God there's a market developing for vegan goods. That must mean there are more vegans around for someone to think we're worth exploiting :-)

Forget vegans. Do you now ANYONE sad enough to set up charts and graphs measuring how much protein and calcium they get a day? Do you stand outside McDonalds and give people the lowdown on the nutritional content of the fat, greasy burger they're about to munch?

I could go on but you clearly so full of yourself that it wouldn't be worth it. You carry on drinking your milk mate and let everyone else get on with what they think is best.

Your "question" makes no sense. Yes, I know how to balance my vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants and phytochemicals. I cant imagine why someone that majors in nutrition doesnt know how to stay vegetarian. If you eat alot of "enriched" foods, such as white flour, rice, cereal, etc., then the whole vitamin issue can be messed up by overdoing it, and can throw off the balance of necessary nutrients. The vitamins in enriched products come from animal sources anyway, so eating them does not support a vegetarian lifestyle. B12 is not produced naturally in animals any more than it is in humans-it is fed to them in their feed as nutritional yeast. A human can consume nutritional yeast just as easily to maintain B12 levels, and other B vitamins. I just had a vitamin profile done last week, and all of my levels are fine, despite the fact that I eat no "enriched" foods, eat strictly organic, and do not consume animal products, and havent for years. I also had a vitamin profile done on my 12 year old veggie daughter, and her levels are fine too. It sounds to me like you just were not committed to being a vegetarian (I dont mean that as a criticizm, just an observation) If you do the homework, its easy to thrive on a veg diet. As for the keyboard, cellphone towers, etc-thats all beyond my control, but I do my part not to support an industry that is as corrupt and unsanitary as the meat and commercial milk industry.

l am with and beebs they said it all you go and beebs woot woot

First of all, if you do the research (I have), you find out how you balance your meals. Some people. because of allergies to certain foods, might have to take supplements. But a vegan diet is healthy as long as it is balanced. (Balancing is the key here).
And when I was researching, I found one website that did address the hypocrisy. This person stated that while you can do as much as possible to save animals (and really for some vegans, they don't do it for the animals--they do it for health or to protest the inequality that 3rd world countries face), that it was not possible to avoid using animals in this world--we, at this point in time, rely on animals for everything. I would personally prefer to save the animals that I can (and my health in the process--I don't want to end up in renal failure like my grandmother and having diabetes like my grandmother and mother).
I don't know everything, but when I'm not sure, I research.
You need to step down off of your high horse. You don't know everything. Get over yourself.

I am trained at a university in nutrition and I am vegan. I eat a very healthful diet. The hysteria about ENOUGH protein and proper protein balance is very old news and not at all accurate.

Get off your high horse and deal with your bizarre issues about vegetarianism. What is it to you?

How many omnivores do you know that are trained in nutrition? How many do you know that researched almost everything they eat on a daily basis? How many do you know that even consider the thought that maybe meat and dairy just isnt that great for you and is uneccesary to a humans health? How many adults do you know that question the ludicrousy of still nursing at their age??

*if you really do major in nutrition, why is it you dont know the answers to these questions?? Or did you mean you took Health in high school 1 hour a week in p.e. class?

*also if you are going to copy and paste a website, be sure to copy it all not be so selective.
Good sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians are dairy products or free-range eggs. ? pint of milk (full fat or semi skimmed) contains 1.2 μg. A slice of vegetarian cheddar cheese (40g) contains 0.5 μg. A boiled egg contains 0.7 μg. Fermentation in the manufacture of yoghurt destroys much of the B12 present. Boiling milk can also destroy much of the B12.

Vegans are recommended to ensure their diet includes foods fortified with vitamin B12. A range of B12 fortified foods are available. These include yeast extracts, Vecon vegetable stock, veggieburger mixes, textured vegetable protein, soya milks, vegetable and sunflower margarines, and breakfast cereals.

EDIT lol, where are your sources there genius. You gave us a link to the vegetarian societies web page, and thanks for that. But if that info wasnt good enough for you why did you use it???Given you didnt address the fact that you edited out the last half of that page?

Why yes..yes I do.

I'm curious why here? I mean..this applies to all humans?
Do omnivores typically know how to eat well more so then vegans? How many omnivores understand how you need balanced amounts of calcium and magnesium for absorption?

B12 is available and theres a lot of controversy on B12 absorption.

It's not bizzare theres a balance in milk. Milk is liquid portable diet for nursing young period. Human, cow or any kind. Just because it's something of this sort it doesn't mean we are meant to continue using it. Our species didn't even begin to produce lactase post-childhood till well after the neolithic period...this should scream that its an evolved trait and went along with our domestication of said animals. Pretty ironic eh?

Spinach has more calcium ounce for ounce then milk does.

I am late for work now..I don't think I'd care to really argue this point since I do just fine..perhaps the question is:

You are an instigator, do you really understand how to communicate with humans in proper manners?

Everyone alive is a hypocrite..the difference is we try our best as any human should to pick the lesser evils and to evolve towards eliminating them all.

Are you any better if you're "not" a so called hypocrite by contributing to the murder of animals while you still are using a keyboard with a gelatin base? Get real amico. Common? try?

Wow, wondered where I put that soapbox.

First off, I know more about proper nutrition(protein, calcium, B12, etc) that I ever did as an omnivore. How many people have training in nutrition(omni or vegetarian)?

Any diet not properly put together is unhealthy and bound to run into problems. I have talked with professional nutritionists, which have all said my diet was fine. We compared it with my old eating habits when I first went and the difference in nutrition was shocking.

It is easy for a person to talk about hypocrisy when they are doing nothing. I am aware of the animal ingredients, etc that are in certain products. I find that doing what I can, is the most important thing. No matter what a person does, they can always do more, and its easier for people doing nothing to point out the faults of others, instead of looking inward at themselves.

I had to laugh at the high horse comment...that was my laugh for the day, thanks.

Did you know that squirrels sometimes get electrocuted in the electrical boxes on the poles forgot that one...OOOOPs...And probably rubber tires on cars and bikes have animal products...ooops...and we might step on a bug by accident ooops..Or dig into a worm in the ground..oops...


Right on top of your head...YEP!! Come off that high horse!! Go eat some Mike Sells potato chips and drink some coke like the rest of us regular folk...

Why does someone have to consult with another person about what they eat if they have no problems? There weren't registered dieticians hundreds of years ago, although there were vegetarians thousands of years ago.

get off your high horse and get over yourself, no one knows exactly how much of each nutrient they need or what time of day they need it or whatever. you do not need to be a nutritionist to have any diet, whether you eat meat or not.

thanks for the two points by the way.

I would suggest that you compare the money spent on beef, chicken, pork, etc. then to the "market" for vegetarian/vegan meals and you tell us which is the larger amount. Many a university study critical of one of the big industries (including sugar, dairy, meat, etc.) has been shut down or tempered due to pressure from these powerful industries.

If you really do your homework (I and many of the folks here have, by the way), you'll find that a vegan lifestyle is far healthier than a meat eaters diet. Make a list of the diseases caused by eating meat, and you'll see what we mean.

Q:Have you talked to an RD? Have you noticed the enormous market developing for vegan goods? maybe someone is profiting from you.

A:only tofu makers and farmers

Q:Do you know what a complete protein is?
A: yes to all those, and i drink fresh home made juice daily

Q:Do any of you have any trainign in nutrition?
A: no training persay, but i am alive and very healthy, i am gonna eat more and start lifting weights, i want to look like the guys from 300

Q:how do you deal with the hypocrisy,
A: one dummy at a time, one question at a time

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