VEGETARIANS ONLY!!! kid vegetarian needs advice!?!


VEGETARIANS ONLY!!! kid vegetarian needs advice!?

im 11 and im a vegetarian and i have been for 1 year but i eat tofu and soy products.People keep telling me if i dont eat meet i will grow up deformed.they also tell me i wont grow boobs and i will stay the same height. im 4 6 right now. HELPP! i hate meat its so cruel what they do but i dont want to grow up deformed!!!

Sweetie, pay no attention to the narrow minded fools that tell you that you NEED most, they have been brainwashed by the meat industry that meat is necessary. My daughter is 12 and she has been a vegetarian for years. She is very healthy, and is also taller than her classmates. If you are getting protein from soy and tofu only, try adding in some other sources such as quinoa, millet, amaranth, rice, beans, lentils, etc. The people that are telling you that nonsense have not done their homework on the subject, and they dont know what they are talking about-they are simply passing on the same misinformation they were raised with. Feel free to email me or my veggie daughter if you want to. Keep up the good work, my dear!

As long as you are eating, and putting nutrients into your body you will be fine, the people that are telling you this are not well informed...

Like I use to be!

Good for you!
You will not be deformed. It is the healthiest and proven to promote a longer, healthier, thinner life. When a meat eater gets their heart disease and high cholesterol, the first thing their doctor says is to skip the meat, especially red meat.
However, its crucial you make up for some of the key vitamins which you are doing. Portien for one is higher in soy meats than in chicken AND has little or no fat and never cholesterol. Its high in many vitamins. But the problem is some vegetarians dont make up for these things, but its no worse than the big mac eaters who havent had a healthy piece of food pass their lips.

that's not true, you just need a lot of protein which is in beans, nuts, and yup, tofu too...

You will not be deformed.I am a vegan and i am 10 years old and i am 5'4.

hey you won't be deformed!!! The only thing you need to do is make sure you get all the essential vitamins, minerals and also amino acids. Alot of my friends are vegetarians and they are healthier than alot of people...I drink bolthouse farms drinks, which are loaded with 18 amino acids and they taste good also. But go talk to your doctor and he/she will tell you if you are ok and what you need to do to stay healthy...but trust me you will be fine. best luck to you.

They are just trying to freak you out. You are eating the right stuff so don't worry, you'll be fine.

they're just trying to scare you. i'm 17 and i have been a vegetarian for years and quite frankly there are no deformities to date.

im a vegetarian and im 15 and im 5'10 so people are just messing with you they just wont you to eat meat so dont listen to them

Um i have a friend who was raise vegetarian her whole life, she never even tasted meat before, and she has huge natural boobs, probably d cup. And she is stronger than her boyfriend, who is my brother, my brother admits that himself. She eats a lot of legumes and carbs, but also plenty of veggies. She weighs 145 pounds, but its mostly muscle, and she is very healthy. She's 5 ft 3' which is average height.

Sorry sweetie.......I'm not , but I was raised with vegetarian parents and didn't eat meat until I got married at 22 yo.
I didn't think of my diet as being cruel to animals, or being was just what I was raised with. I started cooking and eating meat when I got married, and I do enjoy meats on occasion.
While in high school, (I won't tell you how many years ago), it wasn't hard for me at all. I was a cheerleader, on the swim team and gymnastics. Way back when.......I placed 3rd in All State as a gymnast. I am close to 50 now, no longer a complete vegetarian, but love vegetarian food.
I am not deformed in any way, but still short and slim.
As far as boobs........honey, it's not meat that grows big boobs, it's heritage or implants. You can't do much about height, but you are only 11yo now, and still have some growing.
I know you won't understand this yet, but it's a great thing be short. You can date short guys or tall guys. Short guys will think you're incredible because you are not taller than them. Tall guys will think you're incredible because you are such a cute little button............or you can wear heals and not overtower them.

THE MOST IMPORTANT though, is not your size, but your heart and mind.

That s a lie lie lie lie lie!!!!! Those people(i don't care f they're your FAMILY) are horrid and jealous that, on the contrary, you will grow up HEALTHY, THIN, with LESS acne than meat-eating girls you age (excluding other acne factors), and with definite breasts(soy promotes breast growth in women-it's been proven--unless you have a family history of smaller ones). Not to mention you will NOT be deformed from being a vegetarian and MOST importantly, you will grow up KIND(you obvioisly care about animals) seriously, don't let anyone get to you--you're perfect!!!!

it's simply not true. pediatricians today are learning that meat and dairy are actually bad for kids.

my daughter is 3 and she has been vegetarian since birth. she is tall for her age, strong, energetic, and her doctor says that she will have many health benefits over other kids.

many athletes, dancers, and performers are vegetarian. it keeps you energized and helps build lean muscle.

eating meat makes people tired and fills their heart with cholesterol which causes heart attacks. so you are doing the right thing.

i have a friend who's 24 and has been eating vegetarian since she was 11. so you keep on with your path. it is the right one.

i highly doubt that will happen. take some vitamins.

Hello! Many people believe that eating meat gives them strength.If this is true,then why are the strongest animals in the world vegetarians?Where did they get their strength?Did you ever stop to think that the animals that we do eat are vegetarians?All the meat eating animals find it necessary to sleep 16 to 18 hours daily because of excess toxins.The meat eating animals live a very short life.Nature has supplied such a bountiful supply of fresh,wholesome food,that there is never a need to kill an animal for it's more toxic flesh.So print this off,and show it to your meat eating friends.Stay healthy.

everything those people told you is a lie. you'll be way more healthier if you don't eat meat.

As long as you get enough protein and nutrients I think you'll be fine. I became a veggie when I was 13 and I am doing well. Just don't listen to them and you'll do great. It's bold to be a veggie so young. Be proud! Good luck, too.

Most people couldn't tell you the visible difference between a cut of meat from a human thigh or a bovine thigh... thats something to tell them next time they harrass you with it! it is cruel and gross. Growing taller and developing boobs is natural and won't be effected by your choice to not eat meat. Starting this young you have a lot of opportunities to be so much healthier then your peers as long as you stay dedicated to learning about nutrition and balance... good luck =)

11 Y Vegan. My parents tell me the same. But think girl, there are vegans/ vegetarians out there, are they deformed? Nope. And the saying, eating fish makes you smart. Well can penguins ace every test? Some people just have no education one the subject. DO WHAT U WANT!

Oh honey, don't listen to what those people say. They are afraid because you are challenging their boundaries. It makes people uncomfortable to hear another point of view. You will not grow up deformed. You will grow up smarter and healthier. Height and boobs are a matter of genetics (I apparently, didn't have that boob gene, but whatever.) Do what you think is right. Accept who you are. Be comfortable with yourself, there is nothing hotter than that.

They are wrong. They are taking studies done on soy out of context. I would limit my soy but not for the reasons they are giving you. They can actually acts as Hormones to the body, which is just the opposite of what these people are telling you.

Here is a super site for a Vegetarian.

Don't worry, you won't grow about deformed...they are just trying to make you eat meat. If you're worried about protein...make PB sandwiches, eat nuts, eat edimomi, brown rice, yogurt, etc. Don't listen to those people! As long as you get the right amount of protein, you will grow up fine. :-)

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