Which fruits and vegetables are considered as aphrodisiac for men?!


Which fruits and vegetables are considered as aphrodisiac for men?

There's a whole long list of foods, plus other things considered as aphrodisiacs at this site:

Here's just a part of the list:
Kava-kava --Piper methysticu--Polynesia- invigoratour, increases performance, ritual drink The extract is made from the roots, and after fermentation, the composition changes -- having psychotropic and aphrodisiac qualities.

Lovage --Levisticum officinale-- stimulant, ingested as spice. The fresh roots are used to prepare a love drink that makes a woman melt!

Sassafras Tree --Sassafras Albidium-- North America- mild psychedelic, empathogen, love magic,oil ingested, root cortex used for brewing love drinks. Love tree of American Indians. Contains safrole, the basis of modern love drug MDMA. *Do not take more then 100mg of oil, or side effects may occur. Oil is suited for erotic massage as well.

Saw Palmetto --Serenoa serrulata-- North America - promotes circulation in the genitals, fruits eaten or fermented juice made into a love drink. Contain fatty acids, essential oil and estrogen substance.

Yarrow --Asteraceaea compositae - stimulant, tonic, love magic, additive for wine or tea. Used in geomancy, and to support vision quest. As aphrodisiac, chew the raw stem or drink tea few hours before intercourse.

Agave--Agavaceae-- Mexico-ritual inebriant. Fermented juice, or agave wine, called pulque, from the peduncle is used. Add few seeds of horn apple to increase effect. Tequila is distilled from Agave Tequilana. Other spices used to make schnapps called mescal.

Asparagus --Asparagus officinales-- diuretic, it stimulates activity of kidneys and is depurative. People who eat a lot of asparagus have also many lovers.

Cacao Tree --Theobroma cacao) Central America-mild stimulant, ground beans made into drink or chocolate bar. Ancient Indian recipe of chocolate: Roasted beans are ground and dissolved in water, along with vanilla, cayenne pepper, matico pepper, pimento, cinnamon, squash seeds. A cup of gold can be salty or sweetened with honey. Cocoa was considered the "food of gods"; Aztec prostitutes were paid in cocoa. Beans contain theobromine and caffeine, aphrodisiac phenylethylamine.

Celery --Apium graveolenns--stimulant, fresh root eaten, it strengthen the sex organs. Celery root contains an essential oil and minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus.

Date Palm --Phoenix dactilifera--Asia, Arabia, North America- invigorate, inebriant, dates eaten, palm wine drunk. Add preparations of nightshade, hemp or opium for better results.

Durian Fruit has an intriguing reputation in Southeast Asia as having aphrodisiac properties. It is not clear whether this is attributed to some substance in the fruit pulp

Oyster Meat -- Oyster extract is excellent for men's reproductive health and endurance. It is a rich source for the amino acid taurine, which has a cardio-protective effect and also in nerve transmission. Historically known as an aphrodisiac, flavanoids in oyster meat have been shown to stimulate the reproductive system

Pimento --Pimenta dioica-- Central America, Caribbean- stimulant, one of the most common spices in ancient America and Indian folk medicine. It warms the body, Aphrodisiac, when taken in large quantities , especially with cocoa. Contains essential oils

Pineapple --Ananas cosmosus-- diuretic, invigoration! Has a great digestive effect, a purifying effect. Use fresh fruit juice. For aphrodisiac effects to work-- eat pineapple with chili powder or mixed with honey and rum. A small glass taken daily promotes energies of love.

Pomegranate tree --Punica granatum-- Mediterranean, Asia Minor- invigorator! The fruits are eaten-- the fruit is sacred to Aphrodite. The rinds are rich in tannins.

Sea Bean --Canavalia maritima-- South America, Africa- psychedelic, the beans have aphrodisiac qualities. They are ingested or smoked in the place of marijuana. In ancient America these beans were used in magic and rituals, they have been found in the prehistoric graves. The active substance is L-betonicine.

Squash --Curcubita pepo--America - diuretic, invigorator, seeds eaten and aphrodisiac for women. In Aurvedic and Tantric systems seeds eaten during rituals of love, and belong to vajicarana. Seeds contain fatty oil, protein and vitamin E that is important for healthy sexuality.

Sweet Potato --Ipomoea batatas--Sental and South America - invigorator! Excessive consumption stimulates the woman's sex drive.

Thorn Apple --Datura species, Solanaceae-- strong psychodelic, very erotic, plant of prophesy and witches plant. Leaves or flowers brewed into tea, seeds eaten, herbage smoked. All species and all parts contain highly active tropane alkaloids.

Wild Lettuce --Lactuca virosa--Europe, North America -narcotic, dried sap smoked for ritual purposes and as a sexual stimulant. Contains an alkaloid lactusine which has qualities that are similar to morphine.

Basil --Ocimum sanctum-- South Asia, Europe - used as spices, medical uses Eat one leaf a day to: maintain health, prosperity, and fertility. Basil gives for an exciting sex life. The popular spice basil (Ocimum basilicum) also possess aphrodisiac powers. Contain essential oil, tannins and vitamins.

