With all the meat recall i have been seeing lately?!


With all the meat recall i have been seeing lately?

i have been thinking of turning to veggies.. but they seem so expensive..how do you or can a person afford it..do you have any tasty tips.. the only veggie i ever tried was salad.. (corn .. peas.. mix veg.. string beans) all from the can

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1 week ago
i hate spinach.. and i tried to grow things.. i got out there and sow the whole garden by hand.. and planted.. and 2 wks later i forgot i ever had one..

1 week ago
i hate spinach.. and i tried to grow things.. i got out there and sow the whole garden by hand.. and planted.. and 2 wks later i forgot i ever had one..

I have heard people comment numerous times about how they want to go vegetarian but the high cost is a factor. I'm not sure where you guys are getting this! My bill is literally HALF what it was when i was buying meat and dairy products. I rarely ate fresh veggies when i was growing up and subsequently always insisted i hated vegetables. Once i got my hands on fresh vegetables and started experimenting - oh my gosh! I LOVE VEGETABLES! The canned stuff is just mushy and gros when compared to fresh. I would suggest going to your local farmers market and just go nuts with buying a variety of stuff - even stuff you think you might not like - and then google some recipes using the names of some of the veggies and the word 'recipe" as the search terms. I found zucchini boats that way and they're my new favorite dish! Also, don't give up on spinach! I always went EW, too, until I tried it raw in salad - it tastes no different to me than any green lettuce, but I have the added pleasure of knowing it's very healthy for me! As for e coli scares - who buys bagged lettuce and spinach? I don't trust some company to wash my produce well enough for me. It takes a minute to wash and chop veggies for a salad. I'd get some books on going vegetarian (BECOMING VEGETARIAN is good) and get EXCITED about making a healthy change in your diet. You're smart enough to be concerned about tainted meat which leads me to believe you'd be smart enough to kick the meat habit once you educate yourself more on just how unhealthy and uncessary (and even unnatural) meat-eating is. Lastly, browse vegetarian forums and recipe sites - there are a billion of them out there. Take everything you read with a grain of salt and research anything that doesn't sound right to you. there is a lot of misinformation out there on both sides. Good luck!

I know what you mean but, what about the Spinach recall....the only way to know your food is safe is to grow it yourself!

Most foods can be unsafe in one way or another so be careful with any food you buy and remember to wash produce.

Sometimes they can be very expensive if you are cooking for a large amount of people but if you are just cooking for like 1 or 2 people its not that bad!!!!! what l do is go to the store once a week and l stock up on everything i need how l do this is the week before l plan out what l am going to have for the whole week then write down what l need then go to the store and get it and also get the niceties like bread milk apples etc etc.. and even when cooking for 2 people it can get expensive so try to grow them i know that you said that you cant but you need to try a little harder!!!! because a garden is a really inexpensive to get organic food! or just look around your house and try to find something to make i am sure that there is something that you can make in your house!!!!

Veggies seem expensive? Most so called 'good cuts' of meat cost 6-15 dollars a lb..most veggies cost 50 cents -2 dollars a lb..

The difference between going vegan from an omnivore in the typical american diet is eliminating 6 sources of food.

Pork Beef Chicken and Eggs Milk Cheese.

If you learn to cook creatively and effectively you can probably cut your current omnivore food cost down by half or even more.

Processed foods aren't sold in ratio to how much work:pay it should take to make them..as in you can buy processed soup for 2 bucks when it really contains 30 cents worth of foodstuff in it.

I just posted this question not too long ago


it has my grocery receipt from last week and a lot of people replied with lots of other great stuff. Take a look over it and if you have any questions over the things you see feel free to mail or IM me. Vegan mayo, butter, egg replacer and meat substitutes are all very efficient in helping people transform over and we still use many of these things still as they are healthy and easy to use.

Try and find local producers. I ususaly take trips to the local farms in my area and buy direct. This is common in my neck of the woods so it is a viable option in this area for those who know. I like using local producers because I see first hand what they put in to grow their product. Buying localy also reduces my 'carbon footprint' as it took alot less energy to get it to my dinner plate.

If buying from local producers is not an option for you, look for a store (not a large chain store) which buys produce as locally as possible. Not only a good environmental choice, but also less hands / places have touched the product, thus decreasing the possibility of contamination.

When I first became a vegetarian, everything did seem really expensive. But, once you get used to it...its fine. I started off purchasing a lot of frozen things which with 4 or 5 bucks a meal. Not much food either. I slowly changed to just cooking my own food. For about 4.99 you can get Morningstar Farms Chicken Strips (They are meatless). Its enough to last me almost a week. I like to mix them in with grilled squash, eggplants, onions, and whatever veggies I have. I have started growing most of my veggies so its very cheap for me. But, veggies aren't really expensive compared to meat. I also make veggie chili and lasgana. I can get quite a few meals out of these.

Once you start making veggies in with everything else, its not bad. I don't send that much of food. Just takes some practice shopping and learning to cook hehe.

Before turning to a vegetarian, I was always very sick. I had a fresh cold or something everyweek. I haven't been sick in over two years now. No more purchasing medicine for me!

Pick some young dandelion leaves, wash them, maybe add a few young dandelion flower buds (washed), add some Italian dressing and Voila! you have a salad..

you can like, make friend with people who eat vegetables
or go to a vegetarian resturant
or go to a library and get some books on vegetable cooking
or go to a vegetarian website and look around

it's cheaper to eat only veggs, i can survie on $1 a day
i'm eating $7 a day, and every meal is very good

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