Are artificial sweeteners 'health food'?!


Are artificial sweeteners 'health food'?

I mean 'health food'. It's not because they stop people from getting fat they are neccesarily 'healthy'.

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2 weeks ago
i avoid them. they leave a funny metallic aftertaste in my mouth.
Asking the question cause one high street 'health food shop' sells allsorts that is laced with them :-)

2 weeks ago
allsorts as in different things. Not the liquirice type ...

2 weeks ago
i avoid them. they leave a funny metallic aftertaste in my mouth.
Asking the question cause one high street 'health food shop' sells allsorts that is laced with them :-)

2 weeks ago
allsorts as in different things. Not the liquirice type ...

No, probably not. Bound to be side effects.

read this:

Dangers of Aspartame Poisoning
The dangers of aspartame poisoning have been a well guarded secret since the 1980s. The research and history of aspartame is conclusive as a cause of illness and toxic reactions in the human body. Aspartame is a dangerous chemical food additive, and its use during pregnancy and by children is one of the greatest modern tragedies of all.

Why haven't you heard about aspartame poisoning before? Partly because the diet industry is worth trillions of American dollars to corporations, and they want to protect their profits by keeping the truth behind aspartame's dangers hidden from the public. When NutraSweet? was introduced for the 'second' time in 1981, a diet craze revolutionized America's eating protocols and a well-oiled money machine was set into motion changing modern lifestyles.

After more than twenty years of aspartame use, the number of its victims is rapidly piling up, and people are figuring out for themselves that aspartame is at the root of their health problems. Patients are teaching their doctors about this nutritional peril, and they are healing themselves with little to no support from traditional medicine

No they are not 'healthy' for you per se but are there to curb your sweet tooth without adding empty calories :)
Take care

they are not healthy at all

No they aren't, they are full of chemicals. If my children have anything with sweeteners, aspartame in particular, they get extremely hyperactive within minutes. I avoid them as much as possible.

Hi I don't believe in sweeteners, I believe they make you crave more sugar.

No. Anything artificial is likely to be unhealthy. The best natural sweeteners are honey and raw cane sugar. White sugar should be avoided because it is processed with sulphuric acid, which is why it rots the teeth. It provides "empty" calories which have no nutritional value.

The only exception would be if you are diabetic and cannot have sugar then you are forced to use artificial sweeteners.

People who get their sugar from eating fresh fruit do have fewer health problems than those who eat refined sugar, including diabetes, obesity, toothdecay and headaches.

no they're not healthy. in fact, they are chemically altered sugar products. stevia, rice syrup and barly malt are great natural sweetners.

No, if it's artificial it's not natural, so I can't see how it can be healthy. I'm surprised a health food shop is selling anything containing artificial sweeteners, or anything else.

i am not sure that "artificial" and "health" can be put in the same sentence with regards to food.

the government labels food as healthy or not healthy by measuring the amounts of sugar, fat and salt in them. As sweetners dont contain any they are classed as healthy - BUT - as they are artificial, they don't actually contain anything that is good for you so no they are not healthy

Artificial sweeteners are low in calories, but not healthy. Try Stevia instead, it's natural and has some health benefits. You can get it at health food stores and major supermarkets.

Don't know, I have never knowingly used them...

No, they are not health food. They are artificial chemicals which do nothing useful in your body. I even read somewhere that some of them can make you fat by slowing down the rate at which your body uses up food.

YAY Splenda!


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