I have a complaint about Vegans, want to hear it?!


I have a complaint about Vegans, want to hear it?

There aren't enough of you.

thats all, carry on.

Somehow, i think the world would be a far better place if we all adopted the cruelty free livestyle that you follow and so many of us aspire to.

Additional Details

1 week ago
Silliness and CAM - i live in the middle of the dairy industry...would you care to have a sensible discussion on the need to artificially milk cows ?

If we didn't mess with them it wouldn't be necessary. you arguements are false.

1 week ago
"silliness"...does 20 thumbs down not say ANYTHING to you ?

All we ask you to do is learn, but you choose to slag us off, rather than correct your "milking" mistakes...shame

1 week ago
Oh, and "silliness", your first PS is ridiculous. When did a battery hen, or dairy cow, or beef cattle, or barned pigs, EVER help with pollination of fruit and veg.


1 week ago
"silliness", your answer is a great source of entertainment - thanks for that. I guess 24 thumbs down means most people don't understand you - what a suprise..

Whats your definition of "forcing" ??

Where did i force my view or opinion onto you ? ( bear in mind this is the vegetarian and vegan section, in which you are not compeled to read)

1 week ago

Yes, my car in one of 2 ( as confirmed by the manufacturuer ) of its type in the UK with cloth seats. They took my request without batting an eyelid, as you would expect from them.

Sorry i cant' email you directly so i hope you see this note

1 week ago
I realise "being alive" means we kill other animals, just walking around does that. but i don't think thats any reason to then take the gigantic leap to supporting the meat industry.

By "cruelty free" I mean "intentionally-cruel free"

1 week ago
Silliness and CAM - i live in the middle of the dairy industry...would you care to have a sensible discussion on the need to artificially milk cows ?

If we didn't mess with them it wouldn't be necessary. you arguements are false.

1 week ago
"silliness"...does 20 thumbs down not say ANYTHING to you ?

All we ask you to do is learn, but you choose to slag us off, rather than correct your "milking" mistakes...shame

1 week ago
Oh, and "silliness", your first PS is ridiculous. When did a battery hen, or dairy cow, or beef cattle, or barned pigs, EVER help with pollination of fruit and veg.


1 week ago
"silliness", your answer is a great source of entertainment - thanks for that. I guess 24 thumbs down means most people don't understand you - what a suprise..

Whats your definition of "forcing" ??

Where did i force my view or opinion onto you ? ( bear in mind this is the vegetarian and vegan section, in which you are not compeled to read)

1 week ago

Yes, my car in one of 2 ( as confirmed by the manufacturuer ) of its type in the UK with cloth seats. They took my request without batting an eyelid, as you would expect from them.

Sorry i cant' email you directly so i hope you see this note

1 week ago
I realise "being alive" means we kill other animals, just walking around does that. but i don't think thats any reason to then take the gigantic leap to supporting the meat industry.

By "cruelty free" I mean "intentionally-cruel free"

I am vegetarian for now but am working on transitioning to vegan very soon, so count me in!

Are you Ashely's alt?

It is impossible to live a cruelty free lifestyle no matter how we all would like to live this dream, if you walk on grass you a likely to kill some small creatures, driving a car kills loads of stuff, sleeping in your bed kills loads of dust mites, sleeping on average kill 6-12 spiders as you eat these when a sleep.

Oh sorry did you mean just the ones you like or all living things hard to tell what your Lot's preference are.

LMAO 25 thumbs down for what exactly for stating a fact ,,, OK not about your alt but the rest is FACTUAL,, strange how it tends to be thumbs down for just stating the obvious proving my point many times over yet again..

lol sillyness I am going to beat ya on the thumbs down it's neck and neck in the final furlong

So how come you have a chicken as an avatar. Shouldn't it be chickpeas instead?


I'm actually a lacto-ovo-vegetarian, but I hope to be a vegan one day. Veganism is wonderful!:)

What a selfish thing to say... everyone knows that it's every animals one and only dream to be lightly chargrilled and served with a mild cajun pepper sauce... why do you want the animals not to have their dreams realised? that's so mean.

thats so true but its so hard to be 1 im vegatarian and i find we have so much meat ubstitutes now and other products we do not need meat anymore or there products :0)

LOL - good for you. I agree - the list of what would be improved on the Earth if we all became vegetarian/vegan is a long one, yet we're looked at as being crack pots! It's a mystery to me - a simple answer to so many ills, yet people don't want to believe it.

Someday...hopefully soon.

That's not really a question is it!

Nice post, thanks! The more people turn to a NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS lifestyle, the cleaner the environment becomes. The destructive effects animal-raising-for-food has on soil, water, and the very air we breathe is startlingly dramatic.

Not to mention all the bad karma from the cruelty inflicted on helpless animals.

Yes I agree that the world would be better if there were more vegans, there would be less cruelty caused to our animal friends who have no right to be eaten by us. But its not as simple as that is it? We live in a world where we are tempted and plagued by greasy fast food full of animal parts- can it get any more disgusting? I think vegans will go to heaven for sure.

Let the whole world become vegans and let farm animals become things of legends!

