Aren't vegetarians a vicious bunch?!


Aren't vegetarians a vicious bunch?

I was stood in the supermarket the other day and some old woman called me an inhuman monster for having some meat in my shopping basket. I dropped my basket and ran out the shop in floods of tears, people have feelings to you know.

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1 week ago
I know panda cutlets aren't everyone's cup of tea but each to there own i think.

1 week ago
Thanks TE i still have nightmares now

1 week ago
Koala fillets are tasty Old fart, may i suggest a little side helping of pureed dolphin next time they compliment each other a treat.

1 week ago
Your right On the wagon, he sums them up perfectly, he's almost as scary as that old lady, almost.

1 week ago
I know panda cutlets aren't everyone's cup of tea but each to there own i think.

1 week ago
Thanks TE i still have nightmares now

1 week ago
Koala fillets are tasty Old fart, may i suggest a little side helping of pureed dolphin next time they compliment each other a treat.

1 week ago
Your right On the wagon, he sums them up perfectly, he's almost as scary as that old lady, almost.

See there are still people taking questions a tad to seriously on here mate. I've always found those panda cutlets can be a little fatty and have a bit of a bamboo texture to them. There is a market by me that do a nice range of koala fillets which you may find a tasty morsel accompanied with a drop of port

once a vegetarian was sick on my dinner. that was heart crushing. it was a lovely sunday roast too. still i got to eat the rasberry riplle ice cream for desert without any drama

you should have told the nosey old cow to mind her own f**king business and to stick a leek up her @rse sideways!
I know I would have!

If God didn't' want me to eat meat, he wouldn't make animals so tasty.

To Vegan&Proud, I produce a singer named Chuck Sanders, who had a song a few years ago called Corn Has Feelings Too, it follows your point of veiw. Funny stuff.

their brains don't function properly cos they're not getting the right sort of nutrition.
and they stink of self righteousness.
that said, i eat meat and i can be a vicious bastard if i want to.

You think that's bad...trying being vegan.You'll never stop hearing "Plants have feelings too"
or "Humans are omnivores and have to eat meat"
or "What do you eat,twigs and berries?" etc,etc

edit:renegade is a perfect example,so is jimithy

edit 2:I agree micheal h,it amazes that many meat eaters have met 100's or even 1000's of vegetarians.

Good for you, did you learn from it ?

Funny how some meat-eaters seen to come across gazillions of vegetarian activists.

I've been a veggie for 27 years and cannot remember the last time i knew that a stranger nearby to me was a veggie.

Somehow, me thinks you lot make all this junk up.

They are just jealous they can't sink their teeth into a juicy piece of meat.
As far as I am concerned you only live once and never know when it's your I am going to enjoy anything and everything.

This gets me so F****ing mad. Any veggie said that to me - and I don`t care how old or young they were - they would wake up with people wearing white coats looking down at them.
I don`t care if you are a veggie or whatever, don`t push your holier-than-thou attitude onto me, you`ll get hurt!!!

Wow. Does that make me vicious? lol.

Wow. They're like that even amongst themselves! When I had questions about what to do for my iron deficiency b/c I had chosen to go vegetarian, the vegans took over and were yelling at me. Then there's vegetarians who'll eat seafood, and boy were THEY ripped into, as well! Then the "carnivores" (as they were being called) yelled at me to eat meat. I even got nasty e-mails from the various vegetarians in case I chose to go back to meat. After stepping back from the ruckus, I decided to go back to eating a little meat and keeping my behind OUT of the Vegetarian category.

LOL Panda cutlets!! pmsl, You are kidding right? I am a vegetarian and have been for 15 years. I believe that humans are made to eat meat, hence the canine teeth and digestive system. My daughter is also veggie (her choice) but my partner is a meat eater. We are not all the same luv.

Unfortunately I agree with what the woman said- we are inhuman monsters for eating animals. Millions of animals are slaughtered for us to eat around the world- vegetarians aren't vicious, they are just opening your eyes to the cruel truth.

lol Panda Cutlets oh man that's a bit harsh.

I am now of the opinion I will agree to disagree ive had vegan/vegetarians yell at me for meat eating..i then asked them if they wore wool or leather...the ignorant twit said yes.

anyway its a matter of aunt used to do the whole vegan thing,and now she eats chicken and fish...any vegetarian food ive tasted has been rather gross...lasagna made with eggplant..:(

but i wont preach my meat eating ways on vegans/veggies as long as they dont preach their ways on me.

EDIT..imagine this my mom talked to a woman online at some freaky forum,she ate her meat raw,yes RAW and her hubby was vegetarian?lol...

I know the feeling, I had a similar experience two year's ago and I'm still in therapy, Cry let it out I feel for you man.

that's funny because i was in the supermarket and i was shopping in the vegetable/fruit area, and when i was done, i walked by the meat section, and the meat section area stinks
I had to leave the area as fast as i can.

/if you have problem with people and meat, maybe you should get your meat delivered instead

Are you an aspiring writer?
Because that story you just told was almost convincing.

You should really consider proof-reading before submitting questions for future reference. "I was stood in the supermarket.." -what does that mean?
And Spell Check is FREE-use it.

I'm a vegetarian and I'm not a vicious person. I think that what that woman said to you is completely disgusting as I don't liek it when meat eaters say things to me.

However, it is unfair of you to tar us all with the same brush. I am aware that there are vegetarians out there who can be nasty, but there are viciously mean meat eaters out there who shout and create and call me stupid and unintelligent for being vegetarian (being a PhD student Im not unintelligent!). I dont think that all meat eaters are a nasty lot.

I wouldn;t associate myself with someone who would launch a vicious attack on you because of what you choose to eat. If you were takign pleasure in the slaughter of animals for sporting reasons I probably wouldnt be as accomodating.

Anyway that is all

We are not a vicious bunch. We only eat no more meat because we have reasons. And That old woman was TOO caring for animals. So you eat meat. I'm not calling you any names. I'm not giving you reasons. I care for animals and you can eat meat if you want to. You didn't kill the animals the farms and factories did. Vegetarian is only for those who care about animals and other people. But if they don't care about other people that doesn't make them a good vegetarian dosen't it. If you want meat you eat meat like other people. I care for other people and thats why I'm a good person to animals and all alike.

Burn in hell meat eater.

ok./ totally vegetarion and i wouldnt care if you tried to feed it to me...i would simply let you know that i dont eat meat but don't mind you eating it....the woman wasa b**** is all!

vegan soldier just answered your question

I can only speak from personla experience, and so I have to disagree. In short, no..

The only vegetarians I have known have been too meek in person to be vicious.

There are definitely a LOT of vegetarians--however, you shouldn't judge them all by what one or two act like, or even a whole bunch of them! I myself am a vegan (no animal products an ALL) but I don't talk that much about meat to people unless they themselves ask.

But that lady was mean. Did that really happen? I didn't think people acted like that....

Hmm, maybe you need to work on your sensitivity.

I've had to put up with a lot being veggie.

If this did happen, how can you assume all are like this?

Aren't meat eaters a defensive bunch? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Hal, you are perfectly named, you crazy thing you.

Vegans and vegetarians get far more abuse from meat-eaters than vice versa.

LOL the granny is right u might have feelings but so do animals!!!

yah vegetarians are a vicious bunch. i am one and i have a very short fuse. i think its about accepting otheer people's choice to eat meat.

You can't judge a whole group of people by one person's actions. Obviously that lady was in the wrong.

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