I want to become a Vegetarian...any advise as to where to start?!


I want to become a Vegetarian...any advise as to where to start?

I am working out also and want to make sure I get sufficient amount of protein to make my efforts worthwhile ... PLease SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY !

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1 week ago

1 week ago

wel come to the world of vegetarian because of you more animals will be abale to live thanks for that dont eat any non-veg even eggs are non-veg following are the list of proteins for you
Proteins: Body's protein needs can be provided by either animal or plant sources. Mixed protein diet obtained from various plant sources is better than animal protein and is recommended in diabetes, renal diseases and liver diseases. Mixed protein diet from different plant sources has been the pattern of diet in India for all vegetarians.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are mainly found in plant foods; like cereals, grains, fresh and dry fruits, legumes, vegetable, greens, nuts etc. plant carbohydrates include' large amounts of starches, sugar and fibers which are important for gut functions. The body is better suited to a high carbohydrate diet than a low carbohydrate diet. In fact 55% of the food intake should be carbohydrate. All animal products do not contain carbohydrate which is essential for body.

Fat: Plant fats differ from animal fats in two different ways 1) they are cholesterol free 2) they generally contain more polyunsaturated fat and less saturated fats. Plant fats usually have higher polyunsaturated fat value than animal fats.

A diet which is low in cholesterol and which contains fat of a high PIS value is associated with a lower incident of coronary health disease.

Vitamins and Minerals: plant foods are rich in many vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is obtained by exposure of skin to sun light and this is not a problem in India.

Calcium: The vegetarians can meet their needs for calcium from dairy products. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Dark green vegetables are good sources of Riboflavin as are legumes and whole grain cereal.

Iron: The problem of iron deficiency is relatively common but vitamin C significantly enhances absorption of iron hence it is advisable for vegetarians to include with each meal a food high in vitamin C which as lime, citrus fruits or juices.

Zinc: Zinc is found in large number of plant foods.

Fiber: Fiber is found only in vegetarian food like whole grain cereals, legumes, greens, fruits, vegetable etc.

Thus in vegetarian foods all requirement of nutrition for body growth and maintenance is fulfilled. One can have a complete and balanced diet provided we take enough food which is as close to nature as possible in maintaining sturdy and disease free body. It is equally helpful in curing many diseases.

More & more evidence is surfacing that directly links a prolonged non- vegetarian diet to diseases as cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma just to name a few.

1. LOGEVITY: Vegetarian can expect to live 4-10 years longer then the non-vegetarians.

" Source: Seventh day Adventists study

2. LESS HEART DISEASE: Because of low fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content of the vegetarian diet the risk of heart disease is lowered. High blood cholesterol levels are associated with increased risk of heart disease.

3. LESS CANCER: Up to 40% of all cancers are diet related. Cancer death rates have been associated with obesity and high fat / low fiber diet. Vitamin A & C are thought to be protective against colon cancer. Low fat diets protect against prostrate and breast cancer. Indoles, lignans, isoflavones, protease inhibitors which are present in plant foods and shown to be potent anti carcinogens.

4. LESS BOWEL DISEASE: Diverticular disease and appendicitis occur more frequently with low fiber intake as in meat diet.

5. LEES OBESITY & LESS INCIDENCE OF DIABETES: It is easier to plan a low fat diet for a vegetarian then for a meat eater. The fiber in plant food dilutes the energy & provides a satisfying meal without all the calories. Diabetes over the age of 40 seems to be related to obesity.

When activists like M.K. Gandhi, sports personalities like Martina Novratilova & Carl Lewis, beauties like Brooke Shields & Kate Winslet, physists like Edison, Albert Einstein & A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, religious leaders & mystics like Jesus & Osho can be legendaries in there respective fields taking the advantage of being vegetarian, Is'nt it more prudent on our part to switch over to vegetarianism & enjoy better quality & longevity of life.

Eat about 50 pounds of soybeans a day and you will be fine.

Eat lots of beans

I know how to start, although I'd never do it!!!! STOP EATING MEAT!!!!! Where to start, I guess away from meat dept?!

Best advice I can give is to go and see a health care professional. A dietitian, or just your GP.

Nuts, and legumes are a good source of proteins, but also fats so watch how much of the fattier ones you comsume.

stop eating meat you silly goose

Morningstar Farms and Boca are two vegetarian brands that make great tasting fake meat products ("hamburgers", "chicken", "ground beef") etc. They're available in the frozen food departments in most grocery stores. Give them a try! Good luck!

Make sure you get adequate sources of protein that you would normally get from lean protein sources. Quinoa is a great vegetarian source of protein as well as all sorts of beans. See a nutritionist if you are overly concered about how to maintain a healthly lifestyle while being vegetarian.

PETA websites are the best place to start. but before you turn away from poultry and beef, better consult your MD's first. a vegetarian diet does not and cannot provide every nutrient a human needs--this could aggravate any underlying medical conditions that you have.
once you are sure that a vegetarian diet is safe for you, i recommend substituting cow's milk with soy milk! i love it! tastes really sweet! ^_^

Talk to your doctor or a nutrition to supplement. Ask what kind of vitamins you can take such as vitamin b. Hope this helps.

The Fit For Life book by Harvey and Marlyn Diamond is a great read. They also have a Vegetarian cookbook. They explain alot of all the dishonesty and truths of the way we are eating and how it is all unnecessary with the high amounts of protein we consume each day. Their books are a healthy interesting read in a very simple easy to understand way. You will not regret the time spent reading their books. The books will change your life forever with much gratitude! Good Luck!

Giving up red meat is o.k. I guess if you really want to. (I wouldnt), but please consider keeping chicken and fish in your diet, at least occasionally.

Good luck!!

Start with not eating hamburgers or cheeseburgers. Then not eating hot dogs.

