Cheap n easy but nice dinners?!


Cheap n easy but nice dinners?

im a student n getting increasingly fed up wit spag bol n sweet n sour. ne ideas on nice food that wouldnt be too expensive to buy n would be quick enuf to make?

Spiced Potato (I am assuming that you are using about 8 potatoes)

1.Take 1 large onion and chop it up (about 2 cm per piece)
2.Heat up a skillet/any type of pot you like and add the onions in some cooking oil
3.Cook for about 5 mints
4.Add pepper, and a can of salsa
5.Add about a cup of yogurt and a cup of boiling water
6.Cook for about 15 mints
7.Check if the potatoes are done
8.As soon as the potatoes are done add some chopped ginger, 1 chopped bell pepper, 2 large tomatoes and fresh cilantro. Cover the pot for about 10 mints to steam the pepper and tomatoes
Chicken with rice
1.Marinade chicken in garlic, ginger, yogurt and salt for about an hour
2.On a skillet/crock pot add cooking oil and add 1 or 2 chopped onions
3.Add the chicken
4.Add a little vinegar
5.Cook for about 20-25 minutes, if it gets too dry add a cup of boiling hot water
6.Cook the rice separately
7.Mix with the chicken
8.Put on the stove in low heat, add 2/3 sliced tomatoes, cilantro, 1 small shopped ginger and ground black pepper. Cover for 5 minutes.

1. Take 1 onion (for 1 lb minced meat)
2. On a skillet/crock pot heat up cooking oil
3. Add the onion.
4. As the onion turn light brown add the meat
5. Add cinnamon, 1 teaspoon garlic, 1 teaspoon ginger, salt, 1 cup tomato paste/puree
6. Cook for 35 minutes, checking every 5 minutes
7. If gets dry add 1 cup of boiling water (each time it gets dry)
8. After 35 minutes has passed add 1 can of bean, 1 can of salsa (type depends on what you like) and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
9. Cook for 5-10 minutes (do not add any more water)

Really tasty chicken soup

1.Cut up the chicken into small tiny pieces a crock pot, heat up some butter
3.Add a small onion (diced/chopped), 1 tablespoon of ginger and 1 clove of garlic
4.Add the chicken (wash really well before) and cook for about 10 minutes in high heat, stirring after every 1 minute.
5.Add a can of tomato paste or a can of salsa
6.Add some diced (very small pieces) of potatoes
7.Cook for 10 more minutes
8.Add water/chicken broth
9.Add salt and peper
10.Boil for 10 minutes or to desired thickness
11.Serve with some parmesan chease on top

buy a wok, and do stirfry. Rice is cheap, you can buy smaller quanties of meat, and veggies last a while in the fridge.

If you have a George Forman grill, or similar, you can make yourself a nice chicken breast in 7 minutes. It's not too expensive, and it's all protein which will keep you full longer. You can get a package of about 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts for about $5. Get some bbq sauce or a little bottle of lemon pepper seasoning, or whatever you like. Have it with a salad (you can buy bagged salad too) and I think you could have a really nice, fast, cheap meal that would be good for you too!

peanut butter

oven ships, fried egg and beans, good brain and comfort food

depends on ur price range.....
riceroni makes good sides

Jacket potato and your choice of filling ;)

Fast South-of-the-Border Chicken Skillet Recipe

4 small, skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
2 t. cooking oil
1/3 C. sliced green onions
1 clove garlic, minced
1 T. chili powder
1/8 t. ground cumin
1/8 t. pepper
1 14 1/2 oz. can tomatoes, cut up
1 1/4 C. chicken broth
3/4 C. long-grain rice
1/4 C. picante sauce or salsa
sour cream

In a large skillet, quickly brown chicken breast halves in hot cooking oil over medium-high heat, turning once. Remove chicken from skillet. Add green onions, garlic, chili powder, cinnamon, cumin and pepper to skillet. Cook and stir for 1 minute.

Remove skillet from heat. Carefully stir undrained tomatoes, chicken broth and long-grain rice into vegetables in skillet. Return skillet to heat and bring to boiling. Arrange chicken breast halves on top of rice mixture. Reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed.

