How many times can I drink tea per day?!


How many times can I drink tea per day?

I normally drink 5 tea,and 3 green tea per day,what is the effect of this on health?

Green tea is very good for health. There are lots of benefits, ask a chinese. Normal milk tea is okay if you keep it restricted to 2-3 cups a day, if its without milk then excellent (recently read in british health journal it said, tea without milk is good for health). Avoid drinking tea after 7 pm as it may affect your sleep. Best if you avoid drinking milk tea on empty stomach.

No need to mention, it does stain your teeth. So keep brushing regular.

Tea addict

i think it will affect how much u sleep because of all that zuconiom going in to ur skeloton and u will have to much zinc

It will severely dehydrate you. For every cup of tea you drink, you should drink a glass of water. 3 green leaf tea will seriously speed up your metabolism, you'll be likely to lose an unhealthy amount of weight. I'd cut down.

Well they say tea can be very good for you, but I'm not sure how much is too much. My guess is the only real concern would be the amount of caffeine you are drinking. Maybe try a caffeine free version. Or try this... when you first put the tea in, that's when most of the caffeine is released. So if you put it in for a few seconds, and dump that water and refill the cup, you should have cut back a bit.

i have been told by a doc that tea is a healthy drink,now green tea is a big thing,and i like it to,i dont think tea or green tea will hurt your health.

If you are drinking 8 cups? glasses? of tea per day, you are ingesting caffeine (not as much as coffee, but some caffeine) but the green teas have good benefits. If you drink them in the evening, though, you are possibly sabotaging your sleep. All teas, while fat free and carb free, are a mild diuretic, which may make you even thirstier. While the fluid intake itself is good for assisting the digestion of food and moving of the bowels, if you put sugar or cream in your tea you must consider this in your daily calorie count.

I've drunk tea all of my life and it has had no ill effects on me. Minimum of 7 a day, more at weekends.

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