Is this a lot to eat?!


Is this a lot to eat?

today i have had:

2 bowls of special k red berries cereal, one w/ skim milk & one without, watermelon, an apple, non fat yogurt & some oatmeal with cinnamon.

is this a lot? any suggestions about what i should eat?

Very healthy but wheres the cooked meal with the protein, eg fish, eggs, meat?
A well balanced diet is good, there are so many web sites you can look at just type in healthy eating or diet and loads will come up.
Good luck

yes to fat achololic *****.........whale

try 1 bowl of special K red, with skim milk... the maybe apple.. and watermelon mixed in the nonfat yogurt... no oatmeal tho..

It the fruit comes in a cup , its ok.. But I would just eat 1 Bowl of Cereal, The fruit and a non fat yogurt...

Take care...


First off, who has been telling you lies? Because the only reason that I can see someone only eating two bowls of cereal and some fruit.....for a WHOLE DAY....obviously is getting told that they're fat....either by themselves or others. So, shut yourself up (or your friends), look up this friendly thing called the FOOD PYRAMID, and start eating already!!!!!

Total quantity is not a lot, but it's very unbalanced.
The only protein was in the skim milk & yogurt.
The apple, watermelon, & cereals provide fibre.
You need at least an egg or cheese & meat.
If you're vegetarian, try nuts or beans.

It looks like a healthy abundance.

have to have some protein like grilled chicken breast over a salad or alone with steamed broccoli a cup of broccoli or caulflower

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