Does anyone have any coke reward codes that you aren't using?!
Does anyone have any coke reward codes that you aren't using?
I went dumpster digging, I live in Utah, and I discovered that all of these so called "Mormons" drink Pepsi! They even think that caffeine kills you faster and say it's as bad a beer. WTF? no one drinks coke? I must have checked over 60 trash cans and there were no bottles or 12-packs. I just need 278 more points to get a DS so could you help me out please.
Can someone e-mail me some of their codes from coke bottle caps, and the 12 pack pull tabs. Thanks, it will be very much appreciated.
i don't think caffeine kills. why don't you go to the store and get some coke instead of digging though dumpsters?
i just threw out a whole bunch of bottles on thursday : too late shoudda asked earlier :(