Hey, guys, I am trying. And I agree. But I'd feel a whole lot better if I stopped getting grief for "only being a vegetarian" or "if you're not vegan, you're not vegetarian."
That's just what others love to hear is sub-groups with in-fighting. And if you feel compelled to do so, be a little for discrete. It's hard to effect change with an "all or none" attitude.

It is the destiny of vegans to take over the world and ban the eating of all meat, and we will stop at nothing to accomplish that goal.

So..... you're saying that you actually WANT people to be cruel to animals?

Have you ever experienced engorgement?
Imagine the sort of pain a cow would be in if it wasn't milked regularly.
If people stopped drinking milk, all the worlds cows would become ill and would need to be slaughtered.

.....are you willing to take responsibility for that?

Vegetables and fruit are pollinated by animals, and fertilized with animal bi-products.
If it weren't for animals, you wouldn't have fruit and veg.

Are you finding this comment doesn't make sense?
Of course cows don't assist with pollination, they assist with fertilization, in the form of blood and bone.
Sorry if the punctuation confuses you.

P.P.S, to all the people who were outraged by what I said and have felt compelled to "tell me how it is" via email, .. I've now had to stop people from contacting me because my inbox is now full of psycho babble from people who sound like they need to get a bit of red meat into them.

(This comment is aimed at all the emails which were sent to me)
Sure, have your opinion, but trying to force your lifestyle on to others who are happy with their own, isn't going to aid with the inner peace you all seem to be seeking.

This sort of stuff is no worse than what goes on in the R&S section where people try to force their religious beliefs on others.

Sure, this may be the vegetarian/vegan section, but I didn't wander in here, this topic was viewable from the main page, and I'm just as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.

......and Michael,
Of course my reply has lots of thumbs down, as you said, I'm speaking my mind in a section where my opinions/views aren't welcome.
Surely even a malnourished vegan should be able to understand the science behind that? ;)

Perhaps I should also add that for many years I was a vegetarian (back in a time when the term "vegetarian" actually meant vegetarian, not "todays" version of vegetarian where you eat fish an chicken and only exclude red meat)
I can tell you all, first hand, that you are putting yourselves in line for a plethora of ongoing medical problems by denying your body what it needs.

thats not really a complaint about vegans, thats a complant like a normal one, and yes, more vegans please

That's right, By the way can I eat you.

Aw, what a sweet and thoughtful thing to say. I agree with you 100%. Crossing from vegetarian to vegan isn't hard once you make the plunge. I'd love to see more people give it a try and discover that for themselves. I thought it would be so difficult but I'm learning about new products and and alternatives every day that make the vegan diet not only bearable but PLEASURABLE. It's the smartest thing I've ever done.

I am currently watching EARTHLINGS on YouTube (please go watch it!). If more people just knew the truth about how horrifically animals are exploited and how incredibly unhealthy eating animal products are AND how everything really DOES indicate we just weren't meant to consume animal products then maybe things could be different and there would be more of us. But the meat and dairy industries are awfully powerful and you've got a lot of people who have spent a lifetime as meat-eaters (and dairy and egg-eaters!) and people have a tough time with change. Give it a few more generations and I think we're going to see big changes. I absolutely can envision a future in which we finally free ourselves from this dependance on animals.

it would be impossible for everyone on earth to be a veggitarian because animals eat each other (they eat eachother why cant we eat them)

Why am i thinking sandwich when i look at your avatar.

I agree with "Sillyness"
100%, wish I could give you more votes.

You can be a Vegan, Vulcan or Klingon I really don't care.

I will continue to hunt and kill my own meat thank you.

:) i didn't know what to expect with the question..

i'm vegan and have introduced alot of vegan meals to my family. i doubt they will ever be vegan or even vegetarian, but every time they have a meal that contains no animal flesh is helpful, eh?

have a good day

Your Utopia is a false premise that willl never happen. Cain killed Able out of envy... There wil always be envy and cruelty.

I guess i agree with the idea of what you are saying but i am a meat eater. sorry. but if you think about it...nobody has mentioned overpopulation. animal overpopulation is a big concern to me. if anyone cares to know, thats why we have hunting seasons. they have had their chance to reproduce offspring for the next generation, but, what happens with no deer season, turkey season, rabbit season, etc?? you would have deer running accross the interstates, turkeys flying into vehicles, rabbits producing so many babies that Thumper is going to become a State!! There is a place in this world for vegans and veggies, and there is a place in this world for meat eaters and hunters who do your country a favor by keeping the population of animals controlled and flourishing. This is how we survive in the world, always has been, always will be. Its natural. Not harmful.

You're right there aren't enough. We need to do more

the more cruelty-free i try to make my life, the more expensive it gets.

not all of us are in a privileged position to live an optimal lifestyle.


ha ha, you almost had me there!!!! ; D
ya, i'm going vegan when i am slightly older; i'm easing myself into it now-fish will be the only thing i'll feel bad about. MAYBE eggs, but only for the nutrients. don't worry though, i'm commited. so ya, bye!!!!

Lolz!!! Haha I thought you were AGAINST them! LOLZ!!

I am going to be a vegitarian this summer. Then a vegan.

If you think theres not enough, you should be one! :)

i TOTALY agree with you. check out this website.


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