Vegans and Vegitarians??!


Vegans and Vegitarians??

I first want to say I respect your choices 100% and mean no disrespect, I just have a quick question .

You are against using any animal product because of the way that factory farms treat those particular animals, and your personal choice is to not eat meat, correct?? What if someone had a small farm type setting and raised chickens, and had a few cows that had a huge pasture to graze. And on that farm there were goats, and other regular farm type animals. There was a natural bee hive and it was huge...
Would you have anything against the person living there in harmony with nature, and from time to time harvesting one of those animals for consumption. But they dont waste the life they inturn use every it of the animal. Are they still deplorable to you because they eat meat, or are they ok to you?? I am really curious ever since I was approached in the mall while having lunch with my children and called a murderer.

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1 week ago
I have been curious because I was approached by a hostile fellow and he called me a murder when I was having lunch with my kids (I was eating a burger). Iwas really upset at first, then I just thought that he had his right to feel that way, but he doesnt need to force his views down my throat in that manner because I dont react well to people attacking me. Now if he had sit down and explained his views, I probably wouldnt have been able to finish my burger. I have been trying to research all your views since that episode so I can further understand you as a group. I may decide to become a vegitarian, and I want to really understand every aspect of the life style and beliefs.

1 week ago
I have been curious because I was approached by a hostile fellow and he called me a murder when I was having lunch with my kids (I was eating a burger). Iwas really upset at first, then I just thought that he had his right to feel that way, but he doesnt need to force his views down my throat in that manner because I dont react well to people attacking me. Now if he had sit down and explained his views, I probably wouldnt have been able to finish my burger. I have been trying to research all your views since that episode so I can further understand you as a group. I may decide to become a vegitarian, and I want to really understand every aspect of the life style and beliefs.

Yes, some people are very preachy. It disturbs me because it give alot of people the wrong impression about vegetarians (which I am happy to be one) and vegans (would like to be, but haven't made it yet). They don't realize that they aren't helping anyone "convert" to their way of thinking, but just make people mad. I wish more meat eaters or whoever would realize that not all of us are like that!!

AS for your senario, absolutely I would have much less of a problem with someone consuming animal products under those circumstanses. My good vegetarian friend has a few chickens. They are her pets, will never be butchered, she kisses them goodnight every night (I know, Right??)... And she eats their eggs. So did I, while I lived near her. Upon second thought, If I was going to do what she does I would feel alot better if I DIDN'T have a rooster (which she does). THen the eggs would be unfertilized, and there would have never ever been any chance of them turning into a baby chicken. I'd feel better about eating the eggs then. Anyway...

But my answer is, I wouldn't have any problem with someone doing what you're describing.

Peace, Love, and Tofu (3 things this world needs :))

Vegetarian for 17 years, mostly vegan when eating at home.

Well that would be better for the animals! but just think those animals don't wont to die just so people can eat them so l would not eat meat even if the were raised like that and l think you should go veggie you wont regret it you will feel sooo much better and you will be happy all the time and you will have a LOT more energy!!!! the animals will thank you!!!!!

If the animals were allowed to die naturally and you ate their bodies as a scavenger then I'd say that's your personal choice and I'd probably be flattered to be a cow or chicken living on your farm haha.

If the animals are selectively chosen from time to time and purposely killed in any way just to have some beef ect laying around, for a summer BBQ or any reason really..then no because I don't think its right to kill an animal when you have readily so many nutritious available sources in our world that are plant based.

As far as using eggs etc I would be more lenient towards this if they were allowed to lay them when they want too in a free environment and you went and used them... its just a personal decision at this point of my beliefs though that I personally still wouldn't eat eggs, milk or cheese in this setting just because I don't think they are meant to be a food source and don't agree that they are good for you.

I wouldn't mind other people using these as food though if it was in an entirely humane machine and enclosure free environment. I would prefer it not done..but, this would be so much more acceptable then what happens now in most places across our country and the rest of the world.

