Vegetarian for a month?!


Vegetarian for a month?

I want to MAYBE go vegetarian for a month but my parents can't know. My family doesn't crave meat but we eat it a lot so, how could I go vegetarian for a month without my parents knowing?

Additional Details

1 week ago
We don't eat dinner together so I don't have to worry about that.

1 week ago
It's for a month because I want to try it out first.

1 week ago
We don't eat dinner together so I don't have to worry about that.

1 week ago
It's for a month because I want to try it out first.

Well, if you take food into your room then you could just scrape it into a bag or something and throw it away when you get the chance. Make sure you chunk it quickly though, cause it'll sink bad.

why only a month?

Do you have a dog?

just tell them that you don't want to eat that, when it's time to eat meat. you would like something else.

Umm they would really need to know, unless you do the shopping. In order to maintain a "healthy" vegetarian diet you need to buy accordingly. I suggest getting a book from the library and discuss it with your parents.

find an indian (hindu-indian) vegetarian hotel. you can find lots of cheap very tasty vegetarian food there. declare you have found a source for Indian food and take home food from there or eat there.

Also, if you can, i would very much like to have a mesquite chicken sandwich from Quizzinos, for here, no cheese, add bacon. I miss it so much. I left USA for good for 6 yrs and live in India

I'm kinda doing what u wanna do. I hate meat, my parents know but they still think im eating it. So when we eat i always fill my own plate myself and avoid the meat without my mom noticing.. like if we're having stake and potatoes i only take the potatoes, or sometimes i jst put the meat back when shes not looking..
haha have fun, hope u understood what i mean xx

Why, would your parents be upset if you tried to do something healthy for yourself?

Why a month? Is this going to prove something?

Read up about vegetarianism. I think you have alot of misconceptions about it. Like the "lack of protein" myth.

i don't understand why you don't want to let your parents know, but that's up to you, i posted a yahoo search for vegetarian below, check it out and get some idea's about what to do,

You should really let your parents know. I did the same thing when I decided to go vegetarian(didn't tell my parents for awhile, but I was already over 18) when I did tell them(they had thier suspicions anyway, lol) they reacted quite differently than I expected. My mother said "Well, that is your choice." You may find that your parents are more understading than you think.

I suggest just bringing it up one day, sit down with youor parents and let them know. First do your research on what goes into a healthy diet and show them the info. Make up a meal plan for a month(what you will eat for breakfast, lunch dinner) and a shopping list of the food you need to prepare these meals(which you may have to do yourself).

As other people have asked, why a month?

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