Is it polite to offer a woman a bran muffin on your first date?!


Is it polite to offer a woman a bran muffin on your first date?

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1 week ago
I am just now getting a chance to read all your answers. -

1 week ago
I am just now getting a chance to read all your answers. -

Only if you're MOVED to do so!

You'd better REALLY be interested in her if you do!


You sick perverted chef!

I think that may be taking it too far sweetie....
just go for a simple oat cake and see how it goes from there

Uncle Wayne, she might take it as you slipping her something to make her frisky! Be careful.

If it looks like it's going well, not only is it polite, but expected. I'm always stoked when he offers me a bran muffin!

If you are that frisky and so moved...but offer her the choice of plain or with whip cream and let her know if some gets stuck in her teeth....


on a first date: yes
on the second date: place a lovely blob of whipped cream on top of it
on the third date: arrange the cream with a nice cherry on top.... and see where it goes from there

you rascal!


if you offer it with a banana

that sends a signal to her that you're calling her fat.

Only if she has not reacted badly when you have introduce the theoretical possibility of bran muffins into the conversation.

I mean a "hello - eat my bran muffin" is a bit much, unless the circumstances are unusual. And any woman willing to eat YOUR bran muffins at first offering might have eaten many many bran muffins in the past, and will also in the future. Not that's there is anything WRONG with that - but can you deal it?A woman who REALLY likes bran muffins?

If so - then aren't you both lucky to have found each other?

That's funny

Now that is just TOO forward. I would slap for that. LOL Just kidding.

uncle wayne, do you always offer women a bran muffin on the first date? how very forward of you! don't tell me you put butter on it as well, lol

what do you do on the 2nd date give her a prune swirly?

If I were in that situation I would introduce her to sticky date pudding and see how things "pan" out.

The suggestion that she looks constipated might offend her. :-)

I think so,especially if she appears constipated.You might add some prunes on the side.You my dear one are very thoughtful and polite.Keep up the good deeds on your dates,soon you will be married.

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