Coke Question?!


Coke Question?

Does coke ever expire? just wondering sorry if my question is stupid I hate asking stupid questions. Thanx in advance!

It does. But like many expirations with things that don't actually spoil (like with medications) it is put there by the manufacturer partially just to get you to toss it out and put out some $$$ to replace it. Essentially over time the Coke loses its fizz, as does all soda pop. I wouldn't toss it though unless the fizz levels are below your tolerance for flatish pop.

Okay if it is like a decade old, I guess I'd just toss it out, but I'd probably have to open one and try it just to see.

I don't think it ever expires, but it does go flat. I don't know, sorry I didn't have more information.

yes it does..the bottles and cans are marked

I don't think that it expires in the sense that it will make you sick, but it will lose it's freshness / carbonation over time. It lasts quite a while, though.

hey that's not stupid. i didn't know that either!

yep it sure does! probally not for a year or 2 after you purchase it tho. look on the bottom of the can for the xpire date!

I worked at Coca-Cola for many years. Diet Coke should be kept cold. If not, the nutrasweet can decompose, causing it to become very unstable. This will cause it to become ethyl alcohol, which is very unsafe to drink.

The Diet Coke found in fountain drinks, like at McDonald's, is still made with saccharine, which will not break down like nutrasweet will. Saccharine at one time was though to have caused cancer, but this has since been defunked. It is a very safe sweetener, but it does have a bitter aftertaste.

Regular, or classic coke will not decompse, but it will lose it's carbonation, making it flat. Preservatives are instilled in it so it won't mold, but I wouldn't be drinking it if it was over 6 months olds.

it doesnt really "expire" since there is so much sugar in it to act as a preservative. however, it can go flat or stale if exposed to air, and it would most definitely start to taste a bit funny after a couple years since the sugar may start to ferment.

Cans of all coke except diet expire in 9 months from date of bottling

All plastic bottles and cans of diet expire in 3 months from the date of bottling

They are right it won't make you sick, but in the case of the diets the artificial sweetners break down and for the regular pop it just doesn't taste the best. All bottles and cans are labeled so just follow the date and if its past the date taste and make your own decision.

i dont think so but it does get flat.

i work in soda distabution and can tell you 100%, yes soda expires. the littlle numbers on the cap or somtimes stamped on the bottom are out of date code. they make it complicated to read for people who are not trained to read them. they will have a letter first, then a 4 digit numeracle sequence that beaks down to days. these numbers represent days. ok the simple way to insure your soda is in code is this, the reps from each company will not put out soda that is out of code so your soda is good if you buy it from a major store, i wouldnt buy soda from mom and pop stores or liquor stores as i constantly remove expired product from these stores because they sit on the shelf so long.the shelf life on regular soda is about three months and for diet soda 6 months, so shop at major chains for soda and dont load your fridge or cooler in exsesive bulk. just keep in mind soda gets put on the shelf fresh and is rotated by date so only keep it for 3 to 6 months depending on the soda being diet or regular. i read the responses from the two who say coke lasts 9 months and the others, trust me they are absolutley wrong and the only thing they touched on that is close to the truth is the sugar thing and that is why diets last longer than regular

Yes it does I've drunk one before and it was not good.

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