It's just wrong?!


It's just wrong?

I went to some meat store so we could buy some beef and then i saw a sign that said "we sell goat and rabbit meat". I know I'm not a veg but how could they hurt a poor little bunny for food. It was bad. I would never ever eat a bunny. Would you? Probably not..right?

whats the difference ?

i think you are hypocrytical.

We have pet cows and sheep, they are full of character, have moods, feelings, love being fussed over. why are they any different to a rabbit ?

I guess the difference is you don't get to meet sheep, cows, goats and pigs. Well , thats just burying your head in the sand....they all have feelings you know.

So, in your life values, you are saying things that look cute have a higher right to life.

Wow, so shallow.

why is rabbit meat and different than cow meat if you really think about it

I'm not a vegetarian ....rabbit is not high on my list of meat products ..but yes...if I were very hungry and rabbit was the only thing I could get my teeth on ....yep...I'd eat it.

No, but only because they taste bad.

I almost ate some fried and battered rabbit once, but when I saw some rabbit hair sticking out, I couldn't..

If you eat meat then it really shouldn't matter. Baby calves, eaten as Veal look as sweet as bunnies do!!
Any animal killed for food is as bad as the other.

ya i woundt east a rabbit but if i need to survive then yes i will eat it

It just depends on your upbringing. A person in Wyoming might love rabbit, because that's what they ate as a kid. A person in Florida might love shark, because that's what they grew up on. Same way with people in other countries. People in Japan eat strange things, like squid that's still moving, and fish that are still alive as they are being consumed. Also in some Asian countries, they peel snakes skin off, while the snakes are still alive and moving. Very sick!
In some African countries, they eat mountain gorilla, and other monkeys.
It all depends on how a person was raised, or their current situation.

How can anyone eat a cow that gave you her milk when you were an infant, I am a vegan, but I care less about the bunny when I think about those millions of mother cow slaughtered.I guess it boils down to how we have trained to think about certain animals

I've eaten quite a few bunnies and found them to be absolutely delicious. It's a bit cliche, but they do taste a lot like chicken. You need to learn to embrace your status as the top of the food chain...

My bf had rabbit at a pricey restaurant in San Francisco. I tasted a bit of his and it was actually pretty tasty. Like others have said, the animal doesn't really matter. An animal is an animal. "Bunnies" have just gotten a better wrap because of the easter bunny, Disney movies, etc etc.

Why is a rabbit different from a cow? Some countries eat dogs or squirrels.

i dont see how eatting bunny is any diff than eatting cows or piggys.
personally i wouldnt eat any of it.

yes, bunnies are cute... but theyre also delicious. You need to quit worrying so much about what your food looks like before you eat it. Remember, just cause it's cuter than a cow doesnt mean it shouldnt be eaten

I would be sick if I saw rabbit on a plate. I would be thinking about my pet rabbit. But if that disturbs you maybe you should start thinking about the cows, chickens, pigs etc. that you eat? Not trying to be preachy but that cow you bought hurt just as much as the bunny when it was killed.

I'm not into eating rodents.

Actually yes. I've raised and butchered rabbits. It is a mindset issue, if you know the animal is destined for the table, you don't become attached and don't make a pet out of it.
As cute and soft and fuzzy as they are, rabbits are mean! I've been scratched from shoulder to wrist by them.

Unfortunately...people do kill all kinds of animals for meat...including dogs! This is why I don't use fur, leather, or products tested on animals either.

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