Why don't I feel hungry during the day?!


Why don't I feel hungry during the day?

I am never hungry when I wake up. I'll get some hunger pains around 11am which is a busy time for me, so I'll just say "Oh I'll get something after this", by then I am no longer hungry. I'll get hungry again around 3pm after having nothing still, so then I'll grab a small snack until dinner around 5pm. I eat a normal dinner then around 9pm I get really hungry and I eat a bunch of chocolate anything! I don't have an eating disorder what so ever. I want to chow down beleive me it's hard to eat when you don't feel hungry. I could maanage putting in small snacks, but my body needs more than that. Thanks for your answer!

While it's not a 'formal eating disorder' you do have an eating disorder ... one I call 'distractability' ... and I 'know this' because I have the same thing .. but I am older (56) and have 'learned from experience' that it is FAR BETTER FOR YOUR HEALTH if you eat more 'normally' ... but I can give you a 'good diet' if you are willing to 'do some research' because I can't 'see you' and how you look.
First, do you want to gain weight, lose weight, or 'stay the same as you look now'? Get a piece of paper (8.5x11") and write THAT at the top, in a 'complete sentence.' Under that write the following: I am going to eat properly and be healthy.' Under that (and to find this out you'll need to go to the library or go online and 'search' for some of the things you'll be wrting down) write your height, your weight, and your age. If your 'target weight' is higher or lower than your 'actual weight' write that in next to your actual weight ... Then 'add or subtract' the weights and write that number next to the weights. DIVIDE that number by 2, and write that number down ... and put 'weeks' behind it with an 'up arrow' or a 'down arrow' to tell whether you want to gain weight, or lose it. That is how long you'll be on a 'restricted diet' ... and that could be the time you have to 'get used' to your 'new diet lifestyle' ...
Next, figure out EXACTLY HOW MANY CALORIES YOU TAKE IN EVERY DAY ... from EVERYTHING you eat. If you want to 'gain weight' you should 'add' 500 calories per day, if you want to 'lose weight' you'll be 'subtracting' 500 calories per day ... BUT ONLY IF YOUR 'final total' is 'near' to 1500 calories if you want to 'lose' and near to 2500 calories if you want to 'gain' weight. That is 'how much you need to eat in 'calories' every day.
Then, take a GOOD LONG LOOK at the 'food pyramid' that the government puts out. You'll see that 'breads and starches' are at the BOTTOM and that 'candy and sweets' are at the very 'top' in a 'tiny area' as compared to all of the others ... and that there is also 'fat' and other things included with that. ONE of the reasons your eating habits are so 'faulty' is that you are 'starving yourself' of all of the 'good food' and you are 'so hungry' at the end of the day that you 'overindulge in chocolate' (which is half 'sweet' and half 'fat'), which is why you 'aren't hungry' in the morning. The next thing I want you to do is put EVERYTHING WITH CHOCOLATE IN IT INTO A BOX and 'hide' the box away in some place where you'll have to 'pull a lot out' to get to it. Don't worry, you do get to 'keep it' and chocolate doesn't 'spoil' (although if you have a 'chocolate cake' or brownies to eat, I suggest that you 'throw them away' or give them to friends to eat).
Next, go 'shopping' and the VERY FIRST THING on your 'new shopping list is going to be at least 4 bags of chocolate ... but you MUST get a 'high quality DARK chocolate' with no 'nuts' or any other 'calories' added ... they may be 'flavored' if yo want, but PLAIN DARK CHOCOLATE is probably best. Look at the 'nutrition information' on the side of the bags ... there should be a 'serving size' of 4 'squares' at approximately 150 calories. Then buy 'good food' in 'enough food' to last you a FULL WEEK at the 'serving sizes' recommended on the food pyramid, but PLEASE make sure that you get LOTS of 'fresh fruit' (perhaps twice as many 'calories' as 'recommended' ...
Get foods that you think are 'tasty and attractive' because this is ALL you get to eat for the first week. NO EATING OUT, and NO BUYING SNACKS ALLOWED.
Go home and divide your 'haul' into 'seven equal days' ... then divide 'all the food' for one day into three piles ... then take about 1/4 of each pile to make a fifth pile ... those will be your 'three meals plus a snack' for the next week. Cook them or package them for 'ease of use' throughout the week ... because you are going to want to put 'each meal' into a 'brown paper bag' that you can write the 'day' and the 'meal' (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) on ...
Now comes the 'fun part ... because you are going to get to have 'a little chocolate' every day, but ONLY ONE SQUARE a day for the first week, and you MUST eat it at least one hour after 'lunch' and one to two hours before 'dinner.' You MAY eat your 'snack' (which really should be fresh fruit) after your dinner, but you MUST EAT IT AT LEAST TWO HOURS BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP.
BE SURE THAT YOU GET A 'FULL EIGHT HOURS' for your sleep every night, even if that means that you'll have to 'go to bed' earlier than 'normal' ... and I want you to 'set your alarm' for 15-30 minutes 'before' you usually get out of bed. That will 'add time' so you can eat a 'good breakfast' (nearly 1/3 of your whole day's intake) before you 'start your day' ... and you MUST 'sit down and eat a regular meal' and not just 'grab and go' and nibble on the way. You MUST 'sit down' for all of your meals and for your 'snack' for now ... no television, no reading allowed, just EAT, TASTE and learn to enjoy your food again.
Do the same thing the next week (without needing to buy any chocolate, of course .. you should still have over 3 'bags' left!) ...
You will be 'well on your way' to 'normal eating' after that first two weeks, but you'll get a 'treat' at the end ... because you're going to be doing the 'same basic thing EVERY WEEK until you 'reach your goal weight' and FEEL HEALTHY, but you may 'add' one square of chocolate every week (after your second week of eating only one square, of course) until you have reached 'four squares a day' ... and it would be 'best' if you 'spaced each square out' and at it as a 'special treat' except for that 'mid-afternoon snack' square.
Then ... after you have 'reached your goal weight, or have been on this 'special diet' for AT LEAST EIGHT WEEKS, I'm going to say that you have 'graduated' and let you 'play' with your meals, their amounts, and the times and 'ways' you eat ... but I KNOW that you'll do fine because by the time eight weeks have passed you'll be 'well on your way' to forming new and better 'eating habits' ... so 'treat yourself' to a 'special dessert' (no matter how many 'extra calories' it has) of ANYTHING YOU WANT for one 'evening treat.' Hey, are you going to buy a 'huge chocolate cake' and eat the whole thing, or get out a 'box of berries' and eat them 'plain'? I know what I did ... and I bet you'll do the same thing, but I'm not going to tell you what that is, because I want you to be 'happily surprised' the way I was! Good luck, dear, and HAVE FUN with this 'special diet' ... and Be Healthy, Be Happy, and LIVE A GOOD, LONG LIFE!

