WHAT makes SPAM so popular to eat in Hawaii and Puerto Rico?!


WHAT makes SPAM so popular to eat in Hawaii and Puerto Rico?

It is SO bad for you, tastes like crap soaked in salt and dipped in fat. It is considered a NATIVE delacacy???

They serve it at MacDonalds and Burger King in Hawaii...
That is just SO nasty!

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1 week ago
I KNOW it was introduced by US GIs, but come on!
That was 70 years ago!
People ate that crap because they HAD TO, not WANTED TO.


1 week ago
I KNOW it was introduced by US GIs, but come on!
That was 70 years ago!
People ate that crap because they HAD TO, not WANTED TO.


Maybe because they don't have a lot of grazing space for cattle and SPAM is cheap to ship?

I don't care what the reason is...that stuff is just plain nasty. It also reaks and smells like Connie Marble's hoochey-koochey, blue hair and all!!! Yuk!

By the way,,,These answers are full of Wikipedia and other website info that people copy/paste and then make out like they are experts. Don't you think this shows a lack of creativity? These answers are full of Wikipedia and other website info that people copy/paste and then make out like they are experts. Don't you think this shows a lack of creativity?

(you cute li'l copy/pastin' smart azz)

By its flavor

Spam was introduced into these areas, in addition to other islands in the Pacific such as Okinawa and the Philippine Islands, during the U.S. military occupation in World War II. Since fresh meat was difficult to get to the soldiers on the front, World War II saw the largest use of Spam. GIs started eating Spam for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Some soldiers referred to Spam as "ham that didn't pass its physical" and "meatloaf without basic training.")[8] Surpluses of Spam from the soldiers' supplies made their way into native diets. Consequently, Spam is a unique part of the history and effects of U.S. influence in the Pacific

Austin,Minnesota is spam capital of the world. They even have a spam museum there

No honey, the really gross stuff is GENERIC SPAM...aka Luncheon Loaf.
Another real gagger is Treet. Made by SPAM.
"Tastes like Virginia Ham"

Yeah... after I walked home with it between my thighs.

That canned meat is SO BAD FOR YOU.

It's the US Navy's fault, but the locals took to it like crazy. I guess it tastes better than poi.

I am amazed that they sell it in McDonalds. My dad bought a can of meat from New Zealand and no joke, it was hard to find the meat through all that fat. Seriously, it was like 20% meat and 80% fat. I was totally shocked, because New Zealand food products are of quite a high quality. Meat in a can, it's just not natural.

After you eat SPAM, you poop big square smelly greasy chunks.
Oh wait, that IS SPAM.

I have no idea, but personally I HATE spam. My ex-husband had me make alot of things with it and I refuse to eat it now. My current husband likes it, but he doesn't make me make things with it.

Babs that was a good one. ;)

As for SPAM........I'm guilty, I love it.....with baked beans......and I'd admit when I'm eating it I'm like this is way too salty and mushy, but some how it goes with the sweet of the beans....now I couldn't eat a SPAM sandwich, but with beans.....anytime LOL LOL....Oh yeah in Hawai'i they eat it like sushi with rice and seaweed SPAM in the middle of two rice squares wrapped in seaweed, I couldn't understand it and it wasn't even fried. Oh man.....and it was about 3 bucks...what a waste....

I LOVE SPAM by HORMEL (USD4) and luncheon meat (Chinese-made) - wonderful meals with bread, rice, or omelette. What a great American export!!

Probably because it it so expensive to live over there, it is all they can afford!

Take a can of spam and slice it into small chunks, then fry it and add it to your spaghetti sauce, and let it simmer a while (now you have to flavor your sauce well), you will have a very delicious spaghetti. Kids love it, and so do adults (who aren't very picky).

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