What is being Vegan all about??!


What is being Vegan all about??

I am not sure I understand the point. I respect your decision to eat whatever you want, and I am not judging you. Why do you not eat honey, and milk or eggs? Animals didnt die to get these things. I am just curious as to the point I guess. I also was wondering do you dislike people who eat meat and other animal products? I have had some people get pretty hostile with me in the local mall for eating a hamburger. I was very upset and embarrassed that anyone would single me out with my children with me, and call me an animal killer, and then tell me why I was wrong. I not so nicely told them to get lost. Why attack people for there choices, its a free country. I would like some insight please, thank you in advance for all your answers.

A vegan is someone who does not consume/use/wear anything from an animal or animal by-products (no meat, dairy, eggs, honey, leather, fur, wool, etc.). There are various reasons why someone chooses a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle (religious, health, animal rights, etc.). Not all vegetarians or vegans are confrontational with those who choose to consume/use meat or other animal products. I'm thinking that the ones who do are activists. As with any cause, there are some who are more extreme in their approach and are confrontational. Some people who consume/use meat or other animal products are equally confrontational when they encounter a vegetarian or vegan. Look at some of the comments that are left as answers here or some of the questions posted. You'll find disrespect from some on both sides of the issue. (Check out some of the other controversial topics and you'll find the same behaviors.)

Why do they react so strongly? I don't know, really. Some perhaps feel like the confrontational approach will convince others to see things differently (that approach certainly doesn't work well with me ) while others may take that approach because they don't feel as secure or confident or feel threatened by a position they don't understand. I can imagine that there are other reasons for such behavior, but I certainly don't claim to understand it.

I'm sorry that someone lacked the respect and courtesy to perhaps approach you in a more rational manner rather than become hostile with you, especially in front of your children. Not all vegetarians or vegans are like that. I know quite a few, and none of the ones I know are like that. I hope that you'll encounter vegetarians and vegans like the ones I know. In fact, you probably have and just don't know it because they're not likely to call attention to themselves unless it's at a company luncheon, dinner, or are friends invited to dine, etc. ;o) Remember, that for each hostile or confrontation person (in whatever issue) there are many more who respect your right to your lifestyle choices, beliefs, convictions, etc. :o)

A person following the vegan philosophy attempts to live without consuming or otherwise harming other creatures. This involves observing a pure vegetarian diet (no animal products of any kind). So eating honey, milk and eggs would not be ok because they come from animals.

I don't think anyone should force their way of life on other people. If people want to be vegan, they have that right, but don't lecture other people who don't feel the same.

I think vegan is not that good. If u r vegan u are not allowed to eat anything from animals. All u have to eat is VEGETALBLE AND VEGEBURGER

I'm a vegetarian and I never hassle non-vegetarians for eating meat. Neither do I want to be hassled for not eating meat. Try not to make generalizations about vegans/vegetarians. We're most of us just tryin' to get along in a world that doesn't make it easy to BE a vegan/vegetarian.

To be vegan you need to stay away from products that come from animals or are made from animals. (nothing with a face) i.e eggs(comes from chickens) milk ( comes from cows)

I am a vegetarian and don't eat animals who had to die, as you said. I think vegans take it a step further than I because they can't approve of the way animals are kept, and treated, that produce things like eggs, butter and milk. And you are absolutely correct about being free to eat what you want, without being criticized. It is supposed to be a free country. The next time a vegan or vegetarian says anything to you, check out their shoes, belt, handbag or jacket. If they're wearing leather, then you can give them some insight into their hypocrisy.

Veganism is a way of living which excludes all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom, and includes a reverence for life. It applies to the practice of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals.

Animals do die for these; milk,eggs,and honey.
When male chicks are born they are thrown into a grinder or a bag to suffocate because they cannot produce eggs,and they are not the same breed of chickens raised for meat.

Dairy cows have to be pregnant in order to produce milk,just like all mammals,when they have male calves they are raised for veal or killed instantly.Dairy cows end up into hamburger.

Honey bees do die,even if they don't they are still exploited for their honey,which is against vegan ethics.

I don't dislike someone because they don't eat animals products,do I disagree with it?Yes,but I'm not going to go around calling people murderers because that would just hurt my cause.

I think they attacked you out of frustration,I'm sure they wish people just knew about factory farming,like you said earlier,you think animals don't die for milk and eggs,when in reality they do.The overwhelming majority of people have no idea how animal products end up on their plate,or even what a factory farm is.


Well they should tell you its all about the health benefits. But when it boils down to it they just want to save the whales and be Captain Planet.

I am a vegetarian, I eat milk, eggs, cheese, etc,.

I like everyone(most of my family eats meat)

That was wrong of the person to critize you! I think people can get over board.
Some vegans and vegetarians(like me) don't eat meat, because of the cruelty of the animals, they like animals, and they don't like the thought of eating a died animal.

Not that meat eaters don't like animals!!!

i can tell you it's unhealthy to drink milk, or eat eggs, or i consider egg a life, or there's problly pus in milk, plus i can't drink milk, plus the bees die to make honey, they make the honey for themselfs to live on, not to feed other people, if they were working for us, they should get paid, and get to vote!

ps i don't know what vegans is about, it sounds like a good ideal though

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