Should i punch my mom in her babymaker?!


Should i punch my mom in her babymaker?

this ignorant ***** really pissed me off today here's why...

first thing she did was ask me if i want pasta and meat sauce and that i could just PICK the meat out and just have the flavor.

then when i told her that was effed up and im not that kind of vegetarian she says "what if i use turkey meat?" .

so why question is.... ive been a strict vegetarian for a year now why cant this biotch stop proposing meat to me and trying to justify that one dead animal is less cruel to eat then another??

oh yeah and a third thing she constantly starts arguments by saying " i didnt kill the animal myself im not guilty of anything"

i dont know how i was born out of something so ignorant.anyways im done venting someone write something .

~much love

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
i cook my own meals my mom hasnt cooked for me since i was 14 , she just approaches me like a smart *** and acts like a dumb ***** . when she eats a "hot dog" she goes mmmmm and tries to put it near my face. nice mom?

btw , not a typical moody vegan hun im a vegetarian and im quite nice .

2 weeks ago
i cook my own meals my mom hasnt cooked for me since i was 14 , she just approaches me like a smart *** and acts like a dumb ***** . when she eats a "hot dog" she goes mmmmm and tries to put it near my face. nice mom?

btw , not a typical moody vegan hun im a vegetarian and im quite nice .

LMAO!!! I understand your frustration,but try not to get to0 worked up over these things,it'll just make it harder on yourself,my family does that to me all of the time.They really just don't understand it.They'll ask me why I just don't pull the pepperoni off the pizza or just pull the cheese off and then eat it.They ask me why I just don't eat white meat,WTF? I guess they don't consider chicken and fish animals.You should just really try and ignore their comments and laugh about them later.I'm still laughing about them asking "Why don't you just eat white meat?"

Conscientious vegan

Wow, you're a real winner. Why don't you cook for yourself then?

Honey if you want to punch anyone just walk your skinny But down to your Local Army recruiting office and enlist.Then you can go to war and get into all the fights you want.You sound like a typical female vegan,angry,moody and probably a Bad roll in the Hay too.

no you can't violent cannot solve any question always remember this.

uhhh ok..

just cook for yourself if she doesnt understand! You are lucky that you have a mother that wants to cook for you,,you are even more lucky that your mother doesnt punch you in your "babymaker" for yelling at her. But you rly need to cook for yourself if you are a veghead and she is not.

Miss, I understand your feelings but you need to show your mother how you feel. Calmly explain how cruel animal slaughter is. Argue, persuade etc. Prove to her that it's hurtful by cutting one of her legs off and eating it raw. Hang her upside down and play some "System Of A Down" songs. That really helps. :)

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you cook her leg.

I would start making my own meals if I didn't like what my mother was cooking for me if I were you. As a matter of fact I do cook my own meals I'm not a vegetrian though.

Get off of here and go make something yourself then. Be happy you have a mom who FEEDS YOU. I know i'm thankful for what my mom and dad give me, and i hate to see people like you who don't appreciate anything. If you really don't want to eat meat, then show your mom some damn respect and instead of arguing with her go cook for yourself.

I am going to assume you are a teenager and even though you are upset I think it is hard for some parents to handle the transition when a child decides to be a vegaterian. Remember, you have eaten meat longer than you have not eaten meat. So calm down. Instead of acting like an immature child, threatening violence and using obscenities, why dont you sit down with your mom with a list of foods you will eat, offer to participate in grocery shopping so the correct stuff is bought for you and maybe offer to cook a vegetarian dinner for the whole family so they can see how good it is.

***How old are you?? If you are 18 MOVE OUT!!

your mum has issues.

Probably bourne out of denial, guilt and ignorance.

Buy her some drugs, although it sounds like she might already be on some !

She is just plain ignorant. Sometimes you have to walk away because some people just do not have the capacity to behave like a respectful human being.

I don't think its anything to so with you having to explain your views, as suggested above. Its just about respect. You should be able to say "i don't want to eat meat because I don't" should not have to justify your moral stance to anyone.

You've got energy, make sure you use it postively.

It's all about attitude. Remember, McDonald's did not invent eating meat. Humans developed as omnivores in nature. Eating meat is not bad, then, no more than if a cat eats a mouse. You have made a rather political/social decision, one that you can stick to but one that is not for everyone. Your mom may be a bit nutty on her meal suggestions, but her act with the hot dog sounds like she also has a sense of humor. Do the same to her when you eat a banana, or as she's biting into a hot dog make little screaming sounds and say in a falsetto, "Please don't eat me, aaaaaah!" If it becomes fun and games instead of a political war everyone wins and others might even be entertained by you and your mother.