Ok, well what that person did was just rude;however, as a vegetarian I personally would not eat any animal at any time, but I would not confront someone for their own eating habits as I hate being pointed at for not eating meat. Also, I think a farm life is the absolute best way to live and applaud anyone for doing so and it is kinder to animals that way also. Besides that I'm sure more animal rights activists would be much less active if all meat eaters lived like that or bought meat from places that treated their animals that way. Peace out.

YES he was out of line. Sad thing is people like him really create such a negative division between humans with different lifestyles. Very counter- productive. I would never listen to someone's view that acted so stupid & aggressive. I hope your children were not frightened.

Now to your question: I honestly believe Humans are not meant to eat animal flesh. I know it is tradition to do so dating back to THE FLOOD. Its scary going against tradition so many people can not do it. Too many studies have proven humans are much healthier, have less catastrophic diseases if they are at least Vegetarian, more so if they a Vegan & the healthiest is someone who is Raw or almost totally Raw Vegan. For your & your family's health consider doing 50% raw(fruits & veggies). If the child has to have chicken nuggets a side of fruit salad is a nice balance.
Small personal farms as you describe, my best friend has one & it's lovely. She eats meat, eggs etc. & is huge in the animal rescue field in GA.
I am a VEGAN, doing a RAW summer.

I've had people telling me they would never stop eating meat like I did because they didn't climb all the way to the top of the food chain to eat carrot. I tell them OK, don't think about what you're doing just because it's comfortable to keep doing it and fit in the crowd. But I appreciate being on the top of the food chain because it enables me to CHOOSE. I define freedom as ability to make choices by your own moral code. The fact that majority of population does something doesn't mean it's right. We've been given the ability to think abstractly, we should use it. I find killing animals immoral, so I choose not to do it.

Most vegetarians do not call strangers murderers. We get harrassed by meat eaters though all the time.

Factory farming is only one reason why people become vegetarians...there are many more reasons. If someone had a farm with chickens and cows, I dont call that living in harmony with nature and regardless of that, killing an animal for food, unless it's to survive, is wrong.

I am a vegetarian and own a farm.

Mainly arable but with a few pet cows, sheep, chickens etc.

It is NOT acceptable for a vegetarian to eat any meat, whether it be road kill, died of natural causes or killed in a quick manner after a pampered life.

The definition does not make any allowances for how the animal lived or died.

Farm owners and meat eaters are not "deplorable" to me. That would be judgemental and I'm not. It would be nice if more people took the time to educate themselves, but i cannot force them.

I do deplore peole who approach you and call you a murderer. We are not all like that.

Was thier name Ashley ?

If all animals were treated like this, and if they were killed humanely, then it would be better. But, since they never see daylight until when they go to the slaughterhouse, and they are slaughtered, it makes it harder. Also, if animals weren't given hormones to grow faster...EX: Cows, Chickens, etc. I always wondered why they couldn't euthanize the animals...but, then the medicine would be transferred all through the bloodstream, which would make the meat uneatable.

I dont have problems with meat eaters anywhere, wether or not they grow their own food. My family for example. My dad is a huge steak lover guy. But hes not any less of a good person for it.

If some guy had his own farm and grew his own cows and THEN ate them, yes, Id have more respect for him. Alot of people dont really understand where their food comes from, but that guy would.

In fact, I used to have chickens. they lived on this huge property and hatched their eggs anywhere they felt like it. My family also had bees.

Again - I have no problems with meat eaters so I may not be the person to answer your question. But I DO have more respect for the guy who will do it himself instead of sitting back and waiting for someone to bring your meat to you. (figuratively speaking)

hi mellissaw! not all vegetarians are members of p.e.t.a. some,like myself,have high cholestrol,heart disease and cancer run in their families.a diet low or absent in meat products might add years to my life.too much meat,especially red meat,has been linked to a greater than average risk of certain cancers.those who have these problems in their families,or patients who are already being treated for cancer,especially breast cancer,are often told by their doctors to decrease/avoid red hoping i will ward off genetic problems.not every vegetarian will lecture u or be mean,its obnoxious this one at the mall did!

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