Was Hilter a vegetarian?!


Was Hilter a vegetarian?


Thats what I've heard.

No, but he was a psycho...

Not entirely, but he did believe eating animals was poisonous to our bodies.

sexual pervert
he ate meat.
thrilled in murder.
No sissy veggie for him.

No he wasn't. He ate a mostly vegetarian diet later in life only due to digestive problems, but he was really a big meat eater. So I guess your inferrence that all vegetarians are Nazi's has just backfired.

I think

He was actually a vegetarian. According to some top Nazi's memiors he actually made fun of people at the state dinners that ate meat. He called them cannabals.

Yeah, he was. Most vegetarians are nazis.

Yes, it is definately true that Hitler is called a vegetarian by many, even himself. But in reality, he would not be considered a vegetarian by animal rightists today because he ate fish! The real famous vegetarians and vegans of history tend to be more of the peaceful type, such as ghandi. =]

No Hitler was not a vegetarian. He sometimes consumed less meat in his diet(on the advice of his doctor) because of intestinal problems.

This myth was often used as progoganda by the nazi's to make Hitler seem more "pure", it was also said he never drank or smoked(another lie). Biographical material about Hitler's alleged or qualified vegetarianism are contradictory. He was sometimes described as a "vegetarian," but his fondness for sausages, caviar, and occasionally ham, was well known. Hitler doted on Bavarian sausages and caviar. Not even the loosest definition of vegetarianism could be stretched to fit these gastronomic abominations. Yet, because nonvegetarians often have an elastic definition of what constitutes a vegetarian, they think that people like Hitler who eat fish, pigeons, and sausages are vegetarians. By this criterion, even jackals and hyenas, who eat fruits and vegetables between kills, could be classified as vegetarians. Vegetarians do not eat meat of any kind, so Hitler was not a vegetarian.

Hitler being vegetarian is irrelevant. People try and use this myth as if they are making some sort of point, but educated people understand the irrelevance of the myth.

Great website that explains why omnivore like using this myth. I have to say that the part about Benjamin Franklin being a vegetarian was interesting.

That just proved it Vegetarians are not right.

I'm sure YOU would like to think so. All you ever do here is rip on vegetarians. Get a life, you freak.

no, i believe he did have a special diet for health problems but even if he was a vegetarian i don't see why that would matter.

If he was, it wasn't a belief in "live and let live".
Gandi was a vegetarian.

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