Coke Or Pepsi?!


Coke Or Pepsi?

come on tell me

coke! pepsi is a little too sweet for me...




carrot juice...


Coke because Pepsi is a little too sweet. Or more specifically, a rum and Coke please...

BOTH!!! Man im thirsty now.


Pepsi, less carbonated.

Pepsi but Dr. Pepper beats both

Coke. Pepsi tastes too much like syrup and get flat quicker...

pepsi... no caffeine!

Pepsi is way better...coke has an after taste and it tastes like it has more sugar.


coke because its beter

actually both are pretty good if you ask me it depends what mood im in because pepsi gives you more of a sugar high awake feeling and coke taste like cinnamon.

Coke... (Pepsi changes there formula to often)

Both, but Coke is better.

I like Coke more. It has a smoother taste.

Boycott Pepsi!!!

Pepsi had a commerical on television that showed an anthropology class drinking Pepsi and going through the ruins of a 20th century home. One student held up a baseball and asked the professor about it. The professor explained that it was a baseball, used in a game played in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Then a student held up a Coke bottle and asked what it was. The professor answered "I have no idea."

I don't mind them implying that Coke died out; they are Pepsi after all. But this commercial also implies that baseball died out! Baseball is the American sport!! This commercial is a Communist effort to undermine the morals of the youth of America!!

I'm Mexican and they say that Hispanics like the taste of Pepsi over Coke but frankly I hate it it's to sweet and not enough gas , so for me coke is the best.

Coke gives of more of a fizz.

Bottled or canned Coke make you burp and fart, and Pepsi has a little bite to it. But fountain Coke on the rocks is as addictive as crack rocks!




Cherry Pepsi For Sure! ~Yum~

Pepsi Max. <*-*>

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