What is obrevation and meaning fo FAQ?!


What is obrevation and meaning fo FAQ?


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. People often say it out loud as "fak" rather than saying the letters individually.

Basically, a FAQ is what it implies; it's a collection of common questions gathered in one place for easy reference. They are used on websites, in reference materials, etc.

Generally, FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions". It's the most accepted usage that I can think of for it.

You see it quite often in self-help webpages where you are given instructions on how to solve basic problems. For example, if you visit, say, a help page for your e-mail, you may see a portion that says:

>How do I retrieve my password?
>How do I block spam mail?

That's where I see the term FAQ often, anyway. I hope I was able to help!

Frequently asked questions

well..it is-F-frequently A-asked Q-questions

the abbreviation FAQ stands for "frequently asked questions"

frequent asked question.

Frequently Asked Questions=FAQ

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