Vegans or Vegetarians We Have a Neighborhood Problem!?!


Vegans or Vegetarians We Have a Neighborhood Problem!?

We live in a very informal, but eclectic and affluent area. A very wealthy family in our neighborhood are professional and well educated veggie-heads of some kidn. They have 4 children. Parents in the neighborhood in various healthcare professions have indicated the children are always "hungry".

Consequently, when they visit the homes of their playmates, the supervising parents make sure they get a good balanced meal. The kids love the meats roasted or Bar-B-Q'd. We gathered together and established a monthly fund to help offset the expense of families who make sure these kids eat. Another neighbor gets the best cuts of chops, roasts, steaks, ribs, and the freshest seafood . .. shrimp, lobster, crabs at her cost.

The kids affect is brighter and are putting on weight.. We have sworn ourselves to secrecy but leave it up to the kids to tell their parents if they want to. They don't.

How do veggie-heads feel about this deception that is in the best interest of the children?

I think you're lying...

"A 3# porterhouse . . . blood rare with baked potato loaded with sourcream, chives, butter and a bottle of full bodied red wine and a big Cohiba cigar with a snifter full of Metaxa brandy."

"'Meatless' meatballs is an oxymoron. They exist only in the veggie-head's heads"

Anyways,I don't think you should deceive your neighbors,I think you need to talk about it(if you aren't lying) with their parents.

Conscientious vegan

I know you said Veggie heads I am not one, so you may not be all that interested in my input. Anyhow, Although I think its great people are concerned in their well being, I believe its best you go to the parents and speak with them first before serving meat to their kids. I personally love meat, and my family loves meat, but I would never force that opinion on any else, as I expect the same respect in return. I don't think its wise to do this behind their backs, every family is different, and everyone has different sets of "Standards" to live by.

Oh God, this is bad. You are setting these kids up for a life-long issue around food.
Who are these people in health professions as your neighbors? Vegetarianism has been accepted by the medical community as a valid diet for about 40 years or so. Maybe the kids are hungry because they are kids? Did you ever notice that all growing children are always "hungry"?
And who gives you and your neighbors the right to go behind a parent's back? Maybe you should all try talking directly to the parents? Or maybe you should make sure a Psychiatrist moves into your neighborhood so she can tell you all how crazy you are. And she can be there for the kids when they start to develop food issues you have helped create.

I'm sure you are making this up, to get a reaction. You know perfectly well that you should never feed someone else's children food that they are not allowed to have. How would you like it if your neighbours secretly fed your children with sweets or fizzy drinks? Or cigarettes and alcohol?

1. I am a vegetarian, not a veggie-head.
2. I was always hungry as a child because I was BLOODY bored, not for lack of food.
3. Anyone interfering with how I raise my children would get a swift kick to the face, not to mention then papers I'd serve...

This doesn't have anything to do with my lifestyle, but it has everything to do with busy-bodied neighbors. Maybe one of their children will complain of not having birth control pills at age 11. Should one of the supervising parents offer her some? Yeah, it is the same thing!

you really should speak with the parents.

You're either lying or are really dense..perhaps both in this case!

Veggie-heads? lol.. what exactly is this?

I don't call people who eat meats names.. but If I did I'd certainly come up with someone more sophisticated then flesh-heads.

Incase you are telling the truth - a childs dietary decisions are just as much the parents responsibilty as is there other beliefs in all ways.. you can't violate that! period. For the same reason it'd be equally as absurd for me to have a neighborhood kid bring me all the meat and dairy in his house so I could throw it away to fall in line with my beliefs..nuh uh. not ok.

Heart disease is in the best interest of children?

First off you could feel the kids and give them meat. You are just trying to be arrogent and disrespect the parents because they dont have the same views. I am not a vegitarian but I find this disgusting. Would you want someone bribing your children to do something that you find deplorable. You would want to kick *** and take names. You should never mess with someones kids, this causes wars. If your so concerned about the kids call DCFS and let the law handle and possible neglect. PS I dont believe this story at all, but in case you live in a dumb enough neighborhood where people would actually do something as disrespectful, and possibly illegal stop, before you get sued.

