Why are people so sad?!


Why are people so sad?

why do meat eaters come on to the Vegetarian & Vegan page and start being rude and nasty to us? i dont care if people eat meat thats there choice and i dont have a problem with that so why do they care if i dont eat meat?

Thank you so much! I completely agree with this: meat eaters need to respect us. But that goes both ways: vegetarians should respect the meat eaters. We both make our choices, lets just allow some individualism and leave them alone.

This is why I'm not a huge fan of PETA. Yes, what they do is incredible in many ways. They spread the word about animal abuse and change the standards of various animals abusing comapanies and individuals all across america. But I feel like they are an extremely agressive organization, and a lot of what they do is simply attack the meat-eating community, while at the same time the preach respect towards the vegetarians. It's kind've a double standard, don't you think?

I don't care if you don't like meat. I don't like certain meats like red-meat, chicken and fish i eat but i do enjoy vegetarian meals if someone else prepares it. Don't worry about what others think, you do what you think is best for yourself and ignore the rest:)))

people are sad . its funny what motivates some people.

I guess some people have to have a "cause" that they stand up for. And some people jump on the bandwagon of the "causes" that fit their lifestyle.

I think the world would be a lot better if we all stopped judging one another by the things we do...and live and let live.

The world would be a lot happier place.

I really understand what you mean, they come onto the Vegetarian & Vegan section and start attacking people and they say its self defense, its like they are overly protective. I myself dont get it at all, though it is true that sometimes vegetarian people can be rude to meat eaters. My question is why cant we get along??

Seriously i bet you're going to get some rude answers from meat eaters and then the vegetarians are going to attack back. There really is no solution. In real life do we act so stupid with are meat eating friends?? For some reason the internet gives us the right to dis other people cause we dont know who they are!! We dont even label ourselves "meat eaters" and "veggies" off the computer!!

Because some people like to put themselves on the top and put others down. Or maybe they are just mean and bored.

I dont know.I dont have anything against of u and persons like u are....I would never do the things like the others do,on Vegeterians....I eat meat,but that is my thing,u cant go on me,and disturb me,because,that is my own decision,and nobody can change it....So,u have my support....I respect your desicion...Good luck!

I want to state to anyone Following this That VeganConscript and I have settled our differences privately and with mutual respect. This was basically a misunderstanding... I wrote my original Message with Haste and was trying to get to much information across with little time spent on ti I apologize. Drum Wizard you bring up a valid point but My personal situation also requires a great deal of Protein. I just couldn't get it from Vegan or even Vegetarian sources.. I tried.. I'm just saying what I saw..I grew up with alot of people who were anemic They didn't eat balanced diets this would account for anemia yes I agree..I am aware of the Health problems of alot of Omnivore's...To many of them are sedentary... I attribute alot of their problems to activity..Also Poor Diet.. How many people eat fast food? Canola oil? Refined sugar? Non organic Milk? Any beverage with Aspartame? These are all factors.. And to end this I am deleting the past portions of my comments..

Probably the same reason I go into the global warming section and antagonize them. I just ignore them or laugh at them, it's a free site if you don't want to put up with that then don't come here is all I can really tell you.

I have been vegetarian for over 15 years...there will always be negative people out there who don't understand people who have a strong belief.

Becaause they feel conflicted somewhere inside or personally attacked since someone who has the ability to be there equal is making a profound different choice then them. Since you have to know a bit more then the average human to live a healthy vegan lifestyle, those who don't automatically feel threatened by us because we not only know more period about diet and health..but they realize we think differently then them also, which is a danger.

They care if you don't eat meat because they'd like to scare, belittle or entice you back into your old ways so they can feel more secure in their current ways. The easiest way to justify something you do is to eliminate any ways that someone else is doing it that could prove more efficient.

Got milk?

Abel H - She didn't ask what your opinion was on vegetarian lifestyle or why you disagree.. she only asked why people who eat meat come into an enviroment as this that is titled for vegetarian and vegans and harrass us or share there views instead of adhearing to the qna process respectfully..like you haven't just now.

We don't care if you think you're well hearsed in nutrition, or if you think this lifestyle is a bad permanent diet. The latter opinion is obvious without needing to be stated since thats a given with the fact you eat differently. As well you don't even say why it is? Why would you spend your time typing that out to vegans without even adding some evidence to back up your claim? We don't know you.. we don't know what you know or at least what you seem to think you know. By realizing this, its clearly understood that you're point isn't to try and persuade anyone - it is only to pat yourself on the back and reinforce your own beliefs.

We don't care ok? at all... never will.. understood?

"On the same note I don't do your cooking. Eat what you want."

Wow..as if you'd ever be the one to do my cooking? Don't point out obvious traits then use them to allow certain circumstances.. like you ever had an ounce of authority over anyones choice of food here in the first place..oh wait why, because you stated you're "well hearsed in nutrition?"

ON what basis do you suppose you're any more hearsed in nutrition then anyone here. Most vegetarians and vegans were once omnivores too. New choices of anykind are an expanse..a progression, not a regression. That means we evolved from a previous state..retaining all knowledge of past beliefs plus any new ones inherited through research, experience or thought. We are omnivore thought + more. This by default gives any vegetarian or vegan on average more basis for knowing about nutrition then a random omnivore who claims to know something w/o stating any past experience, research, training/school or mentoring.

Sorry if I acted superior in anyway - but its not because I don't eat meat, its because I think its phony how basic your statements were and all that was suppose to make me respect your opinions?

You live a vegan lifestyle too you know..the only difference is you leech of other vegan animals who absorb nutrients from plants for you..

