Does coffee count as breakfast?!


Does coffee count as breakfast?

I always have coffee when I get to work, but skip having any food.

I know breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day, but does coffee count as breakfast? Although it's not food, it does kickstart your system thanks to the cafeeine.

Is the purpose of breakfast to kickstart your system?

the purpose of breakfast is to gett all the nutients and vitamins in your body so you can last through the day. coffe does not do this. all you are getting is a 'buzz' from the caffine. if you want something small to kick start you in the morning, eat a banana (with your coffe, if you want). it's full of potassium and stuff that gives your body a natural kick start, or rush.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout.

Coffee is one of the most expensive ways to get health-enhancing nutrients into your body. Typically coffee is mostly water. A much better way to improve your health using tropical plants is to take supplements of Amazon herbs, which can be purchased from a variety of online sources. Another way is to eat nutrient-dense superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina or wheat grass juice. Ounce per ounce, these superfoods are no more expensive than coffee, and yet they pack in probably tens of thousands of times as much nutrition at the molecular level.

Coffee has a variety of highly destructive effects on the human body, too, such as leeching minerals from bones due to coffee's high acidity. Many people use extremely unhealthy creamers in their coffee: a product often made with hydrogenated oils that are well known to contribute to heart disease. The bottom line? Coffee in the real world, not the lab, is more like a junk food than a health food, and its addiction properties make it a poor choice for people seeking balance and health. And the way most people drink it, coffee probably promotes heart disease.

energizing snacks......

The best snacks include some protein and fat. Add 1/4 cup of MACADAMIA NUTS (a great source of both) to 1/4 cup RAISINS to even out your blood sugar and energy levels and satisfy your midmorning hunger.

GREEN and BLACK TEA actually help your insulin regulate your blood sugar more effectively.

BLUEBERRIES (as well as peaches and plums) rank low on the glycemic index so they don't trigger blood sugar spikes.

RAISINS make your blood sugar level skyrocket; they're virtually all sugar. Your body releases insulin to shuttle all that sugar out of your blood and into storage, leaving your blood sugar low again and your energy even lower.

EDAMAME, or soybeans, contain a balance of carbs, protein, and good fat, so your body burns them slowly and you avoid an afternoon slump. Find them in natural food stores, Asian markets, and some supermarkets

I think you get a perk from coffee, but not much else. Bet you're starving come dinner time.

make sure you have a cigarette with your coffee...that's known as a blackpool breakfast!

No it doesn`t, it is always better to eat breakfast, it`s the most important meal of the day ask any doctor or anyone in the health care profession.....

If you have a coffee made with milk, instead of water and some sugar it has some calories and can then help kickstart your day. However, just a watery sugarless coffee is not really sufficient. I'm the same but with a cup of tea, I dont eat anything either and people have commented before that I should eat something!

I would say no, in fact coffee doesn't even count as fluid intake, like water...

Coffee does the trick for me (of course the purists will argue that I should be doing a Red Bull chaser, but I'm not one of those health freaks lol)

I skip breakfast during the week when i'm working. I have tea when i go into work & it seems to kickstart me. If i had a choice i'd have breakfast though, i'm just too lazy to get up earlier!!!

No it doesn't count as breakfast.

Also you may like to know that coffee infact comes from a seed and not a been.

Breakfast means to break your fast ... you should consider that meals were alot more scarce one or more hundred years ago. So to break fast meant that you had not eaten for some time, and just did so. What you consider a meal is up to you.
Coffee is a meal as long as it is concluded by a cigarette.

No not to kickstart your system.
Food is to give you enough energy to be able to function properly.

Eat your breakfast like a good boy!

coffee counts as breakfast if you live in my house!

realistically though, no it doesnt, its an empty kick start, short lived, an not effective. food is the secret!

A three course breakfast --- Coffee, *** and a good cough!!
Seriously its far better for your system to eat something with your coffee, ie toast, cornflakes etc.

The purpose of breakfast is to fuel your body and give you energy to last you ntil dinner time. Coffee doesnt do this, it gives you a temporary rush that lasts maybe an hour tops (depending on how strong it is). Once this rush is over, you crash and end up feeling sluggish and tired. A breakfast consisting of complex carbs, i.e. porridge, gives you energy in steady bursts all morning. So to answer your does NOT count as breakfast. :-)

No coffee on it's own does not count as breakfast. If it is with toast or a full fry up then it counts.

Coffee is not breakfast!!! Breakfast should consist of slow release carbohydrates which should keep your blood sugars level throughout the day. And protein. And calcium.

Have you ever had the sugar cravings or the shakes? That is because you did not eat enough for breakfast. Caffeine actually causes your blood sugars to drop.

If you find it a bind getting things ready and sitting down and eating it in the morning - get everything ready the night before.

And go steady on the coffeee - it is really not doing you any good. It is like a drug, it might feel nice by giving you an instant rush, but when you "come down" you will feel lousy!

Breakfast literally means breaking your fast. It's your first meal of the day after 8-10 hours. The best breakfast would be something that would nourish you, without making you feel lethargic and provide you with the strength to go about your day. Coffee may make wake you up, but it's certainly not a good way to kickstart your day... it hardly provides you with any nourishment, besides causing acidity. Try to include milk, cereal, eggs, fruits in your breakfast... you can follow it with a cup of coffee.
Try it for a few days and feel the difference :)

For me coffee is the essense of my morrning and its my whole breakfast.

no you need to eat cerael or grains of start your system

Caffe is a stimulant, it only keeps you awake but not rested, i feel awful when i drink cofee when i dont sleep enough. Breakfest is the most important meal of the day (my people say) because in the morning youeat for the whole day, in the afternoon you give to your friends, and ay the night you give the food to your family.

If you have time for coffee you have time for a few rounds of brown toast. Look after yourself better!!!!

Does it for me - sick of people telling me that it is unhealthy not to have some solid food.


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