If there really were a problem then it should be reported to the child protective services (what ever they are called where you live). A parent has the right to raise there children according to there beliefs as long as there is no harm to the child. You and other concerned neighbors have no right to infringe on there rights. If the children decide to blatantly go against their parents, that is between them and their parents and should not concern you either.

Personally I think you made this story up, but if it is true and the children are being malnourished, then use the proper method and contact your child protective services and let them investigate the issue. Get a life meat-head. Oh and by the way I am not vegan or vegetarian, just human.

Its child abuse and assult, you should report yourself.

Like your profile, you don't sound so secure to me if you have to come here and take the piss out of veggies.

At last, i get to try out the "block" feature for trolls., where is Ashley.

First, is there a reason you’re calling me a veggie head? How old are we? I hope this is a real question, and if it is, this is what I think.

I think that if you were concerned with the nutrition of the children, you and your intelligent neighbors should have called social services, and left it up to them, to make sure they are properly fed. I don’t think that it’s your right to take someone else’s children and go against what their parents are trying to teach them. You should be able to respect a parent’s decision. Were they saying they were hungry? Did it ever occur to you, that vegetables go through a body faster than meat, and that’s why they just need to eat more often? If they were really starved and abused, wouldn’t you think to get the authorities involved, instead of giving them what you think was a quick fix? Do you actually think that keeping secrets from their parents (even though you don’t tell them to do it) is wise? Are you screwing with the family relationship there?

I have never heard of a more idiotic decision. But again what can I expect from a “meaty head.”

You shouldn't do that behind the parents back. If you were concerned about them you should have talked to the parents or given the kids something besides meat to eat if they were hungry. Children being hungry has nothing do with what they eat but how much they have to eat. Maybe you should go to poor neighborhoods and rural areas and put your efforts into feeding children who actually are starving.

IF this is really happening?! Can you say Law Suit? You are endangering these children's lives, you no clue what they are allergic too. I've raised 2 children & 4 grandchildren with mutiple allergies. Plus you are underminding their parents, put the shoe on the other foot, what if these people were giving your children things you felt were not in their best interest?
GROWING children are always hungry, mine graze endlessly.
I think this is a joke.. but I spent time on it anyway.
You are rude & tacky.

While I'm not a veg*n, I feel that what you are doing is wrong. Why haven't you approached the kids' parents with your concerns of them not eating enough or eating properly? Why be deceptive and feed the kids something that the parents don't want them to eat(would you be stuffing ice cream and candy down the throats of a child whose parents don't want them to eat sugar?)? This is going to blow up in all of y'all's faces, and the bad part is, if the kids really aren't getting everything they need, the parents aren't going to listen to anyone in the area after the way y'all treated them and their kids.

Lenka, you were fine until your last line. Don't stoop to his level and insult those that have no ties to him except not being veggie. Not all of us "meaty heads" feel as this guy does.

I agree with the other posters that this is prob just BS, but, for the sake of argument.....

Do you realize that some Vegetarians/Vegans adopt that lifestyle due to their religious beliefs? Would you want the neighbors teaching your children that their religion was wrong?

Some people adopt the veggie lifestyle due to medical issues which require them to do so. You could literally be putting the children's life in danger.

Not to mention that a "veggie head" dad is probably going to be knocking on your door with a little meat to put in your face sometime soon.....

i know about the hungry thing!!! i'm vegan and eat at least six small meals a day. it's a good thing though, it just means that my body is processing the foods efficiently. when you eat meat, it does give you a nice full feeling BUT that's because it's just sitting in your guts. your body can't process it quickly.

as far as the "best interest of the children" thing goes... meat eaters have a shorter life span than vegetarians, meat eaters suffer a greater risk of having cancer and heart disease than vegetarians, meat eaters have a higher chance of developing diabetes than vegetarians.

please think about what you're doing. and check with your doctor if i sound crazy to you!

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