Also go through you refrigerator and freezer and get rid of all your meat

great decision! i would start by checking out the internet and books (make sure they are credible) to get information about what to eat, ideas for recipes, etc. try www.goveg.com, they will send you a free veggie starter kit and they have TONS of good information to help you out. secondly, cut meat out of your diet slowly to allow your body to adjust and to reduce cravings and stuff like that. if you at any time get worried about your health, speak to your doctor or a nutritionist and he/she will be glad to help you. good luck!

Avoid PETA, they are full of hysterical nonsense.

The easiest way is to eat beans and rice. That will give you all the ammino acids you need. You can also eat some stuff called "Miso", it is used in soups and it is a really good source of protein.

You can also find some great things that you will love. For me, i love bread with some olive oil and herbs.

Okay first of all, don't worry about protein. Proper protein consumption means that between 6 and 12% of your calories everyday should come from protein. The average American gets 25-30%. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that men and women obtain 5% of their calories as protein. This would mean 38 grams of protein for a man burning 3000 calories a day and 29 grams for a Woman using 2300 calories a day.

The means that you cannot become protein deficient on a whole foods diet because every natural whole food has at least some protein. Here is protein in some common foods.

Peas 4 g per half cup = 70 calories
Pinto beans 6g per half cup = 110 calories (and a whopping 24% of your daily requirement of fiber)
Spinach 2g per 1/3 cup, ONLY 30 CALORIES (this makes Spinach and most leafy greens the RICHEST sources of protein when measured protein per calorie)
Oatmeal 5g per 1/2 cup = 150 calories and 4g fiber
Barley 5g per 1/3 cup= 170 calories and 5g of fiber

Potato is high in protein relatively speaking, and so is rice (eating brown rice is also a good source of niacin - essential for good neurological health), and because of the renal acid load they are better for your bones then milk, chicken, beef or cheese. But for real protein sources look to dark green leafy vegetables, especially spinach and asparagus.

There are 2 essential amino acids that a person can get only from plant sources. And all essential amino acids can be supplied through plant sources.

I recommend starting slowly, eliminating meat and animal products from a few meals each week, and as you try new vegan recipes you like, switch over. The most common reason for a person failing a vegan diet is the stress of trying to change their diet too quickly and all at once. Try modifying a few recipes at a time, try a veggie pizza without cheese, do pasta without meat in the sauce, switch to whole grains at the same time, they are tastier, and better for you, and make you feel more full so you are less likely to binge.

For health the best diet by far is Dr. Joel Fuhrman's eat to live, but it can be difficult to stick with strictly.

Dr. McDougalls plan is very similar, and much easier to follow, I have incorporated both into my health plan and have lost about 40 lbs so far, and my health has improved a lot.

While both doctors agree to minimize or eliminate processed foods, and eat whole natural foods, Dr. Fuhrman’s plan is based more on vegetables, and Dr. McDougalls plan based on starches like potatoes, whole grain rice, pasta, and other whole grains.

Please keep in mind that while a lot of recipes call for fancy and expensive ingredients, its actually very easy and inexpensive to eat a healthy vegan diet. Beans and rice are very cheap, flavor them right and you have a healthy low-fat meal that is rich in protein and fiber. Try doing a tomato sauce on them one day, an orange cream sauce the next, cook them with pineapple for a third dish. Try a fat-free minestrone soup and a baked potato for lunch, it will stay with you till dinner.

Try www.fatfreevegan.com for some recipes to help you get started on your way, and check out the McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook, it has over 300 low fat recipes with a prep time of 15 minutes or less (not including cook time) So far its our families favorite cookbook. Please e-mail me if you have more questions.

Hit you local bookstore! When i was going vegetarian, i found a book for going vegetarian just for teens. You will also find veggie cook books and such. Also a good website even though it is fairly one sided (its Peta run) is www.goveg.com
I hope this helped!

1) There are many good books. You can get tonns of information to keep a good balanced diet.
2) I am Vegetarian since birth. And I have thousands of people I know back in India who are born and raised as vegetarian, I never heard a single person who has protein defeciency. :-)
It's hard to be protein defecient.
3) If you eat enough vegetables, beans, nuts and Almonds you are good in protein diet.
4) remember you don't nned to eat proteins to get proteins. You need basic amino acids which are plenty in vegetables and all fruits.

Look inside these 5 star cookbooks on Vegetarian cooking for inspiration:
Wishing you success in you en devour. Kay

Gradually reduce your intake of meat starting with the stuff that can cause problems -pig. Remember eventually when you're animal free down the track you may need supplements of some nutrients.

If you work out alot, you will need more protein than someone who doesn't. You can consult a nutritinist to find out how much and what are the best plant sources.

Pancakes and waffles are TOTALLY yummy with Peanut Butter on them. Peanut Butter is a very good source of protien. You can also put jam, or your favorite syrup as well, of course!! Alot of people like Peanut Butter and Applesauce on pancakes/waffles. If you like Peanut Butter, finding new places to "sneak it into" your daily meal will probably be an easy change to make for you.

Veggie meats, tofu, beans, nuts, are all good sources of protien. Just add more of them to your diet.

Beans and Rice at the same meal make a complete protien.

Congrats! :-) If you are a teen like me, I would start out here...if your parents don't support you, do research on how you can get protein and iron, recipes, etc. I would eat 5 small meals a day, or carry 1 or 2 granola bars in your purse. That way, if you ever get hungry, you have a handy snack with you. For protein, I would try fruit smoothies with soymilk, they're good! (And good for you!) I would also try brown rice mixed with veggies, yogurt, cheese, nuts, etc. Look on PETA's website, or goveg.com, or read the book "A Teen's Guide To Going Vegetarian!" Good luck! :-D

go to peta .com and get a free vegetarian starter kit

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