Is it okay to reheat this meal?!


Is it okay to reheat this meal?

I am doing a pasta bake with quorn pieces in a bolognese sauce topped with cheese, but my boyfriend wont be in till real later, so if i have mine will he be okay to reheat his in the microwave? sorry just i worry about reheating things! Thanks!!

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1 week ago
why do people have to be nasty when they answer? if you cant answer nicely then dont bother.
thanks to all you guys who answered my question though!

1 week ago
why do people have to be nasty when they answer? if you cant answer nicely then dont bother.
thanks to all you guys who answered my question though!

I would say definitely yes - especially if you're reheating it the same day you cooked it. Just don't overheat it, or you'll end up with pasta brule! I'd give it maybe one or at the most two minutes. Bon appetit.

Many years of reheating hubbie's meals when he comes home late!

yes as long as it hasn't been reheated before, IE its cooked now, reheat later but not until he's ready for it

Just make sure its piping hot throughout when you reheat it =)

yeppo, just make sure you heat his meal to steaming hot to make sure !

It may not be as good as fresh out of the oven but I'm sure he'll be grateful that you made him something at all!


That wouldn't be nice! I prefer having it cold!

Generally, any meal can be reheated once.

It's fine, I do it all the time. Food with no any sort of meat, you can heat it as much as you want, no problems. Food with meat, recommended reheating is only once.

yes, as long as its not got chicken, but even chicken will be ok for two days, this meal you could reheat, for a few days, but not twice!

you wasted a whole question just for that???? It'll be fine

It's fine to reheat, I do it all the time. I usually reheat in the oven though but the microwave will work.

sure, but it may taste a bit rubbery and u must heat it loads cos always the middle is cold. if he wants it to taste better and doesnt mind what it looks like, throw it in a pan and heat it slowly, and give it a good mix so the pasta gets a coating from the sauce and the cheese and wont taste so bad.

ur meal sounds nice though and just reminded me that i should eat :)

Yep, you should be okay with this as it has only been cooked once. When it is cool enough, put it in the fridge till you need it.

if it's been made from fresh, and cooled quickly it will be absolutely fine.
keep it in the fridge, and re-heat thoroughly when needed.
no need to worry

Separate your boyfriend's portion immediately you've cooked it and place it in a covered dish. Refrigerate immediately. It is fine to reheat it. Pasta however is not the best foodstuff for these situations though as it has a tendency to go rubbery. If you have a 'steamer' you will have no difficulty - see all those pasta dishes in the ready meal ranges in supermarkets!

Everyone has answered the question about your meal. Hopefully you got the answers in time and we are not 3 days, gone by,
'why do people have to be nasty when they answer? if you cant answer nicely then don't bother!'
I did see a couple of little snide chippings among the words, but nothing horribly serious. So why do we, do this? Really, must you ask such a stupid question!!? See what I meen?
Enjoy your meal

If you store it correctly after cooking it will be fine. Cool it before you put it in the fridge by putting a serve on a plate with foil or wrap over it. Keep it in a cool place not next to machinery or in sunlight as it will go off. Once it is cool to the touch on the base of the place put it straight in the fridge. Putting a hot plate into a fridge can cause surrounding food to heat up and allow bacteria to breed rapidly. Reheat gently on medium heat for about 3 -3.5 mins and check to see the centre is hot before serving. If not, then zap for 30 seconds on high.

Yes you can reheat the meal.

most meals are fine to reheat once. especially if its only a few hrs old. labels generally say do not reheat if its a problem and that's generally meat/dairy products

Your using the nuker (microwave) right?

Keep all food in the fridge unless your going to serve it within a small amount of time. Meaning within 10-15 min. Dont want to get sick right?

Microwave things slowly. Use more time and less power if you know how to navigate the thing. Try 6 min at 60% power if its real cold make sure you break it up a bit into small portions about 2.5 inches and push it back together after to make it look nice. Thicker things take longer if you have to separate things up a bit do it! Heat the thick things first. Or heat things separately.

Bread is a nuker no no. Do it separately from anything else only 15 sec at a time. Nothing worse than hard on the sides nuked bread YUCK!

DONT USE PLASTIC WRAP ON FOOD IN A NUKER! ITS NO GOOD especially if it melts on the food its NO GOOD. Use a paper plate to avoid splatter and if its cheesy or gooky stuff wet it first.


yes it will be fine i would not reheat more than 2 times.

I did my food hygiene corse a few years ago now, but from what i remember its ok to reheat something twice as long as the food is piping hot all the way through. Thats means cook it. reheat ie boyf for tonight and then should be ok once more. But the last one may have changed ?? or dropped off

Should be ok. Just make sure you keep it in the oven until he gets home. Then if it needs reheating, make sure it's well cooked before you give it to him.

Yes, that will be fine, especially as it's Quorn.

yes, no problem it's only quorn!!!!!!!!

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