How Could Somebody HATE TOMATOES....???!


How Could Somebody HATE TOMATOES....???

I love tomatoes...
the only time i cant eat them is when the seeds on the inside
look like snots from your nose ( when the seeds get slimy and yellow/brown )

You should be asking the about 90 percent of the under 12 population this question !
I loove tomatoes too, I am just as bewildered as you why poeple can hate them, I love them..I can eat with the seeds on the inside baby tomatoes,, why am I writing about this? Actually why are you posting ? Ha, anyways happy tomato eating ;)

I hate tomatoes...but I love ketchup.

Lycopersicon esculentum might be a reason someone might not be too fond of tomatoes.

and THAT would be why people hate tomatoes!

OK - I love tomatoes - but your description is disgusting and could cause a lesser person to hate them

I like most things that are made from tomatoes

I love tomatoes on a burger or a sandwich but do not like them on a salad.........not sure why, have not asked my taste buds that question

For people with acid-reflux disease it might hurt their stomach when they eat tomatoes. That would be a reason not to like them.

You should be asking the about 90 percent of the under 12 population this question !
I loove tomatoes too, I am just as bewildered as you why poeple can hate them, I love them..I can eat with the seeds on the inside baby tomatoes,, why am I writing about this? Actually why are you posting ? Ha, anyways happy tomato eating ;)

I used to love them 'til you described them

well people can be allergic to it or just don't like it

Im actually vegetarian and this may sound weird for someone who has to eat lots of vegetables but, I only eat cooked vegetables. lol My little sister on the other hand (vegetarian also) can't stand tomatoes no matter cooked or raw. What I don't get about her is how she will eat it if it is in a pizza but not in pasta. o_0 weird... xx miki

Tomatoes are amazing.
Sundried tomatoes are simply the best thing ever.
I'm also addicted to tomato soup :|

I love every way. Sun-dried, stewed, roasted, chopped in salsa, in pasta....they are so good for you too.

I like tomatoes especially on pasta, salads, and so much more.

depends how they are cooked!

i love tomatoes but my cousin doesnt like them because they're mushy

everyone in our family loves tomatoes once they are adults - (the people not the tomatoes) especially beefsteak home-grown. even my dog will eat 'em right off the vine if we don't watch him every second. however, we have a theory that the reason most children don't like them, besides perhaps the taste, is that tomatoes look like something that isn't finished yet - like a veggie embryo. and most kids analyze everything on their plate and if it looks weird in any way, they won't eat it.

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