What's the most complicated beverage you've ordered at Starbucks?!
What's the most complicated beverage you've ordered at Starbucks?
Or the most complicated meal you've ordered at a resturant?
Grande Decaf Organic Iced Peppermint Mocha without Whip, oh yeah!
I try not to order complicated drinks at Starbucks, but at restaraunts sometimes I have to be complicated because Im a vegetarian. So trying to take the meat out of some kinds of entrees proves to be confusing for waiters. Lol.
I never know how to order at Starbucks so I just get a Frappacino.
A grande decaf soy 2 pump white mocha no whip stirred.
The only thing I ever drink at Starbucks is a regular coffee with skim milk and splenda
The most complicated meal was at a Chinese restaurant: no corn,sauce on the side, bean curd steamed not fried,separate remaining veggies and I got what I wanted.
Carmel frapachino
I don't know that is it complicated but I love a Dirty Chi.....yummm