Vegetarians and soup question?!


Vegetarians and soup question?

I have vegetarian friends who still eat campbells soup and other food made with chicken and beef stock. I'm guessing that they just don't realize what they are eating, but are there other vegitarians who eat foods like this, or is simply not eating meat enough to call yourself vegitarian.

I think I could go without meat, at least most meat (I like fish) but I couldn't go without all the foods that include stocks. what do you think?

You're right, lots of soups are made with a base of chicken or beef stock. As a vegetarian for twenty years, I can tell you that there are TONS of soups with vegetable bases. I don't know of any vegetarians who don't read labels first, but I'm sure there are some out there.

Amy's brand makes some great soups, plus there are lots of others--usually on the organic aisle. Look for vegetarian vegetable, too.

For me, eating vegetarian has always been easy (I had a bad experience with meat when I was 12.) Don't beat yourself up. Do the best you can, and that's all you can do. :)

I am vegetarian and don't consume any animal products. This includes chicken broth, and gelatin in candy and Jell-O.

However, it is up to the individual to decide what they believe and what they choose to eat.

Some so called vegetarians do eat stuff others would not.
Some will eat cheese and milk products but not actual meat products.
Just depends on how far you go. Their are different names for the different levels of vegetarianism.
my sister in law considers herself a vegetarian, but she will eat pepperoni pizza, and chicken breast if its been deveined and skinned. not what i consider to be a vegetarian.

There are many companies that make Vegan soups. Amy's & Hain are 2 that come to mind.
I make my own stock for soups all the time, 100% veggies.

Being vegetarian and still eating animal stocks is like saying I don't care if the animal rather just drink/eat the juices from its flesh then actually have to chew on the meaty parts.

As an example boiling dog meat for stock or boiling cow meat stock is no different other then you've been mentally bred to believe one is sicker then the other one.

Don't take this as criticism - I'm only bringing light to the seriousness of your question =) Everyone is free to call themselves whatever they like.. it's what it means to you or the reasons you do it that makes the difference..

Yes Your right there are many soups that can animal based stock and some of them are even labelled vegetarian. They don't understand vegetarianism so many contain fish, chicken or turkey stock. It's always best to read the labels when you shop. I once was in a hurry and got peanut butter to make my own soup stock with it and soya sauce but unfortunately that peanut butter was made with fish oil! By the way some margerines are too! Read the label!
Also shop at your local Health food store there's more vegetarian foods in that type of store than the standard grocery store!

Knorr makes a great vegetarian stock, and a lot of their stocks are meat free.

Vegetarians eat no foods that have animal products dirived form the killing of an animal. Some eat eggs and Milk products, being that they do not kill an animal to get them. Most will eat only vegetarian fed Chicken eggs and organic milk so they know that the animals are being treated in a healthy manner.

Vegans do not eat animal products at all. (Including Honey and some grains and some other things that technically have living or dead organisms in them)

Any other person that eats animal lproducts, including chicken stock or beef stock, or anything else that is animal based is not a vegetarian. How is that?

Your vegetarian friends are not too bright, it seems. It's not alright, it puts a bad name to true vegetarians. There ARE false vegetarians who eat fish, and don't consider it meat, or vegetarians that eat things that they know have some containing of meat, yet choose to act as if it's an exception.
I'm sorry, I just don't think your friends are too bright, when it comes to their "labeled vegetarian lifestyle."

A true vegetarian always reads the label and asks questions before consuming a food with unknown ingredients. Your friends might call themselves vegetarian but if they are eating soups made with chicken/beef stock... they are not truly vegetarian. Which is fine... if they are fine with it. Maybe you should ask them some time? Tell them they also will need to give up on Skittles and Starburst candy...! :) No "tasting the rainbow" for vegetarians! (Gelatin)

It reminds me... When my husband and I were newly married I went to dinner at his mom's house. She had made some sort of casserole dish as the main course. I casually asked before dishing myself a serving if it had any animal products in it. She replied, "well, yes.... it is made with cream of chicken soup..." And so I polietly put down the serving spoon. And she adds "...well it's only a little chicken..." !!! LoL

It's difficult these days to determine what is really "safe" to eat for a vegetarian. Product labels can be so misleading that sometimes you think you are doing okay and then read something saying otherwise! It's frustrating...!

Very simply, your friends are not vegetarian.

tell them please so they don't confuse the issue.

A vegetarian does not eat meat, fish, poultry or slughter by-products.

so simple.

that includes ALL slaughter by-products, yes even meat and chicken stock

Your friends are quite mad if they think they are anywhere near being vegetarians.

from another answerer:
my sister in law considers herself a vegetarian, but she will eat pepperoni pizza"

She is so bizarre, have i drifted into a parallel universe today ? Never heard such rubbish ( not the answerer, just her sister-in-law )

Please stop the ride, i think its time i got off, i no longer understand this planet.

Those friends are not vegetarian then. It's hard to believe they dont know what they are eating.

I wouldn't eat food with meat stocks in them, but you can use vegetable stock as an alternative, its just as good, especially if you make your own.

If your friends are eating animal based stocks, they are not vegetarians. I had a hard time with this issue until I started making homemade vegetable stock. It is a big adjustment, as the flavor is not the same as what we are used to, but if you want to lead a vegetarian lifestyle, those things just dont fit in. Its a common mistake, and often, like you said, they just dont realize. My 12 year old veggie daughter had no idea that her favorite egg drop soup at the chinese restaurant that she eats with her dad was made from chicken stock. Once she learned, she chose to avoid it. I make veggie stock with the trimmings of my organic veggies, herbs, and spices. We have now gotten used to this flavor profile, and its whats familliar to us. Perhaps your friends just havent realized it yet-it would be a good idea to point it out to them

Your friends are not true vegetarians, then. Eating something w/ animal stock is just as bad as eating the animal.
During Thanksgiving, I can never eat my mother's dressing b/c she uses the turkey juice to make it. :-( I have to make my own.
Alas, there is good news! I know that Campbell's has two different vegetable soups - one is "vegetable soup" and the other is "vegetarian vegetable". Tell your friends to read the labels carefully if they want to call themselves veggies.
Good luck!

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