Would it be a sin to practice cannibalism in an emergency?!


Would it be a sin to practice cannibalism in an emergency?

Your plane crashes in the Andes and you survive....OK to eat a dead person?

No. I don't believe so. It's a matter of life or death. If you don't eat, then you won't survive. There are actual documented cases of disaster survivors practicing cannibalism. I don't recommend pulling a Hannibal Lector and going psycho. Cannibalism can make you sick.

I don't think so. A bunch of books have characters who deal with this, such as Alive! and Deep River.

Sure, have a bite.

maybe I would survive but I would go crazy, that's just nasty.

sure, i heard they taste like chicken

to each his own

I think its ok

especially if the person already said "eat me"

if they're already dead, shouldn't be a problem. however, if you kill them...

It's called survival. Yes, if they are already dead, not if you kill them first.

hey, either not saving yourself on purpose (suicide) or eating a (hopefully) dead person.

It's fine, so long as you didn't kill him/her.

I dunno. Would it be suicide to not eat them? Isn't suicide a sin?

Morally: I think most people will understand that you had no other choice. Though you may have difficulty finding buddies to go camping with you after that.


no a person has the right to survive.

What? Its a sin?? I eat my girlfriend every day!! lol thats perverted im sorry

I would but I'm not religious.

shouldn't sin be in the religion and philosophy section?

sure, dont let it go to waist, as long as there dead and your not killing then its fine.

If the person your practising on wasn't dead,I don't think they'd be best pleased

I don't think it would be a sin, because I have been taught to use the methods available to me to survive. However, I would certainly try to find some other form of food to live off of before I ate human flesh.

Whether or not it's a sin depends a lot on your personal beliefs. I'm not religious so, for me, there's no element of religion or spirituality involved.

As far as a court of law is concerned, necessity is not a valid defense.

No problem. Once a person is dead they don't really have any need for their muscle tissue any more. I think it would be more of a sin not to use the resources at ones disposal in order to survive.

Of course, killing someone for their muscle tissue is quite a different matter...

No not ok we are humans not animals so I will opt for the fiberglass in the fuseluage and those real ripe running shoes freezing fast and tasting real bad. HP sause won't tempt me either and now I am not hungry

I would do it.....but if you mean biblicaly speaking yes it is a sin.

Remember, if you are basing the answer on the Bible and if it is a sin or not:

Jesus was fasting in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan, yet did not succumb.

Theologically speaking, if you were in the wilderness and tempted 'by satan' to do something that was not in line with the bible, then of course you would be sinning to follow through with that act.

Personally, if you and I were in the wilderness and you died first, I would have something to snack on till the rescue choppers came.

I will allow people to eat me, if I'm dead. But i don't know if i can bring myself to eat dead people though.

If nothing else was available and only take what you really need i think so. show the deceased dignity

I guess that depends on whose definition of sin you use. People like to pretend that we're so intelligent and evolved, but take away food and water for a few days and see what you get. An animal that will do most anything to ensure its survival. Go ahead, chomp down on the deadies.

Survival comes first. YES! ~
Tastes like sweet pork I have heard.

Sin? Sounds like you really wanted the religion or philosophy section. I suspect that most people would do what ever it took to survive when actually placed in difficult position. However we never know till we actually experience it. As to the sin aspect, from a Judeo-Christian perspective the body is only the temporary residence of the soul. As such it has little value once the soul has departed. While I do not pretend to speak for Christians or Jews, I don't believe it would be a sin.

During the days of settling the west in America the Donner Party got trapped by winter in the mountails and did the same for survival.

Two canibals were eating a clown. One turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?".

Well its called survival so i think if a person is at deaths door then there wouldn't be a choice so i say yes.... How gross though!!!

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