Is this too much to eat today?!


Is this too much to eat today?

a bowl of cereal
and about maybe 6-8 cherries

lunch: bag of sun chips

when i got home: like 5 more cherries
a couple handfulls of cereal
and a small sandwich roll with cheese on it.

dinner: salad
and now a bag of smartfood popcorn


What are you trying to be Anorexic? That is not nearly enough and it's mostly crap. You need some protein. Some tofu, milk, yogurt, etc.

No, but not very well balanced.......

what? do you want us to say "yes" so you can stick your finger down your throat?


only if your anorexic

no its okay

eat something healthier for lunch

that seems pretty healthy except the big bowl of pop corn! maybe you should have gone with a healthier snack!?

It depends on your portion sizes really. But it sounds like you ate okay, not very nutrtionally high in value, but okay nonetheless.


No that's not too much in fact it doesn't sound like enough. I would still hungry if that's all I ate.

it's not too much it all.
it might not be very balanced but there's no need to worry.

That doesn't sound like enough food. Unless you are so overweight that it is a health danger, you didn't eat nearly enough food and certainly not enough protein.

If you are wondering if you ate too much, perhaps you should check and see if you have an eating disorder.

nope...that's no much at all. If you really want to know whether you are eating too much or too little, join Weight Watchers On-line. You can journal your food, you DON'T go to those meetings, and you don't have to be overweight.

you can't be serious - where is the protein, the 5 fruits and veggies, and all that stuff - you're ridiculous

what r u talking about... thats too little!

well that is alot of cherries. i only eat a south beach diet bar in the morning then for luch i have a salad and a clementine and then for dinner i would have a SMALL sandwhich and look where it got me. i have lost 10 pounds in two weeks. yes, what you listed is alot of food. esp. the sandwhich roll with cheese. gross.

If I ate that in one sitting I would still be hungry!

Where's the protein?

That is clearly not even close to enough food for one day!

The girl who answered above me here lost 110lbs in two weeks???
Girl get to the doctor! no diet can safely drop that kinda weight in two weeks!

You;ll get sick eating like that...if you keep that up, you'll get tired, you'll find your skin looks ashy and grey, and your hair will get brittle and you will gewnerally not feel should eat protein with each meal, you need more calcuim and you don't need so much processed foods.

No - but then if you want a lifelong weight problem keep with that plan.

i think that u didn't eat enough

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