What is better, Chicken or Beef?!


What is better, Chicken or Beef?

Specially when your Drunk.

this is a complicated question. it all depends on if you are asking about the environmental, long term health, short term health, ethical, or taste reasons. chicken is better for most:

with beef you run the risk of mad cow disease because some beef is infected with long-term prion diseases, which are viruses that cannot be killed by cooking. they are infected with mad cow because some of their feed contains blood meal or organs and cows are intended to be herbivores. not many cattle are tested for mad cow and the federal government prevents small beef producers from testing all their cows in order to protect the larger companies. in this regard, chicken is absolutely safer.

with beef you receive more artery clogging fats. chicken has far less. in this regard chicken is safer.

most beef is raised in confined animal feed lots (CAFO's) and fed species-inappropriate grain diets of corn to rapidly fatten them. on the other hand, you can easily find free-range/organic chicken that was allowed to roam a bit, and a it is okay if a chicken's diet insludes grains. in this regard, free-range chicken is better.

most beef is artificially inseminated which is really not pleasant on an ethical level. chickens are generally allowed to do their own thing. in this regard, chicken is better.

chicken is generally more contaminated with short-term damaging bacteria than beef. in this regard, beef is better.

in terms of taste, particularly male tastes, beef is better.

beef contributes a tremendous amount to global warming. the methane produced by beef is a significant contributor to greenhouse gasses. chicken is much less so. beef also produces alot more runoff waste that contaminates streams and rivers. in this regard, chicken is better.

honestly, in terms of either, the conditions in which they are raised are generally so bad, that neither is a "good" choice. i love to drink and i am a vegetarian. i have found that when you are drunk potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and vegetables (except for salad) are the best thing to eat. but if you are going to choose, you are better off choosing free-range chicken.



father is in the cattle business

I dont get drunk but I prefer beef.


I think Chicken is really healthier, but as far as taste, it really depends on how you cook it and your personal preference. I personally like chicken better in most cases.

chicken-- more versatile

oh and btw-- you would like beer can chicken-- it's where you cook a chicken over a beer can (no joke!) and the chicken absorbs the beer juices, making it very flavorful and juicy!

I go for chicken. <*-*>


when your drunk neither! Me, I prefer beef.

Its better to eat before you drink. More Protine you eat before you drink the better chance you don't wake up with a hang over.

Chicken. Beef clogs your arteries


Beef. Beef and Broccoli, Yum!!

niether, they both were innocent animals that were killed (chickens r healthier though)

Ever since I saw a bumper sticker that said "BEEF, it's what's in your colon", I've been eating more chicken.

i guess it depends whether your the drunk chicken or the drunk cow

I eat alot of Chicken, so thats my answer..

Take care...



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