"All in all you seem nice I think you should pound a steak once in a while but hey its not my choice."

I'll pass on the steak..and no, it's not your choice.

I tend to think those people have deeper issues beyond their hatred for vegetarians/vegans.
They most likely have experienced some type of loss in their personal life and may not have anything really to look forward to and rather than searching for a remedy to their sadness, they choose to antagonize innocent strangers who had nothing to do with their unfortunate sad situation, yet attempting to bring others down-in a sick kind of way, makes them feel good.
It can also be that people living differently than them is so foreign to them and they cannot comprehend it, but at the same time, they won't even attempt to educate themselves on vegetarians/vegans.

I think these people have various motivations.

Some are just bored so they decide to try and upset people as that is their idea of fun.Others seem to find the fact that we live normal lives without eating meat disturbing and feel they have to justify their choice to eat meat by saying that we can't be healthy etc.

You are so right though.Why do they care what we eat?

I dont know I think they just wanna mess with us!

I'm sorry, I'm not answering the question, instead I'm responding to JennasaurusX. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here, I'm just going to say that you expressed exactly a meat eater's sentiment in reverse. a lot of the meat eaters I see on here think that eating meat IS healthier and vegetarians think veggie diets are healthier, neither wants to listen to the other, that's the problem. I don't care who is right, I eat what is right for ME, because I am the only one I have control over, and even that is more than I can handle some times. it isn't that I don't want to see others living healthier lifestyles. I personally am pescaterian, meaning the only meat I eat is fish, and then only wild caught fish that has lived a free life eating what it naturally eats rather than chemical crap on a farm. this is a personal choice, as is any food choice. NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO DECIDE FOR SOMEONE ELSE WHAT THEY CAN OR CANNOT PUT INTO THIER BODY. I guess that's the point I'm trying to make :) I know meat eaters who live healthier lifestyles than some vegans (junk food vegans are not eating healthy or doing anything good for the environment, there now i'm showing my bias) and many meat eaters are junk food meat eaters which in my opinion is a bad idea, it is undisputably unhealthy, but they enjoy it, for some reason I cannot fathom, but it's THEIR CHOICE. I hate factory farms, as well as mass produced soy products. I know healthy and unhealthy vegetarians as well as meat eaters. I'm going to stop now :) everyone should just smile and eat what feels right to them. Love your food!

I think you are wasting your time asking this, its been happening for 6 months now. We used to have a sensible forum but now it seesm we are just cannon fodder for those meat-eating trolls.

Yahoo have introduced the "block" feature. The more people get "blocked" the more they get YAs attention and the sooner they get banned.

Just keep "blocking" all those trolls and they might disappear.

"Becky!" has missed the point that this is the "vegetarian and vegan" section of Yahoo, not the "lets take the piss out of vegetarians " section

Maybe they protest so because subconsciously they know we are right

coz there mango's!!!
I'm a veggie and i do have a problem with meat eaters its murder whether they like it or not!
i wonder how the"meat eaters"
feel when they see there meat"
they should face the truth


I agree with you Jodie. I mean 2 weeks ago I asked a question about KFC Scolding and killing upon chickens. And I wanted someone to agree with me but no you know what they said. I love KFC, It's yummy it's tasty. If they're going to say that why are they on the vegetarian/vegan page. It annoys me. I'm a vegetarian you're a vegetarian Katies a vegetarian our Mums a ova-vegetarian and we care but others just vomit out the first word they can think of.

I really don't care if any of you people eat beef, chicken or even veal I don't care just don't waste other peoples time. I agree with you 100%. We deserve respect even if we are vegetarian. I care for animals I just don't like to be insulted for it.

With all due respect i don't intentionally enter the vegetarian/vegans section.... when a question is posted it enters the 'all questions' part, this is why i personally answer some of the questions.

Because they have nothing better to do. It is sad, but if we bring so much enjoyment to their sad little lives, who are we to deny it to them?

i agree.
respect needs to go both ways. i dont really care for animals but that doesn't mean they should be tortured

I'm not sad. I eat meat and only get pissy at people that come across as "Holier than thou" because they choose not to eat meat. As far as I'm concerned you can eat or not eat anything you dang well choose and appreciate the same respect in return.

Abel H,
I didn't give you a thumbs down; you bring up a legitimate issue. The problem is: your info is incomplete.

"All the Vegetarians I have ever known were always anemic"
Then they "all" have BAD diets. They must be eating Junk food.....or they're all homeless.

"Whereas people who eat a healthy amount of Meat and Vegetable are just fine"
Say what? We have an epidemic of disease in Meat-based countries. Everyone knows a meat-eater with health probs.

The science is in: Anemia is an iron deficiency. Iron isn't made in animals; its a mineral. it comes from dirt - plants.

they are loaded up with MSG. It poisons their neurons so they feel depressed. Their taste buds get a 'high' but when the effect wears off, they go into a withdrawal depression.
Also check to see if they're on Ritalin.....

all I have to say is amen to that!! I totally agree with you!

I think people who are vicious towards us even tho we;re not to them is simply down to the fact that they dont understand it andf when some people dont understand something they attack it!

At the end of the day its freedom of chocie I hate people going on to me liek Im going soething wrong when really its no different to someone making the choice wherther to smoke or not (which I dont)

Also I think that peopel can be defensive and automatically think that we;re going to judge them for eatign meat. My best mate's always saying "I hate some vegetarians cos they make me feel bad for eating meat"...yet Im the only vegetarian she knows so I think shes on the defensive.

Id liek a world where people didnt criticuise someone for being different...ain;t gonna happen tho is it sadly

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