Shall I eat myself to death?!


Shall I eat myself to death?

My friends have suggested a bet, whereby I eat 2000 biscuits (cookies for you in the US) in 24 hours. If I live, I get £100. Is it worth doing?

Hey what type of buscuits are those? Pick the smalleset round ones... (can't remember the name of the brand) but if u go to a grocery store u will find the small biscuits. Eat 2000 of those... its not that risky except for minor stomach problem... u won't die I can bet on u about that unless u are already ill or allergic to any of the ingredients of the biscuits. make sure u take break after eating every 150-200 of those. Make sure you drink a lot of water... if you feel bad in stomach.. take lexative or induce vomiting... take a break fro an hour or two then back on action dude. And yes.. make of course they will have have to buy the biscuits... London is Expensive...

Now is it worth? Its upto you.. if u think u do not need the money why bother going through all the pain and precautions... if u need the money real bad... then do it. Choice is yours

you have friends,,,?

No, you won't live

You'd spend more money on bickies than you'd make on the bet. Other than that it seems like a good idea.

Who's buying the biscuits you could be on to a loser there old son if you got to shell out for them.

2000 "nice" biscuits will be a doddle. They melt so wonderfully on the tongue. If you can specify the biscuit - go for it.

you assume that only USA is online?

keep the points on the right side of the pond.

dip em in your tea it will be a long as they buyin em


that will be easy

they ask: "which biscuits are you gonna eat?"

you answer: "air biscuits."

Easy, my wife does it every day.

I double dare you to do it.Such hare-brained ideas people have.You'll do hundreds of thousands of pounds` damage to your health because of 100pounds.How pathetic!

£10,000,000 might be a better amount for consideration.

You could always eat the 2000 biscruits over 4 days or get a friend to bake some mini biscuits for you and offer her 10%.

But you will perhaps not live to enjoy - only you can decided what you life is worth.

i believe you cant do it

As long as you have some milk along with those biscuits. I'm rooting for you.

Nope, not worth it. There are more sensible ways to make 100 pounds!

what kind of biscuits.

cracking idea! can i join you????

it depends on the type of biscuit!. is it sweet n sickly or dry,etc

I think your friends want you dead, sure there not your enemies, £100 for your health/life is not worth it, split the 2000 biscuits between yourself and hundreds of true friends ?

yes,definately!!!!!!!!!1 just drink plenty of tea!

You would be better off eating apostrophies.

well you could but I would look into exlax too....I would ask for much more money too....not worth it dude. maybe a thousand american..not 100.

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