Why go vegetarian?!


Why go vegetarian?

No offense to vegetarians but, why go vegetarian when there are so many things you can't have? I mean, come on! On Thanksgiving, you can't have turkey but you can have tofurkey. I like tofu but nothing is as sentimental as turkey on Thanksgiving.

Also, think about a taco. Who likes LETTUCE on a taco? ACK! No! I think it's crazy. I respect you guys I just want to know why the heck you go vegetarian.

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1 week ago
Also, I HATE red meat but you all know that the only reason that there is a deer hunting season is because they reproduce so fast that they would over-populate the earth.

It's the same for cows and pigs and chickens and turkeys and fish.

1 week ago
I heard that you have a loss of protein too.

1 week ago
Also, I HATE red meat but you all know that the only reason that there is a deer hunting season is because they reproduce so fast that they would over-populate the earth.

It's the same for cows and pigs and chickens and turkeys and fish.

1 week ago
I heard that you have a loss of protein too.

Well itz life everybody is going to die and so are animals so god told us that we should eat animals! I dunno I like Thanks Giving and everything. Maybe people want to loose weight by being a vegeterian. Im not sure but they have their reasons!

because it is not rite to eat animals

Because the animals don't wont to die do think that that turkey wonted to die so you could eat it? l don't think it did! Because animals feel pain! Because no living thing wont to see there family ripped away and killed! Because animals wont to be free!!!!!!

I'm not a vegetarian. and i'm not all for animal rights either.
i'm a temporary vegetarian. i just watch what i eat. usually, i only have meat once or twice a week.
on occasions, i'll have turkey like at thanksgiving, etc. but i dont gorge on it.
and honestly, a lot of people who eat meat don't realize how much stuff there is other than meat.
its also proven better for you, it gives you more energy, and increases your metabolism.

Vegetarians just don't think the mass killings of millions of animals is worth it for the sake of a moments taste. That's all it is...one moment of limited pleasure for you just cost another creature it's life. I don't mean to preach, I'm just explaining the way we see it.

Thanksgiving isn't a sentimental time of year for turkeys. I bet that if you visited a turkey slaughterhouse around Thanksgiving or Christmas time you wouldn't touch the stuff again.

I would say the most common reasons for going vegetarian are either ethical or health-related.

The main ethical reason would be because a person does not think it is right to eat animals. The animals can feel pain and the methods of slaughter used are often just inhumane.

The main health reasons would be that meat is often high in fat, especially saturated fat, and also that the hormones and antibiotics usually used in raising animals are not good for you to eat.

i'm not a vegatarian. i cant go a week without any meat! but i have a few reasons why people go vegan, or vegetarian, either way!
1) dont you care about the cute little animals of the forest getting killed just cuz you wanna eat em!
2) everyone wants to be skinny. easiest way is to go on a diet of celery!
3) some people like vegetarians. they think that they care about whats enviromental and for some reason, they think most of em are hot! who do you know that is a vegetarian?
4) some people just love vegetables.
5) meat (might) make you fat, and have a blowout of acne!
6)if you have a gross lunch menu at your school, you might wanna stick with the salad.
7) vegetables make you healthier.

and thats all i can think of. seriously, i dont get why anyone would wanna be a vegetarian either. i mean, how could you eat a taco with lettuce and tomatoes! i know, its disgusting. but some people are just that way, they're is nothing wrong with them, thats just the way that they are supposed to be......
<(^o^)> - see you wouldn't wanna eat this poor little birdy would'nt you?

Some people do it for animal rights, some people do it for health, some people just do it because they want to try something new. It's not for everyone though.

I use to be a vegetarian, now I eat meat a limited amount of time a week. Anyways, vegetarianism (if done correctly) is a lot healthier for you. Also, I do believe we are omnivores, so I have no qualms about eating animals, but in the U.S., most of the animals that are killed for food are raised in factories which are practically unlivable. They also inject animals with lots of unnecessary antibiotics and hormones (this in turn affects the animals eggs/milk too!), which WE end up eating. When I can afford it, I am going to try to make all of the animal products that I buy organic, and if you can afford- you should too!

Oh yeah, Thanksgiving. You mean that holiday were we celebrate the beginning of the Native American Genocide. Instead we bombard ourselves with pictures of smiling pilgrims, Native Americans, and turkeys (oh yes, please slaughter me and my family). Yes, Thanksgiving - where we stuff our faces till we feel ill while people are still starving and malnourished (yes in America). You're right nothing is so sentimental as a turkey carcass to make me think of slaughter and starvation - and Americans wonder why other countries think we are ignorant and obnoxious.

"No offense..." & "I respect you guys..." - your question does not suggest respect - it suggests you are poorly informed (and offensive).

Ariel, this question gets asked every 5 minutes - I'm sure you can find a couple hundred responses to this just by reviewing previous Answers.

umm because we care about animals, and dont like the thought of eating FLESH!

i became vegetarian cuz its i wanted to.

turkey is just gross! i didnt eat it before i was a vegetarian. so i dont miss it.

and the taco thing! i put black bean burger slices in as my "meat"

when us vegetterians have tacos there isnt just lettuce on it!!!

its called meatless meat, like bocca brand and it taste just fine!

This is why im a vegetarian http://www.slaughterhousecam.com/...

I am a vegetarian and I don't feel as if I am missing out on anything. Yes meat tastes good to me, but the benefits and the compassion that I have developed far outweigh the joy of eating meat. I am proud to turn down meat and tell others I am a vegetarian.

Animals die to keep omnivores alive. I don't like that kind of unnecessary blood on my hands.

I also feel better about myself. My health is better than ever and my weight is great too.

Another thing; the food is fantastic! Vegetarians can eat tacos, tacos with fake meat. Let me tell you they are delicious. I would rather chow down on mock-meat than a poor dead turkey any Thanksgiving.

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