What kind of soda or other drink should I sell at my garage sale?!


What kind of soda or other drink should I sell at my garage sale?

I'm going to sell bottled water. I want to know what would appeal to the majority..............besides beer smart ***.

Our sales we usually have water, Coke, Diet, and Lemonade or something similar like Fresca. We sell the most water, then diet, then coke, then whatever else there was. Changing out the bottles so they can always see a frosty one sitting on top of the cooler helps!

Years of garage sale experience!

lemonade....or something refreshing gatorade ...

Get a cooler with baggies of ice. Set out some Sun Tea. Yummy! and don't forget the lemon for garnish. I would buy this at a yard sale for sure. Good Luck, hope you make a lot of money.

if i were you i would be selling lemonade or the old fashion soda and bottle pop. but you know you have to have a permit to be selling anything.

a cold iced lemonade drink and sell that

Many people like sodas, so stick to the basics.
-Diet Coke/ Diet Pepsi
-Coke/ Pepsi
-Dr. Pepper
-Maybe lemonade
Good luck and makes lots of $money$ !

Fresca is great choice. It has the appeal of something citrus, while having no caffeine and being sugar free.
Calories 0
Total Fat 0
Sodium 35mg
Total Carbs 0

Can't beat that!

I would play it safe with bottled water, sodas, anything that's already bottled.And sell individual bags of snacks too. People start getting hungry the closer to lunch time and if they have kids with them it'll be bought to quiet them so could continue garage sale shopping.

Kool-Aid everyone loves it!!! Its old school but its the sh!t

okay always have diet and regular. always diet for those annorexic bitches out their.lol jk. coke everyone loves dr.p and have some fruity drinks like lemonade or orange soda. i hope i helpped if its hot out water also

Definitely the bottled water, 7Up, Squirt, A&W RootBeer, Sunkist, Snapple, Dr. Pepper, something Diet, and Rockstar Energy Drinks (sell those at a slightly higher price). A fad around here is Glaceau VitaminWater, so you may want to give those a try (go for the purple or red ones they are the best). Be sure to put a couple homemade signs around the sale (on a tree, on the garage, etc.). Happy selling!

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