Is it ok to defrost prawns by puting them in hot water?!


Is it ok to defrost prawns by puting them in hot water?

My boyfriend thinks this would be ok but I think its a health risk

NO. Defrost them in COLD water or they will begin cooking in spots and then you have tough prawns. It only takes about 3 minutes more to defrost them in cold. Put them into a collander and run cold water over them continuously, turning them with your fingers occasionally. They defrost in about 6 minutes.

It is fine to defrost them this way.

um... i think it shoudl be fine, just look it up on the net

I do this and have not come to any harm, also put them in the microwave

It's how I've always done it

only if you want food poisoning

if the water is hot, you will cook them.

Defrosting prawns and shrimp:
As most prawns and shrimp that you buy, whether they are raw or cooked, will be frozen, they must be defrosted completely before cooking.

In order to defrost frozen prawns or shrimp, remove the shellfish from their original packaging and place them in a bowl. Cover the bowl and then leave the shellfish to defrost in the refrigerator overnight.

For a more rapid method, wrap the prawns or shrimp tightly in waterproof packaging, for example cling film and place the package into a sink full of cold water. 1lb of frozen prawns or shrimp should defrost in about an hour using this method.

Never defrost any type of shellfish at room temperature and it is best not to defrost them in the microwave either.

Defrosting the prawns or shrimp will ensure a more even cooking and will prevent any contamination from harmful bacteria. The bacteria are destroyed through cooking so long as the shellfish has been properly defrosted beforehand.

Yes this would be a health risk. Prawns should ideally be de-frosted in the fridge overnight and then cooked thoroughly before serving.

I use cold water and they defrost in about half hour if you keep changing the water regularly. Do not use hot water as it will increase the chances of food poisoning.

no dont do it you will go down with food poisining you can defrost them by using cold water but keep them in the bag they are in

using hot water can in fact start to cook them as they are defrosting, however you can defrost them quite safely using cold water.

the best way is to let them defrost overnight in the fridge. do not use warm water for defrosting anything ...germs breed in warm conditions...if you have to - use cold water.

No. You should thoroughly defrost them naturally, or in COLD water. Don't take risks with any food, especially sea-foods.

cold normal water would be better cause prawns wont loose their taste when u cook

No, warm water is a breeding ground for bacteria. The water has to be less than 40 degrees celcius or higher than 140 degress. This will inhibit bacteria growth.

I wouldn't but I do not eat prawns. But I guess they would be okay if they were already cooked and were to be used immediately. However, if you are making a curry or something I would stick them straight in with the hot sauce and then heat it thoroughly, so there should be no problems!

no no no ............COLD

Put them under cold running water. I was taught that this is the best way.

Hot water will encourage the growth of bacteria. Always defrost meat and fish in the refrigerator.

Defrost them in the fridge. Keep them in a flat bowl covered with plastic wrap and the bowl on a chillypad ... you know those things you use to keep things cool for picnics. It gives you a cool temperature ... cooler than refrigerator and warmer than the freezer.

Never use hot/boiling water ... but do a test-see on one. Check what happens.

NO! You will be cooking your shrimp. Use a thin stream of running water in the sink. This works better than submerging in water and is faster as well. The best and safest way is to thaw in the fridge.

no i dont think that is the best way?
i put my frozen prawns in clean tap water [cold]
and leave for 5-6 mins ,drain prawns into a sieve
fill the bowl with cold tap water again,replace the prawns
and leave for 10mins,repeat above once more for another 10mins,drain prawns into a sieve,and leave them to drain thoroughly at room temp for 15-20 mins, now ready to eat but replace any uneaten or unused prawns in a bowl and place straight into the fridge and eat them within 24hrs


No no no!
You should never use hot water on frozen foods, this can give you food poisoning. You can however use cold water which will help defrost although it will take slightly longer!

Saved your life there! heehee!!!

If you do then please let me know what hospital you are in and I will send you some flowers. It is potentially very dangerous so why risk it. If you must - defrost in cold water but they do absorb it and it affects their cooking if raw. Defrost in the fridge overnight if possible.

I cannot believe all the thumbs down to the answers that tell you about the bacteria that will breed if you raise the temp enough to defrost but not cook. I think whoever gave them the thumbs down wants you to get ill. Don't do it, cold water if you need to use them in a hurry.

ye put them in a food bag, tie it n leave in hot water and then enjoy xxxx

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