Cardamom is a sensual spice considered to have aphrodisiac properties. With a peculiar nature; it cools the body when it is hot, and warms it when it is cold. Cleopatra uses to take baths in cardamom.

Cardamom - Elettaria cardamomum --Southeast Asia - It is a stimulant especially if added to coffee. Its essential oil has an erotic effect.

Cayenne Pepper Capsicum Annuum, Solanaceae-- Middle and South America - stimulant, irritant, fresh or dried fruits eaten. It heats the sexual drive. It has irritating effects on membranes and urogenital area. Contains acrid substance capsicum and a lot of vitamin C. Avoid over dosage.

Cayenne Cayenne is also known as capsicum and plays a very large role in blood circulation. When cayenne is ingested, it dilates blood vessels. This allows increased blood flow throughout the body, especially in the major organs. The male penis benefits greatly from the ingestion of cayenne. It is a widely held belief that cayenne aids in longer lasting erections, with stronger ejaculations and more intense orgasms. For Men!

Cinnamon --Cinnamomum zeylanicum-- Southern Asia , evergreen -stimulant, spice used in food or massage oil into genitals for erotic stimulation.

Coriander --Coriandrum sativum-- worldwide -stimulant known since ancient Egypt and Palestine, add coriander to wine to increase the semen.

Clove --Eugenia caryophyllata-- Moluccas - stimulant, used as spice or oil, that has strong antiseptic and stimulating properties.

Garlic --Liliaseae - tonic, rejuvenates, used as a spice, magic element (to banish bad influences or vampires). Essential oils have antibiotic and cell-activating effects. Used as an aphrodisiac since the Egyptians, the Romans consecrated it to Ceres. the goddess of fertility.

Ginger --Zingber officinarum-- South Asia - stimulant, rootstock eaten or made into tea. Has hot qualities, heats like fire in the body.

Liquorice Root - liquorice is famous for creating balance and synergy in herbal formulas. It also acts on the glands, especially the adrenals to optimize hormone levels. The adrenals produce sex hormones and are directly involved with a healthy sex drive. Lowered adrenal function can lead to loss of libido, less energy and poorer sexual response.

Mace and Nutmeg --Myristica fragrans--Asia, Africa Aphrodisiac The nutmeg tree is a wide evergreen, native to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. However, it has been used in India as a spice and medicinally as early as 700 BC. Mace and nutmeg are two different spices from the same fruit. Nutmeg is the dried kernel and mace the dried shell which surrounds the seed. Nutmeg is more aromatic, sweeter and more delicate than mace and it is believed to impart strength and enhance sexual prowess. It is used in love magic. The main component is myristicin, the base of the "love drug" MDA or ecstasy. Ingest: seeds, nuts, mace or oil

Mustard --Brassica nigra-- stimulant, irritant, ground seeds and plant promote virility, therefore monks were forbidden to eat mustard.

Parsley --Petroselinum crispum-- North Africa- A strong irritant in high doses, ingested as spice, decoction made from its roots. The irritation can cause an abortion, but can be also sexually stimulating. Stalk used for love magic, root is mixed into witch flying ointments intended to induce erotic energy.

Condiment, medicine, aphrodisiac, peperoncino has been a highly prized spice since the most ancient times. Its earliest archaeological evidence dates back 9,000 years ago to a site in Mexico.

Pepper --Piper nigrum-- South Asia - stimulant, love magic agent, contains alkaloids-- has irritating effects on mucous membranes. Cubeb pepper (Piper Cubeba) has substances that stimulate the sex drive.

Rosemary --Rosmarinus officinales-- North Africa- strong erotic effect upon the skin, ingested as spice, added to bath or wine. Contains essential oil with psychotropic effect. In large quantities can be abortifacent.

Saffron --Crocus sativus--Asia, North Africa - has hot and dry qualities, stimulant or inebriant depending on dosage, sun dried filaments ingested stimulates sexual desires for women. Essential oil evokes long, distinctive orgasms. In high doses saffron oil is abortive and toxic.

Vanilla --Vanilla planifolia--Central America - stimulant, ingested as a tincture, together with cocoa and arrow root.

Musk (Kasturi) is obtained from the ever-so extincting musk deer called the Kasturi Mriga. Musk was used for a immune modulator as equally as it was for an aphrodisiac by ancient physicians. It was considered a last resort medicine.

Wild Rose Shrub- . Rose oil used as perfume

Wild Rose Shrub- erotic stimulant, especially for women, love magic, rose petals used in tea or love potions. Rose oil used as perfume Wood Rose (Argyreia nervosa) Hawaii- a vine plant, psychodelic, magical agent, seeds contain the indole alkaloids lysergic acid amide and ergoline both of which cause euphoriant and aphrodisiac effect.

Sunflower (Helianthus annus) Central America, later worldwide- stimulant, flower petals made into tea. Contains chlorogenic acid, and vitamin E which has sexually stimulating effect. Lonicerus suggested cooking the fresh petals in oil and eating them with salt and pepper and it has great power for marital works. Also used as a remedy for rheumatic and intestinal diseases.

Poppy (Papaver somniferum) - inebriant, sexual stimulant, narcotic, eaten or smoked


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