Spoon picante sauce or salsa over chicken. Cover and heat for 1 minute more. Serve with sour cream.

Makes 4 servings.

Fast Mexican Casserole Recipe

1 lb. ground beef
1/2 C. chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. vegetable oil
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
28 oz. can stew tomatoes
4 oz. can chopped chilies, drained
1 package taco seasoning mix
2 1/4 oz. can chopped black olives

Brown meat with onion and garlic, drain. Add tomato sauce, chilies, cilantro, seasoning mix, peppers and olives. Simmer 10 minutes.

1 package tortilla chips, lightly crushed
8 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
2 C. sour cream
1/2 C. shredded cheddar cheese

Spread one-half chips on bottom of 9 x 13-inch pan or casserole. Add meat mixture. Layer mozzarella cheese and sour cream. Add remaining chips.

Bake uncovered in preheated oven 350°F. for 30 minutes. Top with cheddar cheese.

Serves 6-8.

Garlic Pasta and Chicken Salad

4 small bulb garlic
1/2 cup olive oil, divided
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary
16 ounces mini penne, uncooked
4 cups cooked chicken cubes or strips
3/4 cup sliced green onions
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

Cook pasta according to package directions and drain.

Separate bulbs of garlic into cloves and then peel cloves. Place peeled garlic cloves in small saucepan with olive oil. Cover and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, about 25 minutes or until garlic is tender. Puree garlic cloves in food processor with 1/4 cup olive oil, basil and rosemary to form garlic pesto.

Place cooked pasta in large bowl. Add 1/2 cup of garlic pesto, remaining 1/4 cup olive oil, chicken, green onions and cheese; mix well. (Reserve remaining garlic pesto for use in other recipes).

Add additional olive oil to moisten salad if needed. Serve at room temperature over crisp chilled lettuce.

Serves 8.

How about a veg stew,put one of any amounts of veg,e.g carrots,parsnip.onion,e.t.c make up stock with a couple of chicken oxo's,a bit.A bit of mash with it and you have a cheap nutritious meal.Or how about risotto,chop up bits of bacon and onion,add risotto rice and stock made again with oxo,amount of stock according to the rice instructions and then simmer for about 15 mins or put in oven for 20 mins.

A little more expensive, but very quick and easy, and good to serve to friends.

Smoked fish Bake
Into a buttered square dish, put 1 tail fillet smoked fish for each person.
Cover fillets with sliced tomato.
Cover tomato with a rasher of bacon for each fillet
Fill any gaps with mushrooms, cup side up, and a little butter in each. Sprinkle with garlic powder or granules.
Cover with greaseproof paper
Bake in oven approx 200C/Mik 7 for around 20 minutes.
Serve with chunks of garlic bread and salad stuff.

This chicken Alfredo pasta is so simple and so good it embarrasses me to admit I use it, but hey my family loves it.

Clean and cube 1 to 1 1/2 lb boneless chicken breast. Brown in a skillet with extra virgin olive oil, (just enough to be able to brown the chicken, no extra), and 2 tbs of minced garlic. After chicken is browned add 1 jar of Bertinoli Alfredo sauce to the chicken. Leave the olive oil in the skillet and stir until until the oil is absorbed into the sauce. Add a very very generous amount of fresh ground black pepper and saute.

In a separate pan cook according to directions (3 minutes do not over cook), 1 lb of Aldente spicy fettuccine. Drain.
and stir in the Alfredo sauce until the pasta is coated.

You must use the Aldente pasta, usually found in finer grocery stores.

Serve with fresh grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Easy, Cheap and Good Costs about $3-7 To feed 4

8 Pieces of Chicken or 4 Chicken Breasts. - I used 4 Dark Quarters but you can use Chicken Breasts or just a Whole Chicken Cut Up.

2 Cups of Rice - You can use more rise just use another more milk and Water

2 Cans of Cream of Chicken

1 Can of Milk and 1 Can of Water.

Directions: I use a 9x13 pan but anything around that size will do. Grease pan for easier cleanup and put rice evenly on the bottom of the pan. Scoop out cream of chicken and try to put it out somewhat evenly over the rice. Place Chicken on top of Rice and Cream of Chicken. Season chicken to taste, I use Lawry's Salt but anything will do. Bake for 90 minutes at 350 degrees.

