Why are people are cruel to animals?!


Why are people are cruel to animals?

whats wrong with people do they get off on hurting a poor animal? i ask this question because i cant believe how inhumane most slaughterhouses are. do you think this will ever change?

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1 week ago
roritr2005 did i at any point ask you to give up meat? you can eat dead animals till your blue in the face i really couldnt care less. im talking about animal cruelty and if your not a Vegetarian then why are you on the Vegetarian & Vegan page?

1 week ago
roritr2005 did i at any point ask you to give up meat? you can eat dead animals till your blue in the face i really couldnt care less. im talking about animal cruelty and if your not a Vegetarian then why are you on the Vegetarian & Vegan page?

All they want is love. It kills me to see animals in pain, Iv watch slaughters on youtube and have cried each time. I watch them to get it through my head eating meat is cruelty. Why do we need meat? I know its cause the proteins, Im not a veggie or anything but I barely eat meat. It's really sad what they do and would be way easier if they didnt have to torture /beat the animal to kill it. Its discusting and sad. I love animals to death! Also all the people in the world eating animals no one else does like cats and dogs and rats and all this crap, its sickning. mostly the japenese/korean/chinese, PLEASE STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

its been that way for a long time it hasn't changed within the industry, maybe you can give them a few ideas???????

No. I will not give up my meat, no matter what kind it happens to be. People are inhumane to each other but that doesn't stop the rest of us from living nor does it stop the cruel from being crueler. Feel good in the fact you are doing your part, but no matter what you say, I will continue to eat my meat. Probably more now since you, and people like you, keep nagging about it. Sorry!!!

I am a vegan and I hope people stopping eating, and exploiting animals for selfish reasons, because animals are not here for humans to consume. I sincerely hope that people stop animal cruelty. However, one has to be at a certain level of intelligence to realize the importance of animal life on earth. Studies have shown that people who become vegetarians or vegans before the age of 30 have higher IQs than those who don't. So eat and act sensibly.

We are spiritually numb as a people and have lost our way is all. Even in the ancient days when we still ate the things we did..they were natural and done humanely for the most part. People cherished there cattle and they were worth more alive then dead to them.

Not to say its any different today..but in the past we learned to survive by coexisting and leeching poliltely off of other animals..we no longer need to do these things due to the extreme knowledge we have now of sciences and the understanding of foods we can eat to be healthy, but we are a greedy species and its likely our end will be from the same thing that made us rise if we don't learn soon.

I love me some meat. So get over it you no fun vegetarian.

Most consumers don't realize the inhumane conditions under which their meat was raised. I guess when you work in a slaugtherhouse it's because you don't really have anywhere else to work, so you just numb yourself to the thought of what you're doing. I feel sorry for the employees there...they get paid next to nothing and their work is very dangerous. It can change if more people would realize what is happening and not buy from factory farm companies instead of being belligerant like "I likes mah meat!!! Rarrr!"

There are people whose are more cruel to human being.

I don't think that constitues cruelty to animals. That's what they are here for & raised for. For consumption. It only takes a split second anyway then it is all over. I'm sure it is cruel, but what's an alternative? How would YOU do it?

I think cruelty to animals is more someone kicking their dog, or starving it, or having like 500 cats in a house with them pissing all over the place with no food and getting ferel, and basically neglecting animals. Or wanting/getting an animal and not being able to provide & care for it.

And that's just a job and a paycheck for people that work there. I'm sure they don't slaughter animals in their spare time too. I'm sure after a while it gets monotonous and it becomes routine and they become unaffected by & accustomed to it.

They just think that because animals are not as smart as us, they can be hurt. And the work two rules: If it doesn't scream, it doesn't feel pain and if it screams, kill it anyway.

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