Are being vegan and vegetarian the same???? What's the difference???!


Are being vegan and vegetarian the same???? What's the difference???

I had this colleague back in first-year bio who distinguishes from the two terms. She said that vegan people did NOT absolutely ate meat (cooked or raw) nor fish; Vegetarians on the other hand, per her words, ate fish (i.e. fillets, in sushi, etc.). So what's the deal? Are they the same or not?

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1 week ago
Oops, I had it backwards, she said that vegans ate fish but vegetarians did NOT use any animal products (i.e. products such as bacon fat) at all.

1 week ago
Oops, I had it backwards, she said that vegans ate fish but vegetarians did NOT use any animal products (i.e. products such as bacon fat) at all.

Vegetarians don't eat any meat at all not even fish but they do eat and consume dairy products!
Vegans don't eat any meat at all not even fish but they don't consume any dairy products at all. It's that simple I answered this question many times! So have others!
Both Vegans And Vegetarians don't eat fish. A few dufuses that eat fish think their vegetarian but they aren't! Vegetarians don't eat fish neither does Vegans. The difference is Vegans don't even eat or drink dairy products, but Vegetarians do!
This is the last time I'm go to answer it! the answer is on my 360 yahoo page anyhow same as I just typed! Every meat eater I know gets riddled with more diseases than any vegetarians or vegans! The only sick vegans or vegetarians are the try to bees that aren't serious enough about it! Vegetarians and Vegans really are healthier than meat eaters anyone that says otherwise is a LIER!

vegetarians don't eat meat... I'm not sure about the fish and sushi though... and vegans don't eat meat or any product that comes from an animal like eggs and milk....

i think you might still have it backwards...vegans wont eat anything that has to do with animals, meat, fish,eggs, or even milk, because they all come from animals. vegitarians have varying degrees of "intensity", some will eat fish, others wont, some will drink milk, eat eggs...etc.

one good

What happened to your shirt?

either way i think they both suck.

they think theyre eating healthy and stuff, when every vegan or tarian ive ever known gets WAY SICKER and get sick wayyy more often than any "normal" food eating person.

Vegetarian = no meat
vegan = no animal products (this includes dairy and eggs)
I am a pescatarian meaning I eat fish but other than that I don't eat meat.
there are also people who don't eat red meat, and people who don't eat eggs but still eat dairy, and others anywhere along the spectrum, it is not a case of either you eat animal products or you don't as many people seem to believe.
It is a choice, being vegetarian or vegan DOES NOT by any means mean they CAN'T eat meat or animal products (unless it's because of an alergy), it means they chose not to. Please never yell at a vegan for having a bite of icecream, it is a personal choice and it is no one else's business what they eat, the same goes for vegans who get mad at meat eaters for eating meat. (sorry I got a little off topic)

vegetarians only block out beef, chicken, pork, fish etc except eat the products the animal produces for example milk,cheeses etc they eat.

vegans on the other hand don't eat meat or meat products,but they do take vitamins to fill nutritional gaps and snack frequently.

Vegetarians eat no dead animals, whether they walk, swim or fly (regardless for *reason* for being vegetarian) as well as animal bodies that are hard to distinguish, like gelatin.

Vegans also do not eat animals. They also consume no products that come from animals like milk, eggs and honey, and they do not use products that come from or were tested on animals (leather, wool, makeup).

Both vegans and vegetarians eat only vegetables but the vegan diet is a bit stricter because these people won't eat any kind of animal products such as eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc. Vegetarians do tend to consume certain animal products but not the meat, including fish. Vegans only eat those things that come from the ground, off of a bush or from a tree.

Vegetarinan: Person who does not eat meat.
Vegan: Person who does not eat meat, dairy, eggs, or any other product of an animal.

There are different forms of vegetarians.

Semi vegetarians - These 'vegetarians' eat all types of foods in their diet - including meat. But they limit the amount of animal products they consume.

Lacto vegetarian -Avoid all animal products except for dairy products in their diet.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians - The same as Lacto,except they include eggs in their diet.

Vegans-No red meat,poultry,seafood,dairy products,honey,etc..NO products that are derived from animals.They do not wear leather,fur,silk,or use products that are tested on animals. Basically,if an animal would be killed or harmed in any way to get the product,vegans don't use it(or TRUE vegans don't anyway)

Fruitarians-somebody who believes that you should not kill any living thing to survive. Instead, they can only eat the fruit of plants that don't actually mean death to the plant.They eat only fruits,nuts and seeds.(This includes the fruit of vegetables such as tomatoes and courgettes. However they never eat the roots of plants such as carrots and potatoes)

Hope that helps:-D

Vegetarians do not eat meat, or fish. They do however eat cheese and eggs and dairy.
Vegans do not eat any animal products at all. No eggs, no milk, no yogurt, no butter cream frosting :) I've even heard of very strict vegans who don't eat honey.

Hmm, you colleague didn't understand the terms well enough..

Vegetarians = No meat, no fish, maybe dairy, maybe eggs.

Vegan = a kind of vegetarian who don't eat dairy, eggs, and all kinds of animal and animal-derived products. And also strive to avoid as much as possible the use of animal and animal-derived products in daily life.

vegetarian- does not eat meat *

vegan- does not eat meat , dairy, eggs, or any other animal product or by-product. also doesn't eat or use anything tested on an animal.

for more info, go to
it might explain it better!

* might eat fish . called pescatarian.

The definition of vegetarian is one who does not eat meat of any kind. Soemone who eats fish cannot really call themselves vegetarian, though many do. THe correct term would be pescetarian. "vegetarian" is USUALLY short for "lacto-ovo vegetarian" meaning while they don't eat meat, they will eat eggs and milk products.

a VEGAN (short for "vegan-vegetarian) has an even MORE strict diet, not less. In addition to not eating meat of any kind, they also do not eat eggs or milk products. Depending on their reasons for being vegan, many will also not eat honey or use leather, etc.

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