Variations: You can add slightly more rice if you want some crispy rice on the top. Also if you need to feed more feel free to add another can of cream of chicken and a can of half water half milk with another cup of rice.

smothered potatoes and onions with smoked sausage.

cut half of a 1 pound package of smoked sausages into rounds. cut a small onion into slices, then set both of them aside.
cut and peel 3-4 medium potatoes and dice them into cubes.
in a skillet, put in a half stick of margarine or butter and melt it on high heat.
put the potatoes in the skillet and let them brown. you may have to move them around occasionally to make sure all of them are browned on all sides.
once the potatoes are browned, add in a small amount of water (approx. 1/2 cup), some salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and put a lid on it. let the potatoes get soft and let some of the water evaporate from the pan.
add in the smoked sausages and sliced onions. then add in another small amount of water to the pan and let it cook for 10 minutes on low with the lid on and cook it until the water is gone from the skillet.

I've got one for of the best I relied on during my next-to-non-existent grad school budget:

Chicken on the Ranch
Chicken Breasts (skin on/bone in is cheaper, but boneless/skinless if you want)
Block of Philly Cream Cheese (or store brand...i.e. cheaper)
Packet of Ranch Seasoning Mix (I like Hidden Valley Ranch Dips packets)

Mix the Cream Cheese (you may not need the whole block depending on how much chicken you are making) with the Ranch Seasoning Mix (whole packet) and a couple pats of butter (just for extra fatty flavor). Stuff the chicken with the mixture (if it's still got the skin on it, just stuff it under the skin...if it's boneless/skinless, pound it out, put the cheese stuff in there and then make like a sandwich or roll it's really up to's all going to taste the same in the end anyway).

Bake at 350 in a foil lined pan for about 30 minutes, or until the juices in the chicken run might take longer if the bone's still in the breast...also, you might want to cover the pan with foil if you are cooking it longer.

Serve with rice or noodles. I like this with brown rice for some reason. Buttered noodles are good too. Just serve it with something you can use to sop the rest of the gooey cooked yummy cheese mixture up.

rice over murhroom soup

stir fry with bits of chicken and vedge...

I liked to make dirty rice when I was in college and on a budget, which is a good way to use up bits of sauce and similar left in the fridge...if you make it from scratch you can use cooked rice, tinned tomatoes or fresh, and green pepper, onion and celery...with a bit of (don't gag) chicken livers (cheap and surprisingly tasty) or if you are faint of heart, some cut up spicy american style sausage or just the casing free sausage meat, fried mum used to make a version of this rice that contained the rice, green pepper, onion, celery and bits of leftover beef, taco sauce, tomato sauce, and small bits of tomato based sauce that were not enough to make anything with on their is really hearty, filling and inexpensive...

try buying hte healthy choice meals u use in the microwave.. if you eat these over an amount of time, you get used to the serving sizes.... the food is also VERY YUMMMMMMMMY!!!!!!!

Throw a handfull of pasta spirals in a pan,cook in normal way,drain and add a tin of any kind of soup that you fancy !!


3 slices bacon
1 lb. round steak or chuck cut in cubes
1 lg. onion
5 carrots, peeled & sliced
4 or 5 potatoes, peeled & cut
Salt & pepper to taste
3/4 c. water

Layer all above ingredients in order and simmer about an hour on top of stove.


2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons butter
3/4 cup milk

Combine ingredients. Drop by teaspoonfuls on top of boiling stew.
Cover tightly and steam for 12 minutes.

Variation: A few teaspoons of finely chopped fresh parsley may be added to batter. I sauté them in butter and onions and serve them with Sausage and Sauerkraut


2 large cans chicken broth
1 head shredded cabbage
2 stalks celery, sliced
3 carrots, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 tomato, diced
1/3 can tomato paste
garlic powder, oregano, basil, pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a large pot. Bring to a boil, then simmer for about 3-4 hours.
Easy to freeze and thaw for cold winter days. It's also very healthy for you!


