Don't laugh..How Do I make Coffee?!
Don't laugh..How Do I make Coffee?
I don't really drink coffee, & rarely at home, however I'm going to make some right now to mix with hot choc. So I filled up the pot to make about 4 cups, the water i put in equals 18 fluid oz. the coffee I have suggests 2 tablespoonfulls PER 6 fluid oz of water...
Yes I can do the math, that's 6 tablespoonfuls.
That seems like a LOT & the last time I did this (a while ago) I don't recall using sooooo much. I don't want super super strong coffee, but not watered down either.
1 heaping tablespoon per cup is good
I think you got it right but if you are not sure make it strong and add more water if you must that is how I do it.
I always tried about a tablespoon and a half per cup of coffee (8 ounces of water). It definitely depends on what kind of coffee you use (how fine) and what kind of filter you have, but for standard,already ground, store-bought coffee, this should be about right. It seems to me that the more cups you make, the better your coffee tastes. It's hard to get the ratio correct in a really small batch, but it's no fun to waste coffee, either. Hope this helped.
the easiest way is to get a coffee maker and buy coffer beans and just make it that way. well that's how my mom does it anyway haha
you are good girl! go for that ****!
Bandyt got it right.You can always weaken it if too strong.
My Recipe
1tbls Nescafe` Hazel Nut Coffee,
1tbls Sugar,
Water and Milk
1tbls Nescafe` Hazel Nut Coffee
Water and Condense Milk
If you don't love this formula, then too bad, go get your taste buds fixed...