I have to eat this 'special diet' for the rest of my life, because I have an 'extremely low thyroid' and must 'constantly fight fat' because of that, even with medication ... I'm hoping you DON'T, and that you don't get any other 'diseases/sickness' either, because this is really 'just the proper way to eat' after all.

Because your parents stole you from a family of racoons.

Because you are a vampire just want to eat i mean drink blood at night

You are perfectly normal and welcome to most working womens' world!!!

I'm the exact same way. So on workdays I make myself have either a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereal before I leave the house. Even though I am NEVER hungry in the morning. When the mid morning munchies hit, I eat a banana, same with the 3:00 p.m. time, once your body is saying it's hungry it is vital that you give it something, just a bit of fuel to keep your blood sugars on an even keel.
Keep your dinner to protein and veggies, go easy on the carbs at night.
If you get the 9:00 chocolate craving, buy some weight watchers or other low cal/low sugar ice cream bars/sandwiches or whatever.

Whole grain or fiber cereal is a perfect bedtime snack and if you need sweet added to it, just pour on some Splenda!!

you′re stressed out. and put eating on the side.. That's not good , you should at least eat a yogurt or fruit for breakfast and take a lite lunch and make yourself eat.. And drink alot of water.. you′ll feel better and have alot more energy during the work day!

Take care and start eating!

Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

you should try putting yourself on an eating schedule. have breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner at the same time every day. and even if youre not very hungry, eating breakfast will give you energy for the rest of the day and will also speed your metabolism (which can actually help you loose weight). also, if you go almost all day without eating, your stomach becomes smaller and over time you need less and less food to feel full. if you have been eating like this for awhile that may be why you dont feel hungry all day.

thats when u really should eat is when your not hungry cause then you won't be hungry later if its a granola bar for bf or yogurt or bowl of cheerios and for lunch and sandwich or bag of gold fish or something

If your'e not hungry you still need to eat because it can mess up your matabolism so when you do eat something your body thinks your starving and it will store whatever you do eat as fat. Drink like one of those Carnation breakfast drinks or Slimfast or something of that sort.

every one's stomach is different.. just go with the flow.. and when youre hungry during that 11am busy time.. before you leave.. throw a sandwich in your purse... ino it sounds crazy.. but it's what you've gotta do to keep yourself satisfied!

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