What do you think of Mac Donald food?!


What do you think of Mac Donald food?

tastless white filth formed to the shape and color of food-like appearances. responsible for the merciless cancer and obesity of our youth. their fries are great though.

I think it's lips and ears.

They have the best French Fries in the world, i like their hamburgers and their chicken nuggets are the best. The parfait they have is really good too.

It's great for gaining weight.

I like it, maybe once or twice a year, but I can't deal with it all the time, I cant deal with all the fat and sodium and junk it has in it ....but other than that, the quarter pounders and fries are really good

Limp, greasey fries. Meat that somehow doesn't taste like meat. Of course, all of their sandwiches and burgers taste like whatever sauce they put on them, and little else.

All that pleasantness followed by two days of gas that'd blow the buzzards off a sh*t wagon.

I'll pass. Thanks anyway.

Love the French Fries. But the big mac isn't so big anymore. They downsized everything but the price. So I buy the Whopper which has NOT been downsized over the years. BurgerKing Rules!

gross but sometimes its good

YUCK! The food may taste good, but not until you find out whats in that stuff!

Miami subs is so much better then mcdonalds food

It's not bad but not somethign i would eat all the time.

Its quick and not all that good not my favorite...I only like the dollar menu anything else they can keep...I am cheap sometimes but I just think its not worth more than a dollar and some change

I don't think it is the best food to eat, I did like their fries. It is all about personal choice.

They are OK.
Their fries are pretty good but Sonic and Burger King have the best burgers and some other places too.
I do know that their milk-shakes are really sweet but there burgers are cold, no offense!!!

"You get what you pay for"
it's ok for its price, the salads are fine

Well, so so. I prefer BK as it provides more varieties; same to MOS Burger. KFC provides more couple or family meals promotions too.

It's so weird how alot of us think its gross and also good sometimes.

That's true..
I think they put chemicals in it that make you crave it.
But each time I eat it, afterwards, I wish I did not.
Its evil. Yet we continue to eat it.

I'm with Paul, Burger King wins the taste test, and the burger patty is big. It tastes like a charcaol burger, and the toppings were great! That lettuce was fresh, and it wasn't all cut up into shreds, it was in a recognizable leaf. The pickles were crisp, the mayo and ketchup were not glopped on, they were spread on. and it was still hot when I got it home, and I live aways from there.
Sorry, I do not like McDonald's. Most of what they serve is tasteless, and not visually appealing. I got a milkshake, and it did not even taste chocolaty. Thankfully, the McDonald's at work closed, it really didn't do that much business. I am always amazed at the cars lined up at the drive thru. I think they must have kids, and have to get Happy Meals. Can't imagine an adult going there. It used to be cheap, not anymore, I could order a hamburger in a restaurant for what a Big Mac costs.
I'm mad at taco bell. There was not a tablespoon of meat on that taco, the sour cream was all in a glob at the end, there wasn't ten shreds of cheese on it, the rest was lettuce. If I wanted a taco salad, I would have ordered it. and my Dr. Pepper was watery. That was my last trip there, to bad, it is not far from where I live. I will drive the 20 minutes to Burger King from now on.

not much to think about it really...
it'd be better to find much more healthier options

I used to LOVE it. .
but I haven't ate it in months,
and I'm really happy I haven't
because I personally think its the grossest food ever now.
I always used to get heartburn when I ate it anyway.
I'd rather have a home cooked or dine in restaurant meal any day than fast food, especially MacDonalds!


Lets just say that when I ate there last, I ended up with stomach pains and I was bed-bound for 2 days.

I don't actually consider it fit for adult consumption.

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