Indian or Chinese?!


Indian or Chinese?

Im going for a meal on Friday and me and my mate can't decide wether to have Indian or Chinese, what would you go for?
Most votes is what i will have lol x

I'm eating Indian food right now. Rice with Lentil, known as masur in India. What a coincidence!
Well I'll suggest that you should go for Indian. It's better to go for hot served Indian food.
Enjoy the Indian food!

I would have an indian - but I love hot food!

Indian! At least you won't feel hungry an hour later...

Chinese - I hate Indian!

I eat Indian quite a lot but this Friday me and the missus are going for a Chinese so I think you should too.

If you are eating in a restaraunt then i would go for an indian.

I luuuuuurve the dips that you get to eat with your poppadums there!!!!

chinese but i like indian waiters mm

i have chinese when following weight watchers but indian is so much more naughty mmm i am thinking of indian lol

Indian! the hotter the better...yum :-)


Chinese every time

One has lots of saturated fat & spice that will make you hot the next day, the other has a lot of MSG & makes you feel sick. Your choice.


chinese had one last night but did feel like a chubster after

duck pancakes and ribs mmm

Indian for sure -

indian!!!!! the best chinese is baaaaaaad lol

Personally, I love Indian food! Such a wide variety and lots of nice dishes for vegetarians.

Hope you have a great night out :-)

indian meals are nice

Chinese, for the simple fact you could run into the man of your dreams and reeking of curry will be the end of your relationship before it


Im Indian...and i still say Chinese food....
depending on what you order....Chinese Cuisine can be really filling....Try the SteamBoat :D...


Go for an Indian mate and make it a classic friday night!
It's much more filling than chinese and better value for money too. Chinese food is ok but too "bitty" and they use too much MSG as well. Go for an Indian, you know it makes sense! Have a top night out what ever you decide to do.

Indian, no contest!

Chinese all the way!!!! MMMMmmmmmmmm

You should go for Chinese , if you and your mate like spicy stuff you should go for Indian if you like meat and nice set menus then go for the almighty Chinese!

I prefer Indian - it's healthy with all those herbs.
Chinese is a bit oily sometimes...

i prefer indian but not south indian or panjabi food. find any bangladeshi hotel for curry dishes.

i like chinies also.

If it's a buffet you want- Get Chinese, no question. It's the best value for your money.
But, if you want a nice sit down meal in a great atmosphere, you never can beat going to an Indian Restaurant. Great food, friendly service, awesome decor, interesting music.
Good Luck

I love Chinese

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