IF I was your mother I would drop your ungrateful *** off at the orphanage and let the nuns deal with you. Or better yet the police since you are theatening violence against her.

Thank you for showing us typical vegetarian hate, I can see no difference between a vegetarian and a typical terrorist anymore.

Damn you seem very needy huh. Why don't you go buy food and make it yourself. Shes probably doing this because its costs money to provide food. Cost even more money to provide food to a family and have to shop separately for you. You seem like an ungrateful little brat if you ask me. I see that others have the same opinion I do. So what your mom asks you if you want some meat. There is no reason to call your mother, the one who brought you into this world, a b1tch. Speaking of baby makers maybe someone should have punched her in her baby maker when she was carrying you. Maybe she wouldn't have to deal with such a spoiled brat like yourself. Get over it. Grow up. Get a job. Move out.

I cant believe you talk about your mother like that, thats crazy.GROW UP!!

You have problems and need to seek professional help. You should not hit your mother. I will pray for you.

she's your mother!! you should love and respect her,if you werent so ungreatful maybe you would have realized that this was a stupid question!!!

The only idiot here is you!!!! Looks like your mom was punched in her baby maker when you were in it!!!!!!!!!!

Hi. I would just like to tell you that i am a vegetarian too. My mum has supported me the entire way. I dont think she believed me at first, but once she saw i was serious, she helped out a lot. It is important that at a young age you get support for whatever you do. What you need to do is stick it to your mom and stay vegetarian no matter what she says. Shoving hot dog in your face is a cruel and immature thing to do. She needs a serious wake up call. She needs to accept the fact that you are a vegetarian. Even though she might not agree, she still needs to respect your beliefs and reasonings. And you've been cooking your own meals for a year?! You go honey! You should sit your mom down and explain to her that this is your choice and you really need someone to respect that. Punching her would just get her angry! Dont go down that road. You know you save over one hundred animals a year? To me that is making a difference. Keep up the good work!

Oh yeah, and who ever said , "You sound like a typical female vegan,angry,moody and probably a Bad roll in the Hay too." needs to lay off. We happen to be very kind and considerate people. Everyone can get angry. I mean look at what her mom is putting her through! Vegetarian or not, she has the right to be upset.

When I was a teenager my dad was awful. I'd get the jokes and the attitude like I was being so unreasonable, too. My best friend's parents were the worst. Not only would they make fun of me but once we went camping and they offered me "veggie chili" that turned out to be turkey chili. I was also viewed as some kind of nut by my teachers because a lot of my life revolved around animal rights and I would choose topics for papers and projects that focused on them - I'd get eye rolls and have to debate every fact with them. What it did was make me stronger and better able to stick to my convictions. It sounds like your mom thinks she's being more funny than anything (like with the hot dog). Instead of laughing with her, get pissed and eventually she'll only do that sort of thing if she's really prepared to deal with you being in a bad mood. It's like when I used to tickle my husband because I thought it was so cute to see him squirm - when I got it through my thick skull that he really hated it I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore. Who wants to be around grumpy people? When she makes ridiculous suggestions like picking meat out of prepared food, tell her thanks but no thanks and eventually she will HAVE to comprehend your rules unless she truly is an idiot. I would be careful about eating anything she cooks if i were you. People who suggest picking meat out are the same kind of people who will put egg or milk in something thinking it's not a big deal and then tell you it's perfectly vegan.

Ok, don't punch your mom even if she is annoying. Just tell her you don't want meat sauce because it's gross. It really is...I always thought it looked like someone threw up on a plate of pasta myself.

wow! Sounds like youre a mirror reflection to m.. except it's my dud that says that. He teases me that panuts are called "meat" and he says clam chower is okay because it ISNT a meat. Blah de blah blah blah. I just cook, and have them try my tofu meals and such, and when they say it tastes great, I tell then that then they cant use the excuse of "it tastes so good"... what makes me really mad is when people ask "but why can you kill a plant?" Well, they are doing studies to see if plants feel. Until then, ill stuff my face withcelery and carrots thank you! Okay, so this didnt answer anything...but i had to vent out ~^^~ {X's and O's, Zeraida}

Definitely not. Just explain things to her and be patient. She's your mum afterall, and having to prepare meals is a chore, she's just trying to select the best choice for you (although she can be wrong).

If you punched her, you can land in jail, and it may also make ppl think vegetarians are violent or smth..

You have a very nasty mouth. If you were mine I would put you out along with your vegetables!

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