2 pkg. of button mushrooms
1 pkg. Stoeffers frozen spinach souffle
Parmesan cheese

Clean mushrooms, barely defrost the souffle and spoon into mushrooms buttons. Top with Parmesan Cheese.
Bake for 20 minutes until bubbly!

Too easy to be this good!!!!


1 bag shredded cabbage with carrots
2 cups shredded chicken or canned chicken
4 cubes chicken bouillon or instant bouillon
1/2 gallon oil for deep frying
egg roll wraps

Cook cabbage, carrots, and chicken with bouillon until boiling. Drain all liquid. Using towel or paper towels make sure mixture is dry. Fold into egg roll wraps as shown on package. Quick, easy and tastes wonderful.


1 pkg egg noodles
1 celery stalk (chopped)
1/2 med onion (chopped)
2-6 oz cans tuna (drained)
2-10.5 oz cans Cream of Mushroom Soup
3/4-14.5 oz can mixed peas and carrots (drained)
1 1/2 c. cheddar cheese
1/2 c. mozzerella cheese

Boil noodles as directed on package, adding onion and celery the last 1-2 minutes. Drain noodles and add tuna, soup and canned vegetables, stirring until well blended.
Spread into a 13x9 baking pan, spreading cheese on top.

Bake in oven at 350 degrees until melted.


2 cans Grands biscuits
1 small jar spaghetti or pizza sauce
8 oz. pkg. shredded mozzarella cheese

Pre-heat oven according to biscuit package instructions.
Place biscuits on a large greased cookie sheet. With a small round cup, press each biscuit into a mini pizza, leaving a small lip around the edges.

Using a teaspoon, place sauce on top of each pizza. Cover each pizza with cheese. Bake for 20 minutes.

Add any meat or vegetable topping before adding cheese.


1 roll crescent rolls from the dairy case
slices of pepperoni
pre-packaged cubed cheese (any flavor you like)

Preheat oven to the temperature on the package of the crescent rolls.
Separate each crescent roll and add about 4 pieces of pepperoni and 4 pieces of cheese to each section. Press all the edges closed so that you can’t see anything inside. Put on a cookie sheet and bake according to the crescent roll directions (about 11-15 min. or until golden brown.

Serve warm.

You can make the little pillows ahead of time and keep in the refrigerator until you are ready to bake them to save time.


2 lb. hamburger meat
1 small onion chopped
2 eggs whole
2-3 slices of bread

Wet bread with water and tear apart into small chunks. Add a regular size jar of Ragu mushrooms and green peppers (or your choice). Mix all ingredients well and put into an ovenproof dish.
Bake at 450°F about 35 mintues.

Remove from oven and add honey bbq sauce on top, enough to spread over top. Return to oven and cook on broil for 5 minutes longer; just enough to brown the top of the sauce.

A few slices of fresh green pepper rings or onion rings may be put on the top of the meatloaf for decoration.

Let cool and serve.

Well, there are loads of things you could do. When I was a student, where possible I avoided prepacked ready meals unless there was a really special offer on, and often ended up feeding my flatmates at the end of term 'cos I had too much left in the freezer and they had no money!

When making spag bol, make it from scratch in bulk and freeze individual portions in plastic bags. Here are a few ideas to stop it getting boring:

~ Chilli con carne: add a can of kidney or baked beans, chill powder to taste, maybe some chopped peppers and serve with a jacket potato, rice, or just in a bowl with bread.
~ Lasagne: Make a cheese sauce from a packet or use cornflour and milk, brought to a boil and cooked until thickened, then add grated cheese and maybe a bit of mustard. Check it tastes good, then layer it with bol sauce and sheets of pasta - a very impressive dish, and not difficult.
~ "Cottage" Pie - put it in a baking dish with a handful of mixed veg, top with mashed potato and stick in the oven for 20-30 minutes or until hot and golden brown on top.

