Hate to eat my girlfriend's ethnic food?!


Hate to eat my girlfriend's ethnic food?

Me and my girlfriend are 2 different races. I am half native Hawaiian on my father's side and White on my mother's side. I usually eat regular American food. Lately she's been making me eat food from her dad's side with is from the country somewhere around South America. Stone my son is ok with it but im not. Should i tell her?

Teach her how to cook Hawaiian food, or give her a cookbook. Hawaian food is delicious!

Yes, tell her you don't care for the food and ask her if she would be willing to cook more neutral foods that all of you can enjoy.

The truth

Yes. Honesty is important in a relationship. But do it nicely and gently, don't make it sound like an insult to her cooking or her background. Maybe something like "Its just not my favorite"

Of course, since your son likes it maybe just grin and bear it, or suggest some changes to make it more palatable to you

yah be honest but say it nicely
don't say honey i hate ur food say
the food is good but way to spicy for my taste
ya know something like taht

definitely tell her that you aren't really comfortable with that kind of food, she'll understand

Ask her to switch it up a little bit and try different foods.

You should tell her the truth. But you have to love a man who eats what you put before him.

If you don't like your girlfriend's food you should tell her. Its possible that she may make it because she thinks you like it. If she still wants to cook it even after you tell her you don't like it make a deal that she doesn't cook it that often, and when she does she lets you know so you can make other arrangements. Honesty is always the best policy, if I ever cooked something and my boyfriend didn't want/like it, I would prefer he tell me rather than suffer through it. If she loves you, she will understand.

What? You mean you eat stone? I didn't understand the last part. Anyway it does seem rude to tell her because as a couple, you ought to practise tolerance for her ethnicity. Maybe just try a little, and tell her you are full if you don't want to.

Tell her if you don't like it then you could let her comprise and treat her to what are your favorite foods.

What don't you like about it? Is it too spicy? Too rich? Fattening? Ask her if she can tone it down a bit if its a bit spicy, etc. I sort of have the same problem, my man like old-fashioned, stodgy food cooked in butter with lots of rich heavy sauces where as I eat a lot of light, Asian-influenced foods. I asked him to make just a few, simple changes, like cooking with just the merest spray olive oil instead of butter and serving sauces on the side and its working out just fine

i'm not a sensitive kind of girl that would be offended if someone tells me that my cooking sucks. the only thing i know how to do is the stuff on the grill that i worked at before as a cook. basically traditional american kind of foods. in fact, i would be one to agree that most of my experimental cooking sucks. lol.

anyways. the thing is that each girl reacts differently. this is your girl. you should know how to tell her that you're not liking it without getting her upset. my husband knows the rule of the house. if you don't tell me it sucks, then i just might make it again. tell her it's not how bad it's cooked, but more of what is being cooked. that you're not used to it being that you didn't grow up with it and is having a hard time adjusting to it.

my husband didn't tell me until about 7 years of being with him that he never liked anything that we ate really when we went to my parents. they're asian and when i'm home they consentrate on making and taking us out to asian places knowing that where we live is usually lacking it. my husband is irish blood. his ethnic food menu has orange chicken for chinese and mexican was tacos, burritos and enchiladas.

my husband finally had the guts to tell me after i came home with sushi(mostly the raw kind). this girl might be with you for years to come. tell her now at the beginning of this and not years down the line like my too nice of a husband did.

Be carefull how u tell her, I am Hispanic and cooking is my passion and I know is good but one time we had a roommate whom was a picky eater and never even tryed my food I felt offended but being that you are her boyfriend just try to tell her that you are a simple guy, although make the effort and try the food to see if you really don't like it. sometimes it would look and smell different than it tastes

If you do your own cooking you won't have to worry about this!

Prepare what you like and serve your gf and son, then you'll never need to worry about whetehr you like it, or not.

Your gf can cook for you every so often as a treat, and you can just eat a little.

Good luck :-)

The way you refer to her father's country (somewhere around South America) is rather offensive, for you consider it to be so unimportant you neglect to mention it, as if their cuisine were somehow inferior. I would be deeply offended because we like to offer fare we consider as special. You could just tell her you are not used to it and would prefer your normal insular American fare. Yes, do tell her, I would just hate to know my BF thinks I'm serving him crap. How would she like poi, for example?

Honesty may be important, but also is tolerance. Maybe she's not cooking it the right way. I can't think of a spanish food that's not good, but you never know. See how she feels about it, and approach it nicely. Maybe she needs better recipes.

It would piss me off. Think about it. Does she eat your food? The only safe way out of this is for you to do the cooking. If you don't cook, you shouldn't complain about someone else's cooking. Also, people don't necessarily like a new cuisine right off the bat. Sometimes you have to grow into it and learn to love it. Like Indian and Italian. Totally different cuisine, yet lots of people love it. My guy didn't care too much for my ethnic meals, I kept making them. I did show him though, were the pots and pans were in case he wanted to cook instead. He loves them now. Actually asks me to make them more often. A country from somewhere around South America?? You don't know where your girl is from?

I'm not clear on what you should tell her, that you don't like her cooking or that you prefer regular American food. Regular american food is not hamburgers and hot dogs(they come from germany) and its not roast beef sandwiches and pastrami(also germany, or eastern europe) and its not pretzels(eastern europe and germany again), the native indians ate beans, salted meat, rice(quinoa), corn mush, turkey, squirrel, rabbit, etc. So instead of making such a statement decide what it is you don't like, ask your girlfriend if she would be willing to compromise and what about offering to cook yourself and you can cook the things you do like????

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