How do you feel when you hear a baby making loud noise in the restaurant?!


How do you feel when you hear a baby making loud noise in the restaurant?

I ask because my sister is reluctant to bring her baby to the restaurant cause she thinks that will create a disturbance. I think it's cute. I like to hear baby making sounds even banging the table.

I think it depends on what type of restaurant. If it's a family style or fast food restaurant, a baby making sounds doesnt bother me, on the other hand ,a baby or ANY kid screaming and throwing a fit drives me nuts. Parents shouldn't bring their kids to places where people are trying to have a nice dinner, and by this I mean, fancier type places with romantic or quiet atmospheres. So, I dont mind normal kid noises, talking and laughing, but kids who are out of control need to be left home, period!

I dont mind it really. I guess people who dont like kids would mind the noise, but I just remeber that its a BABY, its not like its an unruly child that knows better.


I want to kick the baby's teeth in! well not the baby maybe the mother or the aunt! especially if its a place that you will be paying upwards of $45 for an entree. if its a fast food joint what the hell!

Depends how excessive it is and what type of restaurant it is. When parents allow their kids to scream and run around the restaurant and bang their silverware on the tables - that is when I get upset. Babies are babies and they are going to make a bit of noise, but once the baby starts screaming or crying to much - PLEASE take it outside, calm it down and then bring it back inside. Same as movie theaters! Take the kid outside if it won't stop crying.

I rarely am bothered by babies making loud noises in restaurants. . . But, I also know that we rarely went anywhere other than McD's or BK, etc, while our kids were babies. So, I know where your sister is coming from. Sometimes, your own child seems SO much louder than anyone else's, and the embarrassment is too much.
On the other hand, how will the child ever learn how to act if not put in the situation.

I think about how much i must of embaraced my parents...but ya its cute =)

Depends on the restaurant. I say it's okay as long as it is not every single minute or whathaveyou. If a baby screams REALLY loudly ANYWHERE, I feel like telling the parents to exit for awhile, and by no means in a mean way, just trying to be nice and fair for everyone. This family had a little girl screaming bloody murder at the grocery store today. EVERYBODY was gawking and annoyed, and yet the mom was not doing a thing while her husband waited to pay for the food. She could have walked that loud whining kid outside, but no, was a little rude i feel.

Can't stand babies crying and whinging when ya just need peace. Not the babies fault though. But ya sister may be right as it her baby.

well for 1 thing babies can't help the noises they make and we all know this so it wouldn't bother anyone unless they were a total jerk

sorry person asking question, but the people who come to restaurants do that to RELAX! It's impossible to relax when babies are yelling, creaming, and get the point.

there is nothing cute about loud babies.

I like it when parents make loud noises in public.

I wouldn't be so worried if it was at a fast food joint or cheaper restraunt, but at a high class one where you pay for the experiance, it would get right up my cake hole.

You sound just like my boyfriend. He thinks any baby or kid is cute no matter what they do. I absolutely hate to hear kids scream, cry or misbehave in any public place. If I am a paying customer, I expect to have a nice time, and that doesn't include listening to brats. I do realize that parents want to go out, and understand no one wants to hire a babysitter for a couple of hours, but I hate a screaming, bratty kid.

It never bothers us at all, nor any one of my family or friends. It reminds us of the times when our children were little and we love to see parents out with their little ones...and how hard can they bang on the table, anyway.

If the baby becomes upset for some reason, your sister, better yet, the daddy or someone else in her company, should take the baby outside if she/he feels that other patrons are disturbed. I doubt it would even come to that. Tell your sister to go out, enjoy her dinner and baby will be will the other patrons. She's in the "protect" mode, like all considerate mothers. Take her out, let her enjoy herself, she'll get over it once she's out and sees how much everyone will enjoy the baby.

You're such a kind sister and aunt to post this question, bless your heart. Tell her that it's fine...most will adore the baby and understand if the baby is loud. Personally, I love to hear their excitement. Take care, be well, happy outing.

A normal baby making normal sounds is delightful.

If the baby really starts to cry or yell, baby, mother and nearby diners will probably all feel more comfortable if the baby is taken out of the restaurant. Plan for this so that mom gets to eat too.

Also, what kind of restaurant it is makes a difference, some places are much more family-oriented than others.

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