To make your own tomato sauce, chop some onions and garlic finely, fry with some mixed herbs until soft, and add tomato puree and canned chopped tomatoes. Cook until it thickens a bit and tastes good, then blitz it with a hand blender. Try making this in bulk and freezing in individual portions. Serving sugestions:
~ With pasta and cheese, or roasted vegetables (see below)
~ Add to cooked mince for bolognese sauce.
~ As a base for homemade pizza!
~ Fry off some sausages until just browned, then chuck in an oven dish with tomato sauce and bake until cooked.
~ Also good as soup if you're under the weather (or hungover), maybe with a hint of chilli and some sliced up frankfurters.

Roasted Vegetables! Tasty and easy to prepare - a "go off and leave 'em dish. Just chop up some veg, for example potatoes, carrots, swede, parsnips, peppers, courgettes, squash, onion (broccoli and cauliflower not recommended). Then put in a bag with oil, chopped / crushed garlic, salt, pepper, mixed herbs, paprika and a hint of chilli powder, shake up and chuck in the oven 200C in a roasting tin / deepish baking tray and forget for 30-60 min depending on size of chunks and what you're cooking. Ideas for serving:
~ In a big bowl covered in cheese - one of my favourite meals!
~ With chicken, bacon or sausages - try putting these in the oven in the same tray as the veg to cook.
~ With couscous - good cold for lunch the next day
~ With pasta or savoury rice, perhaps with some tomato sauce.
~ Blitz up with tomato sauce to make interesting pasta sauce or fantastic soup!

Chicken! It's cheap, and very versatile. Here are a few ideas:
~ Casserole: Fry off some onions and mushrooms, put in the dish and put the chicken on top. Cover with condensed mushroom soup, diluted with water or half milk and half water. Cook in the oven for 45-75 min.
~ Curry: Fry onions, peppers and garlic until soft, add chopped chicken and cook until golden. Add curry powder and cook for a little while longer, then add canned tomatoes and/or stock. Or use a bought sauce.
~ Roast!

Stir fry: Chop meat, veg, and marinade meat in soy sauce, oil, and herbs. Good if you can get ginger and garlic in there somewhere too. Heat a wok or frying pan, then chuck the meat in first, seal and add the rest of the ingredients. Serve with rice or noodles.

Cauliflower / Broccoli cheese! Make cheese sauce, pour over cooked broccoli/cauliflower and pasta, then wop in the oven/under the gril to brown.

Omelette. Whisk 2-3 eggs with a little milk, heat a pan, add oil or butter, and chuck in the mixture. Leave it to your imagination to think up possible fillings.

Pancakes! A good one to share with flatmates. Ratio is 1 egg to 2oz/50g flour, 1/4pt milk. Whisk to a double cream consistency, leave in the fridge for 10min if time, then cook small ladlefuls to a hot pan. Have a go at savoury fillings as well as sweet!

Jacket potatoes: V. quick if done in the microwave, just prick all over with a fork, wrap in kitchen roll, and nuke for 10 min on High, turning over midway through.. To crisp up the outside, rub with oil and stick under the grill.

Pesto. Not cheap to buy, but goes a long way. Use on its own with pasta, or fry off onions, courgettes, peppersm and maybe some bacon, add pesto and serve with pasta, couscous or rice.

Canned Tuna is good - with mayo and sweetcorn or mixed veg as a filler for jackets, sandwiches, on pasta. Good as an unusual pizza topping. Make your own pasta bake!

Pizza - Buy basic/value cheese and tomato pizzas, then add toppings yourself before baking. That way you get to use some fresh veggies, and it costs less.

Just a few ideas from an ex student...

Best of luck!

1 pack of mince meat
half an onion
curry powder
cook and mix together 1 cheap easy to cook meal

beat up two eggs, season and stir in as many fresh peas as it will stand - fry - eat.

Chop up an onion very small and fry in very little oil, add a small tin of corned beef and later a tin of baked beans, stir well and allow to cool so you can eat large spoonsful without burning your mouth. allow to go cold - refrigerate it and again eat with a spoon with a splash of hot n spicy piccalilly. How come students, the very cream of the crop are useless in a kitchen. why waste your time shouting in pubs when you could read a cookbook and learn to live?????????

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