What is the worst thing you have ever made?!


What is the worst thing you have ever made?

I once made a "Classic" italian dish which was artichoke tops in a mint and garlic sauce. The sauce was so awful it is hard to describe. I was literally paralyzed with disgust for 5 minutes while my mind tried to work out what i had put into my mouth. It was like the bitterness of a billion brussel sprouts condensed into one drop of fluid.

What is the worst recipie or food you've ever made?

Once when we were deer hunting the landowner had turnips that were still in the ground. We were camped by his garden. He said to take what what we wanted. Well, after a few drinks I got some turnips and boiled them with a couple cans of chicken noodle soup and cream of mushroom soup. Threw in some onions too. My hunting buddies wouldn,t stay in the camper it smelled so bad. I don,t reccommend you try this. When I woke up the next morning I realized why they were all outside. It smelled and tasted like cat pee. Yep, I tried it, But I won,t say how I know what cat pee tastes like!

I've made a lot of nasty stuff, but that was in the past, Im a good cook now LOL. One thing I remember the most, was my first try at making gravy. I had no idea how to do it and by the time I finished it looked just like cottage cheese with thousands of lumps.

a meatball recipe that used ginger ale...ugh!

When I was 12ish I decided it would be a good idea to make a mint chocolate cake.... So I make a chocolate cake and made green icing with LOTS of mint flavoring. It will forever be remembered as the toothpaste cake.

The worst thing I ever made happened today. I've never baked sweet potatoes, so I assume they baked just like white potatoes...they cook much faster. My sweet potatoes were placed in the oven on simple foil, they cook rapidly and melted like candles, smelling the entire house for the full day. peeee-you.

I don't cook (unless you count microwaving TV dinners! LOL!) but my mom once tried to make cole slaw w/o a recipe. Well, I can HONESTLY say that our pet goat Billy refused to eat it...and if a goat won't eat something, well, you gotta know it's baaaad!!!!!!!!

I followed a recipe for baked mac and cheese that said not to bake the pasta before you put it in the oven...and use two pounds of Cheddar cheese.

I was kind of leery about it so I checked on it about 30 minutes into it (half way through). All it was was melted cheese and uncooked pasta. So I tried to save it by adding some milk a mixing everything up. The pasta did cook, but it was extremely greasy. My father and husband were the only ones who ate it...no one else would have anything to do with it.

I once had a request from a customer to make a sugar free creme brulee. Absolutely disgusting but she loved it.

I once tried to use molasses to sweeten some rhubarb I was cooking . What a brown awful-tasting mess it made!

one day at the restraunt i used to work at i was making waffle batter on the line in the kitchen.In the station where i was i kept a dish of salt for finishing seasoning but it was usually up on the chest high shelf.Unfortunately one of the other cooks(its always someone else isnt it) used the salt and left the dish on the counter.......right next to my identical bowl of pre-weighed sugar.So of course the salt went into the waffles because i was so busy that i didnt notice the difference in the size of the crystals.I tried one after the first three customers(all at the same table) sent them back......wow waffles with twenty time the regular amount of salt are terible. But on the bright side i took a lesson away from th incident so silver linnings and all

pasta with clam sauce. it tasted like dirt.

I can't think of anything that tasted *bad* ~ but I did make a meatloaf last year that didn't set up (I've never made it, and thought it was pretty much a no-brainer!) The kids renamed it meat plop.
While I was dating my husband, my roommate and I invited our significant others over for movies and dinner. I was the 'cook' in our house, so we decided I should try to make homemade chicken pizza. No recipe. And I decided to use alfredo sauce for the sauce. It was soupy all over the place, and what didn't actually stay on the crust was burnt all over the bottom of the oven. It's a wonder he stayed around, let alone married me!

I once made a meatloaf so bad the dogs wouldn't eat it.

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